Country: United States
Registered: February 14, 2017
Last post: June 4, 2019 at 2:17 PM
Posts: 240
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also chat is glorifying seagull who they ripped on hard at the start of owl. moral of the story is alot of chat is just kids and immature adults spamming

posted about 5 years ago

yeah la is going to win but i will watch and hope that dallas does

posted about 5 years ago

Lol the high rated team would crush the level 0 team every time. On one side they are figuring out their strat and using voice to communicate. On the other side they are attacking eachother from the start and getting tilted over every lost fight. One person didnt like how the rest of the team didnt build around him so he went rein and is just charging in and feeding. The two dps are attacking eachother over who is worse and neither is doing anything effective. The one healer actually tried to throw out a comp but because it didnt have hanzo in it the hanzo is now claiming that hes not getting any heals. The only one still trying is doing so because hes not in voice to hear the flamewar but he doesnt realize his team has given up. They all report him for gameplay sabotage. Meanwhile the level 4 team is literally setting up each spawn rape in a highly ochestrated manor. One player has little tank experience but it doesnt matter because his team is filling him in on every enemy action.

posted about 5 years ago

What about in game will you be able to see peoples top 5 heroes? Can we set it to team only? Would be nice to hide it from the enemy team but let your team see it.

I expect the system to be abused and simply provide a new reason for people to tilt on eachother. It probably will be fine but to be honest the backbone of the whole thing is still the report system and the agressive silence sensitivity. People have a major coping mechanism in attacking others to make themselves feel better about losing or just in general. Right now the report system seems to be in a delicate state where it is effective but its also close to being sensitive to false reports. Multiple torb and sym onetrick streamers have been actioned. Blizzard seems to be on the fence as well stating that you can play whoever you want and the report system should not be used based on hero selection. While also saying that if you got actioned its working as intended even if you were not trying to throw. Its a pure numbers game and the worst thing that could happen is people abusing it. I think blizzard have the right approach in cultivating positive psychologies. The fear lies in will people start seeing others with high ratings that they dont like and reporting them just to attack them?

So yeah I am for sure paranoid but like most of the changes that have gone into this and heroes of the storm (WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE MERCY CANCER META) Im confident that my fears will be unfounded and I will learn to love the changes with time.

posted about 5 years ago

If you pay for my food travel lodging and tickets and travel expenses im there

posted about 5 years ago

guys guys don't downvote me. It's not about the quality of xqc's posts it's the quality of his FANS posts

posted about 5 years ago

Hey guys did you hear that xqc has his own reddit now!!!

posted about 5 years ago

ouch 0 range comp vs architect on pharah

posted about 5 years ago

Oh man this can be so many things. The first one to check is cpu throttling. Get intel extreme tuning utility. Dont change any of the overclocking settings. You are going to use the graph at the bottom. Add these to the graph if they aren't already there: every limit or throttling indicator, cpu core speed, and cpu max core temp. Play the game untill you see the stutters then check the graph. If your cpu core speed dropped, if you saw some limit/throttling indicators on the graph, or if your cpu temp was too high (over 90 you will throttle for sure, over 80 is pretty damn hot, over 70 can throttle on laptops) then you are throttling. If you see your core speed drop then you can try to improve the cooling or undervolt your cpu and that should help. You might have to repaste your cpu which should be pretty easy. I recommend using some thermal grizzly kryonaut.

posted about 5 years ago

kyky was the problem

posted about 5 years ago

This is normal. They don't want to run a patch with new fixes in it. They want something that has been thoroughly tested to be stable. I bet they could patch the new patch easily other than that.

posted about 5 years ago

wait a minute. HOLD THE FUCK ON.

posted about 5 years ago

why god must i endure this reality

posted about 5 years ago

It would make the most sense to keep the brig nerf but hold off on the hanzo rework. Although hanzo really doesnt seem to be that far off balance.

posted about 5 years ago

He will be a great scapegoat for effect not carrying.

posted about 5 years ago

The fuel transcends problems and sucks no matter who is on it, or who is coaching.

posted about 5 years ago

i would expect alot of teams to be masters and even diamond players

posted about 5 years ago

yeah like it or hate it being able to switch picks is a big part of this game. if they did a ban system it would represent a big redesign. although it would make playing pharah way better

posted about 5 years ago

fuck you if i want to act like a 3 year old i will

posted about 5 years ago

NYXL cannot bear to let bearhands play a hand in how they will bear arms.

posted about 5 years ago

I know alot of you probably hate dafran for the throw for dafran meme but when I watched this video of him it really changed my mind.

