Country: Norway
Registered: October 6, 2017
Last post: November 2, 2018 at 3:25 PM
Posts: 105
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posted about 5 years ago

France has 6 stronk EU players and i wouldnt doubt their win if Canada didnt have that one rare Quebecian, this match outcome is beyond my mathematical expertise

posted about 5 years ago

Still no international competition so top teams can actually prove their worth against each other for OWL :[

posted about 5 years ago

I'd find the accusations a lot more credible if they didnt come from the players other players and streamers have casually stated as being extremely toxic themselves

posted about 5 years ago

SK vs Binland :DDDDDD rematch calling it

posted about 5 years ago

Among the projects that KnOxXx is considering following his retirement are the creation of an esports school

Yo whos hyped for KnOxXx esports academy though?

posted about 5 years ago

rare flags new fav trials team

posted about 5 years ago

People have allready forgotten that Joemeister exists :'(

posted about 5 years ago

Holy fuck this match is actually sick, ProGi is actually so underrated and Kodak giving us god tier flex support, every single one of his transendences were perfect on R66

posted about 5 years ago

If Denmark wins against Sweden tomorrow, this will be the deciding match of which one of these teams make it to blizzcon. Each team is definitely going to be bringing their absolute best to the table, should be a pog match.

posted about 5 years ago

Battle of the North

posted about 5 years ago

This is the one youre supposed to upvote guys

posted about 5 years ago

Norway vs Brazil was kinda the dealbreaker for me, it was their way to show they had the potential beat this stage and they didn't really show a dominant performance against them, Canada is most likely going to win this one. Norway had a great performance against Brazil on koth 1st map and if the second map goes to KR i think we could maybe take a map, 2cp and Junkertown felt really sloppy though. Things could drastically change if we pull out secret weapon Frost though. Also a new day and fresh minds + its Overwatch so anything could happen. Atleast i'll get to watch Onigod track some famous peoples heads before he gets signed in to OWL so im happy :3

posted about 5 years ago


posted about 5 years ago


posted about 5 years ago

USA and Canada qualifies

Norway and Brazil qualifies

Switzerland and Austria qualifies

posted about 5 years ago

Name your favourite (feel free to say why too):
OWL team - PHL
Current non-OWL team(s) - :rage: Titans
Pre-OWL team(s) - Envyus
Player (only one allowed) - xQc
Other players - Decod, eqo, sleepy, Onigod, Saebyolbe, Surefour, Momguri, SPACE, Taimou
Streamer(s) - Harbleu, Dafran, xQc
Caster combo - ZP/Hex
Analyst duo - Jonnyboye and grill
Main desk presenter - Pucket
Match - Rogue vs Envyus at the Atlantic Showdown i think it was called
Tournament - Alienware monthly where Denial was having their first standout performance and Selfless shitting on everything. Loved all the stories and drama behind that tournament and the huge variety of different playstyles teams were showing
In-game moment - During coL vs Envyus when Harryhook was doing a flank tactical visor and Joemeister just boops him off the map winning them the game
Clutch moment - When xQc was unleashed and lands the most clutch charge on Fissure on KR making them win the match
OWL entrance - Dallas Fuel meme entrances every time xQc got unbanned

About your personal Overwatch career:
SR now - Havent done my placements yet fuck brigitte
SR peak - 4125
SR goal for this season -
Main class - Tank
Main hero - Winston
Other heroes you regularly play - Orisa, Rein, Tracer, S76
Favourite hero - Tracer
Hero you hate - Brigitte
Favourite map - Kings Row
Map you hate - 2cp
Favourite game mode - not 2cp
Least favourite game mode - 2cp
Best play - Idk i play tank for the most part so my favourite things to do is team management and callouts, booping people off the map with winston ult is always fun though.
Best achievement - Getting to GM
Reason why you play Overwatch - Fun unique gameplay, teamwork, the community
What got you into Overwatch in the first place - Played the beta and got hooked on the unique gameplay. I was walking by a pool and slipped and broke my arm the second week of its release and hungry for the game i started watching a lot of twitch and got into esports.

