Country: Norway
Registered: September 27, 2017
Last post: May 20, 2021 at 5:21 PM
Posts: 77
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i like it

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

we're gonna see a lot of rebuilding this season

posted about 3 years ago

Thats it?

posted about 3 years ago

Honestly thought he left the team after season 1...

posted about 4 years ago

Didnt he retire months a go?

posted about 4 years ago

I was wondering how he had the guts to call himself 1987 in China... Then I realised the book is called "1984"....

posted about 4 years ago

Wth happened here? When i fell asleep, it was 2-0 and a draw, and envy didnt seem to be having much trouble

posted about 4 years ago

First team to give the new team envy some trouble

posted about 4 years ago

wth Defiant? I had high hopes for you.....

posted about 4 years ago

oof hoped this would be closer, probably my 2 favorite teams this season

posted about 4 years ago

Maybe the 2 weakest teams, still think Uprising will easily 3-0 Outlaws

posted about 4 years ago

Houston looked like a mess, so many silly mistakes and weirdness.

posted about 4 years ago

How do they do it? Second wind constantly have to rebuild, and they always come back strong

posted about 4 years ago

Well that was a quick match....

posted about 4 years ago

This team needs a Danish flag :)

posted about 4 years ago

Samito? Why would they do that to theselves?

posted about 4 years ago


posted about 4 years ago

I dont think he decided on Boston, I think he was desperate

posted about 4 years ago

Norway is just going to disappoint again... this time i'm prepared. (Ok they did pretty good year 1)

posted about 4 years ago

I can imagine close to everyone was fighting for this guy, so very surprised he ended up on Paris

posted about 4 years ago

Really curious why they would let KariV go so easily, he's probably in the top 3 of flex support players.
Really glad Space found a new home, that dude's a beast and deserves a chance to shine.

posted about 4 years ago

Ye there got to be some drama there, considering Aimgod was by far their best flex support, yet he didn't play

posted about 4 years ago

other than Justice this is a crazy easy stage for Atlanta, they do look strong atm though

posted about 4 years ago

South Division LUL

posted about 5 years ago

Where's spectr9l? this better mean he's in OWL....

Edit: oh he's LFT... he should be an easy pick up for any serious team/org

posted about 5 years ago

the image in the tweet...

posted about 5 years ago

"Hitscan: Harbleu" speaks miles about the garbage meta we've had for over a year now...

Edit: in no way ment as an insult against Harbleu, he's a OWL level player (his dva could be a little better), but only reason he's "hitscan" is because thats the one that normally play zarya in goats. They don't even care that he can't play widow/mccree on a high enough level....

posted about 5 years ago

4-3 Shock,

posted about 5 years ago

why do an academy team have to play in Trials? aren't all academy team automatically in contenders?

posted about 5 years ago

i dont mind, helps the site stay alive and gives it potential to evolve

posted about 5 years ago

FUKC YEAH, Onigod Spectr9l to OWL please

posted about 5 years ago

good for Atlanta, glad to know i was wrong to lose all hope in them.

posted about 5 years ago

ez win for AT, then they're gonna choke the finaly again :)

posted about 5 years ago

academy teams dont drop into trials, system is rigged

posted about 5 years ago

Officially stronger than actual mayhem

posted about 5 years ago

Chengdu got this

posted about 5 years ago

was thinking the same, we can only hope

posted about 5 years ago

good, now let's just hope the meta really do change

posted about 5 years ago

just me thats very disappointed with Pokpo overall in OWL?

posted about 5 years ago

this first stage has been so weird, but I still got hope in Atlanta :)

posted about 5 years ago

POG YEA!! I hate that i missed this match

posted about 5 years ago

Unlucky, love the idea of Dragons getting beat by a full chinese roster

posted about 5 years ago

Bumper is so nice, giving Shock an extra chance. wasn't enough though

posted about 5 years ago

every match

posted about 5 years ago

Ez for Unnamed

posted about 5 years ago


posted about 5 years ago

well Giga did win season one, so for them it won't be "for once" :P (2017 season 1 not 2018 season 1)

I've always loved both these teams, but gotta cheer for Angry Titans and Onigod

posted about 5 years ago

is there a place I can read this whole story? I'm still pretty confused

posted about 5 years ago
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