posted about 5 years ago

I mean its nice to have free well programmed games out there. Take note that if a game runs like shit its usually because of REALLY BAD PROGRAMMING THESE DAYS. Fortnight shows us what performance we should be able to get. Overwatch is so well programmed they had a major problem when it overheated so many laptops. Becuse other games just couldnt manage to use the same ammount of cpu and gpu simultaneously. Then you look at unity engine that hasnt been able to do proper fullscreen, gsync, or freesync for ages and is basicly a joke in many other ways. Battlefield 4 had an extra 100ms of lag coded into it for years after launch. I dont have enough interest in fortnight but at least they made the game right.

posted about 5 years ago

Fusion 6-0

posted about 5 years ago

you said that shanghai was going to reverse sweep philly

posted about 5 years ago

Mad respect for the torb push

posted about 6 years ago

boston 4-0

posted about 6 years ago

From the grave

posted about 6 years ago

This should be a good match. I hope they play the boston comms. Interested in seeing if they are just super calm like that all the time.

posted about 6 years ago

Alot of this stuff is pretty obvious and I was really waiting on some kind of a conclusion from him to elucidate why he talked about each of these points in particular. xqc is not the most articulate speaker but his logic can actually be well formed if you can follow it. More importantly if he finishes his point which didn't happen because his stream cut off. The main meta concepts that he seemed to be building around were team building strategies and the shortcomings of the fuel in relation to these. For example he talks about 1) the importance of mechanical skill 2) standing behind players and developing them properly on your team 3) he seems to suggest that he was going to talk more about why or how the fuel seemed to add players arbitrarily without a functional plan for how they were going to fit into the team and without having any tryouts or input from current players 4) he talks about how management for the team asked him for advice and this was when he considered himself just a streamer with little knowledge implying that the management was completely in the dark as to having any indication of weather their decisions had merit.

I THINK what he was trying to make his overall point was that: the fuel didn't even have an above average plan for how new additions would play out in team strategies. And mechanical skill was there with their players but not to the extent needed to carry them out of their team building phase. Where teams like boston picked an assortment of mechanically skilled players and committed to working through the initial learning phase, the fuel simply switched gears too many times without a cohesive plan and without any serious commitment to ANY plan in general. Now this may have been due to kyky but I have a feeling that it is something systemic within the fuel and obviously with the news of kykys release it seems that the lack of an overall plan and the general mentality to drop players and switch focuses may trickle down from other management and possibly even a mentality from the owner. It's too bad. They were always a team that picked some of the most proven and/or most interesting players. But that seemed to be where their real strength lay. And having the management on board with a plan for actually making the team work THAT THEY BELIEVED IN so that they could follow it when in doubt was the area that they REALLY fell too far short in.

posted about 6 years ago

Yeah I agree. They have beaten to death that he has the most intense training regimen. We know he is the most dedicated and has the best work ethic. But he has to overcome his own competitiveness. State of mind affects how well you play just as much as training and discipline. Fuel has been a shit show for sure. He either needs to work on his strengths more (seems like he can't get much better though in terms of dedication), or he needs to take some interest in meditation / state of mind control. Dedication will drive you nuts if you play on the fuel.

posted about 6 years ago

Agreed. As tripple tanks with one sup they were slowly melted on Junkertown defence. But they proved that it was the right call because they bought alot of time on point and were able to hold at the end. Also those coms were so clean.

posted about 6 years ago

I did think it was pretty cocky for SF to stay tracer sombra vs agilities on pharah. They made a good push by rushing the point and ignoring the pharah. But it was just one of those economy battles where the advantage of having an uncontestable pharah wasn't able to be overcome by the SF dps.

posted about 6 years ago

Man I came here to troll but your post changed my mind. You're right bro and it doesn't take a genius or an emotionally mature person to figure it out. Keep leading the community in a positive way. And stop reading reddit for the love of god.

posted about 6 years ago

Who cares about the laws. OWL HAS SPOKEN.

posted about 6 years ago

Yeah we should if we are really going off of maturity like we say we are. I think what we actually want to do is protect people while they are still in potentially don't know what the fuck they are doing sexually age. Which we round off to the 16-18 range depending on state. But yeah 25 is an interesting point to look at because alot of people redefine what they are looking for sexually at that point. Maybe due to brain development.

posted about 6 years ago

You are right. In modern times it would be a horrible attrocity to allow things like this. However while the girl is NOT in the wrong. Intellectually she may be more mature than dreamkazper considering she played him like a flute. Sexually though she is probably not more mature and it would be wise for her to look for someone her own age or closer to it.

