Country: United States
Registered: September 18, 2017
Last post: September 18, 2023 at 5:04 PM
Posts: 563
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Score is just not shown correctly. Paris won Hollywood, and the series 3-1

posted about 4 years ago

London subbing in their b team down 2-0 to the #1 team in their region does not inspire confidence in the team's ability to play at a high level.

posted about 4 years ago

If Titans didn't want to get disrespected maybe they shouldn't have fielded such a bad team. The casters don't have much else to talk about when watching a top OWL team stomp a bunch of mid-level contenders players who are on high ping. If it were against any other team I would 100% agree, but Titans deserve to be treated like a joke.

posted about 4 years ago

Brussen retires with a career OWL map record of 3-18. Playing for Boston sure seems like fun doesn't it.

posted about 4 years ago

This leaves the Justice with 5 usable players plus Lullsish under contract. They will need to find a new dps within the week

posted about 4 years ago

Dynasty mentally shattered

posted about 4 years ago

The scrim god has returned

posted about 4 years ago

No happy, no win

posted about 4 years ago

Shock aren't taking the games seriously because they aren't on LAN I think

posted about 4 years ago

The game itself hasn't gotten any worse, at least. OWL matches have been fun to watch and hero pools have made ranked more interesting. Honestly, I don't really care that much about viewership counts and stuff as long as playing and watching the game is enjoyable.

posted about 4 years ago

WyattR does it again, expanding his empire

posted about 4 years ago

Lane Roberts probably regrets leaving the Gladiators after this one. Oof.

posted about 4 years ago

Since I already went over how I thought teams were going to do awhile back, I'll just list my rankings updated based on new info and signings since then.

  1. Shock (+0)
  2. NYXL (+0)
  3. Titans (+2)
  4. Reign (-1)
  5. Fusion (+3)
  6. Dragons (-2)
  7. Spark (-1)
  8. Dynasty (-1)
  9. Glads (+0)
  10. Charge (+0)
  11. Mayhem (+1)
  12. Hunters (+1)
  13. Justice (-2)
  14. Outlaws (+2)
  15. Defiant (+2)
  16. Eternal (+1)
  17. Spitfire (-3)
  18. Fuel (-3)
  19. Valiant (+1)
  20. Boston (-1)
posted about 4 years ago

As the defending champion it is my pleasure to announce the 2020 Over.gg fantasy OWL league. If you want to join, shoot me a message on discord (Raisin#2313) and I'll try to set up a time to run the draft before the season starts next week. The rules can be found at highnoon.gg. I may or may not come up with some sort of prize for the winner. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to share them with me.

posted about 4 years ago

Valiant realized they were accidentally paying more than the possible minimum in total player salaries so they had to let someone go.

posted about 4 years ago

She's the host, not an analyst.There's a massive difference in those two jobs. Puckett left most of the high-level OW stuff to Bren and Sideshow, so I imagine Soe will defer to Custa and Reinforce (or whoever else is on the desk) the same way.

posted about 4 years ago

Ating is the classic Chengdu choice of a relatively unknown player from an unremarkable contenders team. I trust their judgement after Ameng proved to be a diamond in the rough, so it'll be interesting to see if Ating is the same way. As the only non-hamster main tank on the roster, he's probably going to get a good amount of playing time.

posted about 4 years ago

Jehong goes to Titans, who already have Twilight, and is replaced by bdosin who at this point can't be much better than Jehong. Spitfire, to replace bdosin, sign Jehong's former backup Highly. The quality of flex support play in the OWL decreases without anyone entering or leaving the league. My brain can't comprehend these decisions.

posted about 4 years ago

If some other team wants to sign him, they'll probably have to pay a sizable transfer fee. Even if Taimou never plays for fuel again he's still a valuable asset to the team. Plus it would be really bad pr to cut him from the org entirely.

posted about 4 years ago

I kinda like the UCLA/Chargers look from Valiant, it's cool to see branding that connects to the city, although I guess if they were really going for that the purple and gold of the Lakers would maybe make more sense.

posted about 4 years ago

By Rain do we mean ex-Mayhem rain? Seems like an odd choice.

posted about 4 years ago

End of an era

posted about 4 years ago

All of them except for Although have played in contenders KR or CN at some point. They aren't huge names but for the most part they aren't complete strangers to the scene.

posted about 4 years ago

He was traded to Toronto

posted about 4 years ago

Fleta and Void are both big upgrades IMO, and a lot of their struggles were due to a failure to understand the meta of stage 4 and a failure to figure out which players to play. They showed a lot of potential winning stage 3, and I think their current lineup should be able to exploit that potential. I may be putting too much stock into their performance at the ESM showmatches, but they did go 7-0 against Hunters and Spark (Notably with Hunters using a roster that is probably better than the one they'll play with this season, due to Leave's age).

posted about 4 years ago

Ok now it's coolmatt's turn. Houston needs two open roster spots if they want to sign Quatermain and Kaiser.

posted about 4 years ago

18. Defiant: This team would have been really fun to watch in 2017. For now, they just have to trust in Kariv and Surefour to play at their very best. If somehow a Mangachu hero becomes meta, they'll shoot up the rankings in the blink of an eye. Beast has his work cut out for him on main tank. This team needs to do everything it can to avoid mental boom. To that end, the team's experience should help.

