Country: Australia
Registered: April 11, 2017
Last post: September 21, 2021 at 11:36 PM
Posts: 278
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this is true! massive shout out to all the staff who make sure the scores are up to date!

posted about 2 years ago

this didnt age well :(


posted about 3 years ago

Thank you Mr logix

posted about 3 years ago

they should build around him

posted about 3 years ago

Trill also moving to Valorant

posted about 3 years ago

I hope shockwave gets resigned

posted about 3 years ago

I think he was a very intelligent player. No idea why he was benched.

posted about 3 years ago

I think there's some people who just really hate the org too

posted about 3 years ago

Second map was route 66 I think

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

Jordation back on dps pog

posted about 3 years ago

and the best org name

posted about 4 years ago

Like we haven't seen other teams play two flex supports?

Like the shock didn't have a 11/12 man roster last season where every player was crucial?

posted about 4 years ago

finally!! this dude is nuts glad he made it to owl

posted about 4 years ago

Nico couldn't get much done as Doom against bqb and yaki. Paris lost the mirror comp too

posted about 4 years ago

Thanks enigma

posted about 4 years ago

Would it be possible to have horizontal scrolling in the standings for owl on mobile? Can't see map differential or other stats (anything other than map wins)

Please and thank you

posted about 4 years ago

I was a little worried in oasis but the widow swap worked so well

posted about 4 years ago

This still won't stop random one tricking lol

posted about 4 years ago

there's a workshop i use called "realistic aim trainer". made by todan#1787 : https://workshop.elohell.gg/mND2G7Viasf-tEP/

posted about 4 years ago


posted about 4 years ago

No hanzo??

posted about 4 years ago

muma makes a great play and the rest of the team dont seem to be ready to back him up

ggs, mayhem showing great teamwork and skill, very good team to watch

posted about 4 years ago

Just click the link from over.gg lol

posted about 4 years ago

I wonder how this affects the all access pass

posted about 4 years ago

Shock used 4 dps players

Maybe other teams will do the same and rotate dps

Glad did it in S1 for a bit

posted about 4 years ago

miami heat and miami vice are not the same

posted about 4 years ago

"resistance to input from veteran esports personal"

most things doa says seem to have shade

posted about 4 years ago

First match in December?!

posted about 4 years ago


posted about 4 years ago

sideshow just had to do it to 'em

posted about 4 years ago

That's a cool graphic pog

posted about 4 years ago

from that graphic of the squad members should we assume that envy is no longer with the team?

posted about 4 years ago

punk is so good

posted about 4 years ago

for the non australians, this is a very sarcastic post

posted about 4 years ago

i think what made the titans look good was the synergy they had with bumper. all great players tho. i dont think just swapping bumper for fissure will suit them, even if fissure has a similar aggressive style, it was how bumper could literally go into the backline with the full support of the team that made the titans work. definitely going to look like a different team without bumper doing bumper things.

posted about 4 years ago

i just hope he's not unlucky in owl and dies to broken overpowered heroes

posted about 4 years ago

these pick ups jut make me think the dragons are afraid of not being flexible enough in dps or off tank positions, though its really weird they sign players with similar hero pools

posted about 4 years ago

blase is playing dps for them

posted about 4 years ago

danteh ?

posted about 4 years ago

fleta plays a good everything

posted about 4 years ago

yo im glad neptuno got pikced up again!

posted about 4 years ago


posted about 4 years ago

Doha and Decay will be a great duo!

posted about 4 years ago

fragi really improved as the season progressed and stopped feeding as much, philly came together as a team. remember that SDB was playing before eqo, and SDB has a very passive style while fragi is very aggressive - so obviously fragi feeds with SDB playing.

i guess philly just thought sado was the better main tank no matter how much fragi improved. thats probably true, but it doesnt mean fragi isnt still really really good.

even if you get into owl as a sub, you still got into owl. massive respect, fragi must have been good.

posted about 4 years ago
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