I just think that the perception of young people being inherantly immature is overused and a bad thing when applied to all areas. When applied to sex, yes it protects them. But intelectually I have known many young people that are in fact more mature than adults.

posted about 6 years ago

Finally some real drama. We did it we are just like real sports now.

posted about 6 years ago

I would prolly run dva widow soldier mccree and ana/zen

posted about 6 years ago

its like dis. People shouldn't do things like this. Serious racism is a big deal. And even when the person does not have a mega racist agenda it could possibly be a very meaningful attack to someone who has been a serious victim. It also sort of generally increases the acceptance of casual racism when nothing is done about it.


Why do they do it? This guy is not likely a serious racist. If he was his contract would be terminated immediately. He did it NOT because of the people it seriously hurts or the fact that he wants to encourage casual racism. He did it BECAUSE of the social justice warriors. These days kids and young adults are the scourge of the earth and if you let them know how much you are going to FREAK OUT over something then they will do it and they will think that it is funny as hell. That's why he did it. That's why he smiled when he did it. Because he knew he just freaked out a bunch of ninny SJWs. Are the social justice warriors in the right for FREAKING OUT? No. Is he in the right for being an asshole douchebag who also just did something that likely SERIOUSLY hurt a few people? Hell no. Both sides are poor to horrible examples of what a human being should be and if you side with either YOU ARE WRONG.

That being said if you CALMLY state that it is wrong and why. THEN YES. YOU ARE RIGHT. good job

posted about 6 years ago

Thank god someone else understands. Being able to control the spectator camera yourself would be the ultimate experience. It would take less bandwidth. It would require a bit more development because you need a server system that streams game data to clients. Some bugtesting and programming would be needed but that's all.

However I don't see this happening. OWL is going well and they want to go the traditional sports way of having organized broadcasts with tailored content meant to hype up the viewers. Just look at the way ranked works. You get seasons and placements. Sure they can modify the ranking algorithm and they have before and placements can help make a transition to an adjusted system. But the main purpose to to get people hyped over the game. A serious ranking system like the ones used for chess would want to maintain as much accuracy as possible and avoid re-placing players. Because the ranking system works based on the notion that a large portion of the players are ranked accurately. Once you have inaccurate ranks then it compounds the process of the ranks sorting themselves out. The only real benefit of placements to serious players is that in diamond and masters people tend to play on their smurfs less after the ranks reset. Other than that its more of a disservice to serious players than anything.

They will and have taken the same approach with OWL. They will miss key areas where they could cater to the more serious crowd in favor of a mass targeted hype building approach. And they have no reason to do otherwise. Initial investments came primarily from outside. Blizzard's own risk is low and the approach is working. Viewer counts are slowly rising. Models for price profiling have easily been built into pre-developed systems like the skin system in overwatch and the standard video editing / twitch broadcasting techniques. Their model can easily adapt to the established sports broadcasting norm and that is what their investors likely want. The ego of esports becoming like real sports is the validation they want and so they will easily miss greatness where it could be different and better. At least for now.

posted about 6 years ago

I would pay 40$ if you could pick from 2 or more full size streams of the cameras instead of the 2 pip views at a fraction of the resolution they offer now. I would pay 100 if you could actually spectate yourself.

posted about 6 years ago

I know right. its so safe down here

posted about 6 years ago

yes she is catering to even older dumber people who are probably her demographic. I should probably ease up and not watch these things. or maybe i should spend some time outside this basement.


posted about 6 years ago

even she can infer basic things like people playing in a sports league play vs other teams. video games or not. kthx

posted about 6 years ago

go ahead. on this site being downvoted actually means you are smart.

posted about 6 years ago

Oh yeah I'm real sure I had no idea about either of those thank you mr fucking retard.

posted about 6 years ago

So let me get this straight. You play games but you're on teams. And you play against other teams right? Who are in the same room?

kill your self woman

"Can you sign my jersey J LUL K E?" --random fan

posted about 6 years ago


posted about 6 years ago

Lol WRONG. I love getting onetricks on my team. Just play around them and dont harass them and its almost gauranteed win. They maintain that rank with many games with throwers assholes and people who refuse to work around them because they are mad.

Yall are just idiots making your own prophecys true. One tricks should be higher ranked in fact than you if you see them at your rank. Im sorry the truth hurts. You need a scapegoat to make yourself feel better I know.

posted about 6 years ago

Dont forget seagull to dynasty

posted about 6 years ago
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