19. Boston: Fusions needs to be at his absolute best for this team to have a solid chance at competing with some of the better teams. Either that, or Jerry is the next Striker that Huk plucked out of nowhere to become an all-star. Brussen and Swimmer would not have been my first picks for making it to OWL, but they are here, and they'll get the chance to prove themselves right away with games against NYXL, Fusion, and Reign early on in the season.

20. Valiant: KSF and Shax have some heavy deadlifting to do, although at least their pockets aren't burdened with the weight of being paid more than the league minimum. Hopefully Custa can keep people on the team smiling with his wonderful leadership abilities while the team gets rolled by a brutal schedule in the first half of the season that includes two games each against Shock, Dragons, and Spark as well as a match up with Titans in their second match of the season.

posted about 4 years ago

So Avast today on stream gave what he thought were the rankings of each team in OWL going into next season, based on what information we do know about the teams so far.
(you can see the full list at the 2 hour mark in this video: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/517136453)

I figured, if an actual respected(?) community figure says its not too early for power rankings, I'm giving a shot at them myself.

1. Shock: Returning all of the core players from a championship team that showed great flexibility and individual skill. With Mei apparently being a large part of the meta after the shield nerf, Rascal should be set up nicely for a run at the MVP trophy. They are set up well to deal with the stress of long-distance travel with a solid bench, although they don't have any backup support players. The only way I can see Shock not being a top team is if Viol2t or Moth break their wrists a in skateboarding accident.

2. NYXL: New York keeps most of the roster that led them to a 22-6 record and a 3rd place finish in 2019, with the exception of Meko who has been sent to Houston for what I assume must have been an incredible sum of money. In his place are Hotba coming over from the Charge and Bianca from XL2. From what little we saw of Hotba during the playoffs, I trust his Sigma enough to believe he will be a capable replacement for the team. Jjonak is still a player you can build a team around, and his consistency and ability to avoid mental boom should anchor NYXL throughout the season.

3. Reign: A strong core from 2019 with the addition of a potential superstar in Edison makes Reign a force to be reckoned with. Gator and Hawk give the team a deep and flexible tank line that should be able to adapt to any meta. Their dominance in the Stage 4 Mei-Reaper meta shows flashes of a team that on any given day have the talent to beat any other team.

4. Dragons: You take a team with some of the most talented and flexible dps players in the league and then you add Fleta to it. Sounds like a recipe for success. Losing Gamsu might hurt, but other than that I don't see any holes in the lineup. Their performance at the Shanghai Masters showmatches may not have been quite indicative of their true skill in relation to the other teams, but they did make a statement by rolling both Spark and Hunters.

5. Titans: They are as high as they are because this team has more experience than any other and every one of their players has shown at one point that they are capable of playing at the highest level. They are as low as they are because, well, Fissure. If Fissure plays like 2018 MVP candidate Fissure, they'll probably be a championship caliber team. If he implodes (again), well, there's always the ryujekong.

6. Spark: The Spark have a solid foundation with guxue being fully integrated into the mostly Korean lineup and IDK booping everyone off the map. GodsB and Bazzi seem to be a highly capable dps duo, and if Bazzi's hero pool falls out of sync with the meta, Adora can also fill the flex DPS role well.

7. Dynasty: Gesture and Profit were arguably the two best players on a championship winning team. Fits and Illicit were both good compliments to Fleta in 2019 and I don't see why things would be any different with Profit. Losing jehong is a tough break for the team, but with the addition of the typical genius wizardhyeong they should be able to find their footing fairly quickly. I don't see them having as high of a ceiling as some of the other teams, but no team with Profit could possibly miss the playoffs, right?

8. Fusion: The management of the team appears to be somewhat insane (unlucky), and Sado isn't necessarily the best main tank in the game. Other than that, Fusion seem to have made some significant upgrades in the form of Alarm and FunnyAstro. Also, they apparently decided they needed 2 all-star off tanks, which is cool, I guess. Depending on how events go, this team could finish anywhere from like 4th to 15th.

9. LA BigGeese: Space and OGE are an excellent tank line (and lhcloudy is about as good of a bench player as you could ask for), Shaz and BigGoose are one of the most accomplished and dependable support lines out there, and Mirror and Birdring are... something. If anything holds this team back, it would be the dps duo. Birdring is notoriously inconsistent and Mirror wasn't super impressive for uprising academy, being outshined by his teammates Asking and, to a lesser extent, Klaus.

10. Charge: With the additions of Neptuno and Wya, Charge can finally run the fabled 2-2-2 of Western, Chinese, and Korean players. Happy and Nero should make a great DPS duo, and Shu and Chara can be a solid if not outstanding support line. Their tanks aren't necessarily the best out there, but Rio at least never seemed to be exceptionally bad. They can be a scary team if Nero and/or Happy are able to play their best heroes.

