Country: United States
Registered: February 14, 2017
Last post: June 4, 2019 at 2:17 PM
Posts: 240
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When you start a game and your team is in an argument from last game.

posted about 6 years ago

I NEED to know who has gold dmg. It will help me get out of plat.

posted about 6 years ago

Its better for everyone. One tricks dont want to play with people who dont want to play with them either. Expect onetricks to rank up due to less throwing teammates.

One feature that could be added is to avoid all accounts using the same computer. This would not increase que times.

Expect smart players to use this system to rank up. If you actually know who is performing the worst just avoid them and try to que into them so they are on the other team. Avoid 2 mercy onetircks at the same time and que into them. Avoid 2 dps instalockers and watch the other team have a bad comp. But beware. If you predict wrong you pay the price.

posted about 6 years ago

come on dallas i really hope this is worth watching

posted about 6 years ago

no no no my life has gone horribly wrong how do i go back in time

posted about 6 years ago

I love shutting down my whole apartment buildings internet. Fuck them. You fuck with me you will not see internet for a day or 3. Nice try admin. Your techniques are a joke. HOW ABOUT YOU PUT ON SOME FUCKING QOS YOU NOOB. These guys are pathetic. Don't deserve internet. GIVE ME MY GAMES.

posted about 6 years ago

bro florida looked so good here. awesome match from both sides

posted about 6 years ago

I've said it numerous times. Seagull is the man.

posted about 6 years ago

They came to power in the wake of Germanys defeat in world war one (battlefield one). While simutaneously making major breakthroughs in agriculture and military tech that they wanted to use and facing overbearing economic sanctions. I doubt you can compare that society to our pussy as* internet tweeting pepe nazis in our pussy a** pc culture we have today. Only reason this brings us closer to nazi germany is because the news wants to make the most idiotic stories about this drama because pussies like you eat it up.

posted about 6 years ago

How dare you stop blizzard from defending me from pepe. Thank god I don't know what I would do with myelself if I had to see pepe in that birthday tweet. Get ready for solid wall of pepes in OWL chat.

posted about 6 years ago

We could just necro all the old shitposts. There are some classics on here.

posted about 6 years ago

I've said it a bunch it's state of mind. Starting with a big ego (and it's not just their ego it's the ego that everyone creates for them) and losing some games, it becomes harder and harder to keep a relaxed focused state of mind. Not to mention they started with a somewhat unique core and have had issues integrating new players. And this is where the team's ego can even play into the coaching and management staff. Not to mention they fielded xqc alot. I'm not hating on xqc but from a practical standpoint he needed the most time to really reach his peak in organized competitive play both with the team adapting to him and him adapting to the team.

Teams like Mayhem possesed a better long term outlook ironically due to the fact that people's opinions of them were low and they had a limited roster. They said fuck what everyone thinks from the beginning and invested alot of time with one core of players.

I think Dallas made the right choices in some regards. It was a bold move to invest in xqc from the start but one that likely would have paid off in the long term had he not gotten suspended twice. Now it's a completely different team than when they started the league. It's clear they have the talent but they need to commit to working on a core group. Players will do better on a team that commits to them win or lose vs a team that could drop them for another player at any moment. It's a scary notion that you have to pick a team and work with it because if you are wrong you don't know for sure until the end of the season at least. But we've seen the other teams improving while Dallas seems like they are just trying to start over every match.

posted about 6 years ago

I have to say I like the outlaws more after I saw them smiling and shaking hands after defeat. Was for sure a gg that could be appreciated by all.

posted about 6 years ago

Not to mention they wiped the floor with huston outlaws in preseason. It was so bad it looked like they were showing off and not even trying. Seagul came out and was smiling. Tiamou was on dps and doing well. That was what made people say wow maybe they can even beat seoul. And then it was all downhill from there.

posted about 6 years ago

Edit: removed salty post. Will be interesting to watch but if we want to really gauge DF we need to give them time to adapt to their new additions and post xqc life.

posted about 6 years ago

Lets not forget that fuel just got reverse sweeped by mayhem without xqc playing at all. And xqc was already talking about how they were not scrimming with him WHEN he was viable to play. Also TriHard 7? Yeah clearly rascist as hell. If I was black I would be rioting right now. Twitch is gonna just have to retire that emote now and while they are at it cmonBruh needs to go too. I'm tired of all these rascist f**** being able to spam an emote of a black person when a black person is on screen. Great job boys we got to the bottom of it.