About other video games:
Games you are playing at the moment - Super Mario Odyssey (overrated)
Other esports you watch - Smash Melee/Wii U
First game you ever played - Crash Bandicoot
Favourite game as a kid - Pokemon
Favourite game of all time - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky
Biggest achievement in a video game - Was like top 10 on coconut mall in mario kart when i was 9

About you personally (no pressure to answer any of this if you don't want to):
Age - 18
Location - flag
Describe yourself in 3 words - kinda gay questionmark
Favourite music artist - Eli Way
Favourite music genre - Hiphop
Sports you play - I played karate for a month when i was 8 and got bullied
Sports you watch - Football World Championship, Olympics
Hobbies - workout/drawing
Weird fact about you - The few times ive ever tried weed i just start uncontrollably laughing. All my friends will sit there high as kites staring at nothing and i will just be a curled up ball laughing at absolutely nothing. I hate it.
Shameless social media plugs -

posted about 5 years ago


posted about 5 years ago

Wish we could embed images to our post, maybe a click to expand thing like on 4chan to avoid them taking too much space

posted about 5 years ago

Iko gonna make sure liko keeps that L

posted about 5 years ago

I just want to see one italian roster make it so i can see more happy poi comments

Me: :)

Poi: :(

Me: :(

posted about 5 years ago

Brazil got a chance in this or nah? Havent really been following the scene for a while

posted about 5 years ago


posted about 5 years ago

yeah theres NORWAY anyone could compete >:)

posted about 5 years ago

Custa vs the world

posted about 5 years ago

So saddening that he has to leave this region just to get the paygrade he deserves, not even creating one of the most dominant if not the most dominant roster in the entire region was enough. Wish Jon good luck in NA.

posted about 5 years ago

Reminder that this exact Japan roster just made it to the grand finals in their contenders region so this match has huge poggers potential

posted about 5 years ago

xqc mangachu Boimeister ezclappachinoes my doguares

posted about 5 years ago

If Taiwan even caps a single point against this roster i will unironically drink a Dr.Pepper

posted about 5 years ago

But you already have big dick Midna, you could of atleast shared one player so they have a chance :(

posted about 6 years ago


posted about 6 years ago

Hype! Cant wait to see my boy xRavaged with this team, definitely and upgrade, and though i dont know a lot about valen, i always thought leviataN was kind of bringing the team down and was really subpar to Klaus talent, hope he can bring us some good DPS!. Didnt Klaus announce that he was leaving the team just a couple of weeks ago though?

posted about 6 years ago

First team to execute the rare double star flag strat. If my calculations are right, 2 stars is greater than 0 stars which means that bazooka puppies will dominate most of the EU region.

posted about 6 years ago


posted about 6 years ago

My boy Poi98 been hyping this Samsung roster up since day one, THEY BETTER SHOW SOME MF'IN RESULTS

posted about 6 years ago

Man Dallas Fuel managed their ults so well on that second point save

posted about 6 years ago

Leaked image of LA Valiants teamhouse after new merchandise arrived

posted about 6 years ago

This match was impressively boring. I dont think i will ever use such a sentence again. Fuck Brigitte. Im going to bed

posted about 6 years ago

From underrated player to underrated coach feelsbadmin, will always love me some papa shake. Ty for dank article as always scruba

posted about 6 years ago

I remember playing with an Egyptian once in my gm games and he couldnt use voice chat because their government forbids it, and after some google searches its apparently the same for countries like Saudi Arabia and other countries in the area. Can only imagine how frustrating it is for players to try and climb, and it must of definitely hurt the esports scene in the area. Though strange, im happy such a secluded area is finally getting some competition, and hope we get to see some new stars make a breaktrough. :>

posted about 6 years ago

Dallas vs Fuel

posted about 6 years ago

TriHard 7 for TH7 boys welcome back

posted about 6 years ago

BGH vs Isurus fucking hype. Both these teams are so underrated, im looking forward to it. Easy for the Klaus Karry Klan

posted about 6 years ago

Normies thinking theres gonna be a Kungarna roster announcement LMAO, cant wait for my boi Mykl to 1v6 some console scrubs

posted about 6 years ago

Reverse sweep strat OP

posted about 6 years ago

easy 4 anime genji seagull friend

posted about 6 years ago
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