11. Justice: As much as I want to believe in this team, I'm going to be cautious in my ranking of them. Corey and Stratus are good, I think, but I have no idea exactly how good. Same goes for the tank line, where you've got two players you signed as a package and who have played together for years... and then a big name Korean who played nearly every map for a top 5 team last season. I'm not sure if I trust Aimgod 100%, but at least this should be a much better environment than Boston.

12. FLORIDA MAYHEM BAYBEE: Heck yeah, this team should be almost average! Welcome to Sayaplayer's world, the weather is awful here. The hole in this team seems to be Kris, but he isn't awful, and its fairly easy for a team to have at least some success without perfect play from their main support. GangNamJin and Yaki are solid pickups, and they didn't lose anybody relevant from the squad that went 4-3 in stage 4.

13. Hunters: They didn't lose anybody, and they didn't gain anybody either. I guess I'm putting them below where they finished last year because the Mayhem and Justice improved so much with the end of GOATS. I have no idea what heroes they are going to play, but I do know that they'll be fun to watch. Probably. Ameng.

14. Spitfire: I don't really have much to say about Spitfire, since I've never seen most of their players actually play. Highly was ok but slightly worse than Jehong. That's about all I can say.

15. Fuel: I'm not super high on Unkoe and closer, or Note for that matter, but Decay and Doha are good pickups, and Gamsu is probably an upgrade over OGE. Mei could be an issue, since Decay didn't look great on that hero during stage 4 last season, but if the meta isn't so oppressive as to make Mei an absolute requirement, Decay is flexible enough to find a hero he'll be able to play well.

16. Outlaws: The fact that Outlaws are going from having the worst off tank in the league by a wide margin to having one of the best and I'm still projecting them to finish where they did last season speaks to how much the league has improved as a whole. Blase and Hydration are solid pickups, but one of them (or Danteh) is inevitably going to have to ride the bench unless Hydration main tank is an actual thing.

17. Eternal: Similar to how Mayhem was going into the 2019 season, Eternal have an odd mix of players centered around an incredibly mechanically talented Korean dps. This team will go as far as Sp9rk1e can take them. Until his 18th birthday on May 31, they'll probably struggle to find their rhythm. Their best hope until then is that Soon regains his mojo and plays well enough to carry and NoSmite gets back to being a top tank again.

posted about 4 years ago


posted about 4 years ago


posted about 4 years ago

I have a feeling Vizility is about to get a phone call from the Gladiators...

posted about 4 years ago

I'd like to see spark pick up another dps to pair with godsb, shadowburn to justice, and Jehong and tobi to mayhem

posted about 4 years ago

I love how Huk had really nice things to say about all of the other players and their contributions to the team, but for Aimgod all he said was "Aimgod is a talented player"

posted about 4 years ago

The Sparkle bidding war is going to be nuts

posted about 4 years ago

The timeline where Houston slowly replaces its entire roster with former Shock players is a strange one.

posted about 4 years ago

The game is being shown on ESPN. On Saturdays, ESPN airs college football games all day. They like being able to broadcast OWL, but not if it takes away from their most profitable content. On Sundays, nfl games are aired on Fox, CBS, and NBC instead, so ESPN has time slots available for non-football related shows.

posted about 4 years ago

Striker's quiet revenge tour is almost complete. 4-1 Shock

posted about 4 years ago

To be fair, they are playing Titans, the one team with an even better win percentage in OWL. Also, Mayhem won 36 maps this season, so your intuition on that stat was correct, but maybe not for the reason you were thinking.

posted about 4 years ago

Bazzi on Doomfist 4-2 Fried Weiner

posted about 4 years ago

Who needs a full team of OWL and high-tier contenders players when you have Hafficool, I guess

posted about 4 years ago

Playoff Profit 4 - 2 Empty Sandbags

posted about 4 years ago

Hopefully this time around it goes better for Mineral and the team doesn't end up like Mayhem

posted about 4 years ago

It seems really strange that Boston is #1 in adjusted SOS despite being in the Atlantic division. They had to have been really unlucky.

posted about 4 years ago

Denmark shouldn't lose a single map for the rest of the tournament. Their roster is insane compared to everyone else.

posted about 4 years ago

I hope DuDuDuDuDuDu is able to find another team

posted about 4 years ago

Both Sigma players had gold damage on every map this game. He's a main tank. His normal left click just does so much work plus he's really difficult to kill if you aren't Doom.

posted about 4 years ago

We pray for Atlanta Reign now, I guess

Edit: Now I understand what this is talking about yes playing the same map twice is probably not a good thing.

posted about 4 years ago

Cameron, Mouffin, Punk, and Swimmer are all native English speakers, and as far as I know Scaler and Klaus are both fluent in English as well. They probably had better communication than the Uprising OWL team.

posted about 4 years ago

He got absolutely rolled by Linkzr on junkertown. YXL was the best dps player in the server that match and taking him out could have cost Chengdu the match.

posted about 4 years ago

Danteh said "here, Chengdu, take this emp, my life, and a spot in placements" on Hollywood. Baconjack then tried his best to lose it, but in the end, YXL was able to cover for him.

posted about 4 years ago
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