Country: Russia
Registered: December 6, 2016
Last post: August 8, 2020 at 3:08 PM
Posts: 251
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posted about 5 years ago

oh that's how you get those stars..

posted about 5 years ago

good game
unlucky that these teams facing each other in quarterfinals

posted about 5 years ago

I didn't say it's true, but ya know there is some people thinking that way and whining about it all the time..
I personally judge people by their performance in game, not by gender, skin color, body shape, age or voice.
Yes we had some cases with boosted females who are extremely bad at OW, but that number is so small that you can't even make statistics on it - the amount of ignorant idiots who bully and harass people without any reason(envy hate etc) are way more

posted about 5 years ago

oh yes, I almost forgot


posted about 5 years ago

So what was the purpose of the experiment? to prove that females are discriminated in OW?
But this whole Ellie story was fake, people assumed it, and they poured hatred because of it and not on Ellie herself, because there is no Ellie ffs
Or to prove that a female can easily get into a pro team if she is really good at the game and has enough aspiration???
git gut

posted about 5 years ago

if they're main DPS in game then we okay with that

posted about 5 years ago

tbh Guxue is overhyped, yes he's having a great gamesense but it so easy to juggle all these immobile heroes in goats meta as winston. I personally have no hate to him and hope he will do good in league but I have slightly suspicion that he might fail many expectations on him becouse people kind of overrated his performances

posted about 5 years ago

I'm not a pro designer, but I think it gives a feeling of volume

posted about 5 years ago


posted about 5 years ago

God please I hope they'll pick MVP from the champions or at least from the grand final participated teams this year, it can't be xQc AGANE

posted about 5 years ago

yeah first day was crazy

posted about 5 years ago


posted about 5 years ago

Z:LuL:PE casting duo POG

posted about 5 years ago

here is your Finland - SK match boys

posted about 5 years ago

FR vs US
Soon will take it with ez

posted about 5 years ago

Bischu ask the same in this vid
it's kind of comedian thing, just watch it when you can

posted about 5 years ago

overwatch and dead game

posted about 5 years ago

Temple of Anubis was just like those ranked games when one team have widow main and another team don't have any dps players at all.

posted about 5 years ago

Klaus to OWL or what?

posted about 5 years ago

xQc and feeding?

posted about 5 years ago

casted by Mr.Uber

posted about 5 years ago


posted about 5 years ago

dead game

p.s. somebody need keep this meme alive

true tho


posted about 5 years ago

finally we have Coach as coach and not that DPS as MainTank nonsense, seems like pro overwatch going back to normal

posted about 5 years ago

oh 0-40 not enough for you savages?

there is second season coming...

posted about 5 years ago


posted about 5 years ago

no doubts
easiest 4-0

posted about 5 years ago

I don't understand why Russia don't run classic dive with tracer and genji on attack versus stronger teams like Finland or SK(hope they'll do) with all that talent they have

posted about 5 years ago

you pushing me to do a Mistakes-Carpe comparison.

posted about 5 years ago

zappis: DENIED

posted about 5 years ago


posted about 5 years ago

it was coach's decision to sub in ta1yo, no injuries there

posted about 5 years ago

why not?

posted about 5 years ago

ez for Dep
Carpe will get OWL S1 GrandFinal flashbacks

posted about 5 years ago

EPIC ending omg

posted about 5 years ago

he is playing good on tracer now, but damn ShaDowBurn the savior

posted about 5 years ago


posted about 5 years ago


posted about 5 years ago

As I said, I didn't see the moment that wentaway mention, just guessing. And missing "LIVE" application is kind of a bizarre, even though I believe this is live yes.

posted about 5 years ago

sanctions will happen

posted about 5 years ago

Mistakes said that Russia simply "mechanically stronger than Hong Kong", even though he lost all the widow duels vs Moowe lul. If he is not start playing better vs Japan here, then Russia need to think on replacing him with Unfixed later on.

posted about 5 years ago

didn't see, maybe footage from previous OWWC?
but on stream screen don't any "LIVE" applications btw :thinking:

posted about 5 years ago


posted about 5 years ago

compared to ArK-JJoNaK support duo - Russia just don't have any supports at all.
This should ends pretty ez for SK

posted about 5 years ago

oof suka blyat

posted about 5 years ago

-An option to control Brigitte’s Repair Pack targeting sensitivity has been added under Options > Controls > Brigitte
And how long is Brig in game already? things like this should be a HOT FIXES.
Didn't mention about game changing bugs(like reins shatter etc) which in the game since forever and still ignores by blizzard

posted about 5 years ago

you guys probably know Rein charge bug when he's suddenly doing running animation while in charge
so imagine that with this skin lul
we f*cking (e)Sports boiis

posted about 5 years ago
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