Off-tank player punk has announced he is no longer with Uprising Academy Uprising Academy Contenders NA Rank #4 Adam Adam Soong off tank Mozser Michael Moser flex support Stellar Lee Do-Hyung dps Finale dps GIG Rick Salazar tank Dank Damien Ryding tank FiXa Kwon Young Hoon (κΆŒμ˜ν›ˆ) support . Additionally, main tank Teetawat has announced he is no longer with the team and is now a free agent.

punk joined Uprising Academy last year in December and played in three Contenders seasons with the team. They made the playoffs in two of those seasons. Prior to that, punk played in Australia with Dark Sided and then the Sydney Drop Bears. He has been on Australia's World Cup team for the past two years.

Teetawat joined Uprising Academy more recently, joining the team in May and playing in just one Contenders season for them. Teetawat did not play in the final regular season game for Uprising Academy in Contenders 2019 Season 2 nor did he play in their lone playoff match.

punk leaves an Uprising Academy team that recently secured off-tank Mouffin as a two-way player with the Uprising's Overwatch League squad. Although Mouffin first joined Uprising Academy late in the last Contenders season, Mouffin did not start over punk following his signing.

These moves comes less than a week after Uprising Academy added Noxious as an assistant coach. Noxious previously coached punk for a short time on the Sydney Drop Bears.

They also follow the addition of head coach Spilo, who joined the team in October following the end of the Contenders season for the Uprising. Spilo coached Teetawat on Sydney Drop Bears for a few months earlier in 2019.

While Uprising Academy are now down to just four players, they still have a main tank and off-tank. The team needs a DPS player and a main support player. They announced the addition of DPS Lethal earlier today.

The next match for Uprising Academy will be in the 2020 season of Contenders.

Uprising Academy Uprising Academy Contenders NA Rank #4 Adam Adam Soong off tank Mozser Michael Moser flex support Stellar Lee Do-Hyung dps Finale dps GIG Rick Salazar tank Dank Damien Ryding tank FiXa Kwon Young Hoon (κΆŒμ˜ν›ˆ) support 's lineup is:

  • Denis "Lethal" Tari (DPS)
  • Walid "Mouffin" Bassal (Two-way Off-tank)
  • Timber "kraandop" Rensen (Tank)
  • Victor "Scaler" Godsk (Flex Support)

Their staff is:

  • Jacob "Spilo" Clifton (Head Coach)
  • Matthew "Noxious" Sawyer (Assistant Coach)