I'm really confident that OWL chat will be a pleasure to read now and not a toxic s***hole of the internet anymore. Oh yeah and I'm sure fuel will do amazing now despite them losing consistently with every lineup they tried except with seagul on pharah/junkrat specific strats.

Realtalk though: I don't blame them at all for dropping him. Fuel clearly needs to find a synergy with their top tier lineup and they clearly tried doing it with xqc. Hell, I was surprised they put him in as much as they did. And the man is 100% gauranteed to get banned every stage with how the league is being run now. I personally don't even think it's right to transform him into the perfect representative that OWL wants. It would litterally crush him in the process and when you got done would you really be left with xqc?

posted about 6 years ago

He honestly seems happier now than he did playing for the fuel. Dallas fuel are like the person in a relationship that breaks up and thinks they are gonna get hella action and then the Florida Mayhem reverse sweeps them.

posted about 6 years ago

Hey remember how NRG wasn't doing well and they kept just adding new players? And they still weren't doing well.

posted about 6 years ago

They are so caught up in the egos that everyone made for them. Including their management and coaching. They wont recover until they stop panicking about how they aren't living up to everyone's expectations. They come into every match just freaked out about how badly they are doing. Look at effect. Hes pissed off at his team. Hes pissed off at himself. He has insane levels of skill and discipline. But he never learned how to relax. XqC is probably the best off out of all of them because he's already experienced near complete mental breakdown. He's already facing terms with his team not even having him in scrims and what it might mean for his future. He at least has his stream and is the most likely to learn to just say fuck it all and stop worrying. Not to mention the level of pressure on him to learn to filter what he says. I say XqC is set up to actually adapt to his situation based on the fact that hes been in it for so long. And basically he has to adapt or just get perma banned/perma freaked out. Mickie is surprising me because I expected him above all else to keep it cool but I guess that's just an ego made for him as well. Taimou already broke down and posted about it on twitter. maybe now that mayhem stepped up Fuel can just step back and say fuck it and just calm down. There is no doubt they have some top level skill. But do they have the calm state of mind? Can they approach it all from the viewpoint of a focused talented team? Or will they keep the mindset of underperforming champions who are desperate to live up to expectations. They have to be ready to react and focused on what's happening in match. To do that they need to be calm.

posted about 6 years ago

XqC and the whole Dallas Fuel right now are kind of a sad story. I think 80% of his twitch chat is literally just trying to make him more mentally unstable. The egocentricity of the whole thing is massive. Teams and players that do well and maintain a good frame of mind usually are able to separate themselves from the egos that society makes for them. For XqC and the fuel as well society made very strong definitions of what they should be and either not living up to it (or in XqC's case, letting it break you down mentally) will take its toll. If this is really the top tier of overwatch then there is no room to be thinking about what other people think about you or how you are not living up to their expectations. It's known that overwatch draws in a number of fairly vocal idiots. IMO the best thing they could do for the game is just aggressively mute and ban toxic people and make it known that it is not permitted here. Over time it will get better and stuff like this will happen less. The community has a ton of intelligent and great people as well. It's just that it's easier to notice the idiots and when you perceive only idiots around you you start to play into it.

posted about 6 years ago

as a dallas fuel fan. I have to agree. mayhem 4-0

posted about 6 years ago

After their match with dallas sf will no longer be rated 1337

posted about 6 years ago

They have laid the groundwork for rocket cat. Honestly if they come out with rocket cat I will leave ranked games to maintain 100% onetrick status. I seriously need rocket cat. On a serious note bridget could be op with the quad tank 1st point cheese and also with flankers that cannot be healed safely due to her armor and ult.

