Country: Italy
Registered: December 5, 2017
Last post: March 16, 2019 at 6:22 AM
Posts: 152
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well, lets be honest here. this whole league is forced asf.

posted about 5 years ago

the situation would be the same if u put a college team into the nba and next season put a propper sign a nba team for that exact team. ofc it will break a loosing streaks :O

posted about 5 years ago

its a gestapo policy.

posted about 5 years ago

also how I meant it no offense to the black race just mostly banter about blizzard Gestapo policy in owl.
sorry if it offended ppl im just guy who says/write what comes in his head.

posted about 5 years ago

damn this overwatch community straight autistic if they cant take simple banter

posted about 5 years ago

with snow gone they need that 1 black guy in the league for political correctness i guess

posted about 5 years ago

if u want to be the best team u gotta import the best and in this case koreans :D

posted about 5 years ago

just look around ppl got greedier more hateful more toxic since trap music became a thing, no yoke

posted about 5 years ago

i dont think it has to do with the game it's just humanity in general got way more toxic in the last years.

posted about 5 years ago

wonder how many players need to retire for blizzard to finally understand their forced money league is literally killing their own game :D
but hey its blizzard afterall so i doubt they give a shit its not like they ruined games before cuz of greed.

posted about 5 years ago

this is totally not good. now they will have only ppl on the desk that can entertain you but that lack alot of game knowledge compared to reinforced. i hope they will stack up the table big time.

posted about 5 years ago

any football/soccer team with that big of a name would be dumb to join this league where u cant even brand your own name to be honest :D

posted about 6 years ago

cuz it saves money and blizzard dont care about T2 Events :D

posted about 6 years ago

pretty much a no brainer if a support does more dmg than 90% of the dps players in this league :D

posted about 6 years ago

geguri just for the political correctness and jake will do the talkin. should be fine OW at the next olympics.

posted about 6 years ago

esport on tv is literally a bad idea for now.
we had here some shows also i think germany had some shows for csgo/dota and they all had really really low viewership cuz ppl just prefer twitch cuz its layf.

posted about 6 years ago

now im 100% sure fuel will lose vs shanghai cuz i was hoping for some seagul hanzo

posted about 6 years ago

dafran is gone dude. he admitted that he boosted almost half a year in ow :D

posted about 6 years ago

2 more years and saudis will buy blizzard

posted about 6 years ago

where iiiiis void?

posted about 6 years ago

they go in there fly to mars and never return this is blizzards way to get rid of the tier2 competition and focus only on tier1 OWL and the Dallas Fuel LUL

posted about 6 years ago

stockholm syndromes, I keep believing for this

posted about 6 years ago

way to good this kidz.

posted about 6 years ago

He's so fucked only 12 year olds react to a message this cheesy like that :o
but if we take this message, dream seems 12 aswell no sane 21 year old man will write things like this
mayb this american fuck boys need sbb as role model in their life

posted about 6 years ago

gotta ask for that passport nowadays this minors put so much makeup and have already tits and big ass u dont even recognize their age anymore. psycho this young girls

posted about 6 years ago

well lets see how that goes in the long run.

posted about 6 years ago

this is so awkward they probably got told from daddy jeff himself to dress up to make good impression haha

posted about 6 years ago

korea keeps providing future owl winners :D

posted about 6 years ago

pritty guud trade for LAV.
kariv > unkoe positioning wise and probably also tilt wise.

posted about 6 years ago

the big baws with the script is the man. players will soon be auctioned off just like 200 years ago

posted about 6 years ago

this league feels like slavery 2.0 if they dont want them anymore they trade,sell or release them

posted about 6 years ago

50$ in warchest boxes tho :D

posted about 6 years ago

saw nicholas playin in a battalion 1944 tournament like 2 weeks ago.

posted about 6 years ago

picture says posted at 11:37 pm - 31 Mar 2018 hmmmmmmm mayb its an april fool / fool jebait?

posted about 6 years ago

pretty good in case ark get sick again and liberro has to play support haha

posted about 6 years ago

lineup changes before 1st of april, damn, i expected 1 day later

posted about 6 years ago

good job malaka just like ur tracer montage really good video and good luck for the future.

posted about 6 years ago

ur right, 2 koreans we coming for contenders!

posted about 6 years ago

we coming to contenders just as much as we are going to football world cup 2k18

posted about 6 years ago

dalton gonna pop some heads again

posted about 6 years ago

sombra patch will be played afaik

posted about 6 years ago

zappis or taimou

posted about 6 years ago

he took one for the team, nothing wrong here.
the game was still canceled any everyone could find a new game.
if blizzard fines or bans this im really fkin done with their shit and i will sue them for all they have with my 15€ cuz thats all i have.

posted about 6 years ago

by s2 every team will have atleast 2-3 koreans :D

posted about 6 years ago

korean tracers PogChamp

posted about 6 years ago

scripted league continues haha
akm,soon,unkoe reunion was planned since the beginnin i guesssss

posted about 6 years ago

striker will just take a big big big dump on sinatraa not even the 150k will save him from that.

posted about 6 years ago

i feel it deep in my heart the 1st win for shanghai with the new lineup is coming

posted about 6 years ago

woudlnt shock me if they are stronger than most of the OWL teams :p

posted about 6 years ago

he is to young so is 80% of this team. afaik sparke is only 15 and daco is 16

posted about 6 years ago
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