posted about 6 years ago

I really wish the announcers would just shut up some of the time. Or all of it.

posted about 6 years ago

There of course is some element of randomness in every match but this will still be a big indicator of weather or not Dallas has stepped up to the plate.

posted about 6 years ago

Fuel are running alot of different comps and even having taimou switch roles. If it were vs a less adaptable team I would say they take it. But seoul have proven they can figure out what a team is doing and adapt mid round. Prolly Seoul wins. Hopefully 3-2.

posted about 6 years ago

Lol looks like my games in diamond. Surely they can find a better highlight

posted about 6 years ago

the final match to decide who is better. EU or NA

posted about 6 years ago

houston will get crushed

posted about 6 years ago

I wanted to see them win. Even tho I'm a fuel fan.

posted about 6 years ago

Could you add more animations and maybe a ticker at the bottom for live game scores and on the side you could have mini stream highlights and maybe some easter eggs where soe dressed as tracer pops out but only after you get 5 stars

posted about 6 years ago

Time for you to be wrong again

posted about 6 years ago

Effect will truly be missed but I think people don't give seagul enough credit. He may not be the best in every way but the man is experienced and one of the smartest players in OWL.

posted about 6 years ago

Get owned noobs

posted about 6 years ago

HAHA how does it feel to be the stupid majority???

posted about 6 years ago

You will eat your words so will these upvoters.

posted about 6 years ago

Rough times for dallas but maybe they can pull it together and just focus on winning the matches instead of focusing on their past performance and expectations. Maybe stage 2 has better things ahead for them with the meta shifting.

posted about 6 years ago

Lol you all probably think the announcers are so great. Super glad they went with the extra retarded commentary just like regular sports. Absolutely zero value to anything they say.

posted about 6 years ago

My zen skills of blocking out the announcers so I can pay attention to the game are rising.

posted about 6 years ago

I still believe in the fuel

posted about 6 years ago


posted about 6 years ago

come on man Im losin hope. I believe. I believe

posted about 6 years ago

First post. Oh wait

posted about 6 years ago

gonna be interesting to see the crowds reactions to this

posted about 6 years ago

The problem is people like you are caught up in an LGBT thing equating this to people being beaten and murdered. He didn't mean it as a malicious attack against LGBT people and that's why muma wasn't offended by it. Add to that the fact that muma knows he pissed off xqc and xqc was bound to get hit with heavy consequences over this. Yeah if I were muma I would be pretty happy about the situation too. It's sad when a society loses the ability to understand interactions like this. But yeah that's the way america is right now. We defend the one how did more wrong and call down punishments on the more innocent.

posted about 6 years ago

He didn't even mean it as a homophobic thing. The worst you can say about it is that xqc uses phrases like "suck a fat cock" to attack everyone reguardless of sexual orientation. Perhaps on that level it should be looked at. But really dude. It's not even a heated thing. If you watch the video hes just ranting on stream. If they were yelling at eachother durring the airtime that would be alot worse. But either way if you are going to be all fucking virtue defender on this shit, then fucking penalize muma too. What the fuck do you expect the guy is probably at the most important event in his life and someone is taunting him. Yeah hes prolly gonna get angry. But when it comes down to it, it was about 1% as heated as any of the voice chat arguments that go on in comp on a daily basis. Thank god they started silencing people. Pre season 8 it was like every losing game you had more hate speech than nazi germany. This shit is petty and it proves more that people have an agenda vs people like xqc than it proves people care about hate speech

posted about 6 years ago

Correct. Don't get me wrong. I love xqc. But they are obviosly putting him in as much as possible to get him experience at lan, with the team, and vs other OWL teams. It's a tactic that could pay off in the long term and DF are clearly not afraid to use it.

posted about 6 years ago

Fortunately there is only one skin I will ever need. Fuel Pharah. You will not tempt me with your evil sexy SD Pharah skin.

posted about 6 years ago
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