Country: United Kingdom
Registered: May 11, 2017
Last post: November 9, 2020 at 6:39 PM
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London Spitfire enacting the perfect Brexit strategy towards the end there, proud of the lads

posted about 6 years ago

Shaz is nutty, was really glad when he got himself an OWL spot

posted about 6 years ago

That's the risk of picking up a team that suddenly appeared from nowhere, they tend to just be one-patch teams. However the Spitfire roster also has most of the Kongdoo squad on there as well, so I think with practice they should do fine

posted about 6 years ago

Those flags PogChamp

posted about 6 years ago

It'll be on OWL site later tonight/tomorrow if it's the same as yesterday's games

posted about 6 years ago

We could potentially get the rare 6 flag meta from Dallas Fuel, gonna be tough for the Outlaws to match that

posted about 6 years ago

Your argument makes no sense if you actually want Overwatch to succeed as an esport. If the lower skill cap heroes dominate the meta, it is very boring to watch.

posted about 6 years ago

Well he has been hitting some tasty shots

posted about 6 years ago

Agreed, I do wish the chat was a little easier to follow though, and I miss not using emotes

posted about 6 years ago

It's against the terms of service of the game, equally as bad as throwing games intentionally, and in Korea I believe is seen as the same level of cheating as an aimbot or wallhacks. I think the punishment is fair, he broke the rules and should pay the price for that. I'd say he got off lightly by not having his account suspended, unless of course he already has and has served his time for that.

posted about 6 years ago

AZK did indeed play for Team Liquid. When his lifetime ban from CS was lifted I think he went back to that, and Team Liquid disbanded their roster as many of their players also went back to Quake I think.

posted about 6 years ago

Quick maths

posted about 6 years ago

If not rank 1, then certainly top 5, but that's never through solo queue, and making the most of the fact that matchmaking rewards off-meta picks. He does have an insane widowmaker, but that's about it. He does have a 'nice guy' streamer personality, but it doesn't seem at all sincere after a while

posted about 6 years ago

He abused his position as a prominent streamer to encourage young women to talk sexually with him and send him pictures. While it may not be physical, it is still a form of sexual exploitation.

posted about 6 years ago

I really don't get the Kephrii invite. Not only does he epitomize one-tricking in it's worse form (I've watched his streams, I'm not basing that from hear-say), he's also been involved in 2 high profile scandals in the last couple of months. The 200mg meme was kinda funny, but effectively sexually exploiting people is a serious offense, and in my eyes that should be enough to disqualify him from high-profile events for a while.

He also has no idea what is and is not appropriate, for example coming into the hulktastic stream and making a '200ms, 8 fps' joke, diverting the attention to him rather than the memory of hulk.

I used to have a lot of respect for the guy, but it's all gone now, and I don't think he can earn it back unless he grows up big time.

posted about 6 years ago

I know I don't speak for everyone, but that is an issue for me with professional sports. I've only ever supported my national team and a small local team.

In principle it's not an issue, but in reality there's no way I can connect to an NA org running a full team of Koreans with all games played in LA, that apparently represents London. I actually like C9 as a brand, but the only actual connection I've seen to the UK is that video with Stylosa.

posted about 6 years ago

When the Florida team has a stronger link to London than the London team :thonking:

posted about 6 years ago

That was so cute, and then suddenly everything changed. I'm impressed

posted about 6 years ago

gotcha. In that case team flags or city flags definitely sounds like a good idea

posted about 6 years ago

If you want to get pedantic, he actually said he was going to keep terrorising ranked, which is a big difference from playing overwatch

posted about 6 years ago

It should either be as it is, or they should be the teams colours/logo. Changing the flags of people's birth countries to that of a city they happen to play in could be considered disrespectful.

posted about 6 years ago

Do you have a school team of any sort? And if not could you start one up? I've been playing on my uni team recently, and even though we didn't do great the game was much more enjoyable when played 'properly' with actual communication and team comps

posted about 6 years ago

That's not strictly true, he did say he was tired of playing the game and didnt want to be pro anymore, during the whole torb fiasco

posted about 6 years ago

He did deserve the ban when you watch what he did, but the way it's been handledby blizzard is terrible

posted about 6 years ago

This basically, he deserved the ban for sure, but once again Blizzard have gone about it in the most ham-fisted way possible

posted about 6 years ago

I don't know that it will work though. Maybe in the short term, but as soon as people realise there's as many trolls and throwers as ever, they'll be back to believing reporting is useless

posted about 6 years ago

Also, they banned xQc mid game, ruining the game for his teammates at the time. That's not really going to encourage people to use the report system if there's a chance you'll end up 5v6 because of it.

They need to implement the in-game feedback that they've been talking about for months. So when you log in, if someone you've reported has been suspended/banned, a notification pops up letting you know. Slowly but surely people would begin to believe their reports are having an impact

posted about 6 years ago

So recently there's been some seriously high profile players banned, the latest being xQc, getting 3 days banned for false reporting. I get that they're trying to make examples of people, but when the system you've got is a broken as it is, this is just gonna push people away. I don't think anyone at any level of the game seriously believes the reporting system works properly, and banning someone for 3 days for it, when there's incredibly toxic people, throwers, etc, who aren't streamers, that can just get away with it.

Blizzard need to fix the ranked system first, make sure it's a decent environment for everyone, THEN make the examples of the high profile people who misuse it. You need to have the people on your side first, otherwise you alienate even more people and make the problem worse.

I know Jeff says the reporting system is working and people need to use it, but frankly I've not seen any evidence see centre of it. All I've seen is a few streamers get banned for very borderline offenses, while every session I play I get at least one game with someone screaming abuse down their mic.

posted about 6 years ago

I can strongly recommend the Logitech G502, meets all your criteria and has been very reliable for me.

posted about 6 years ago

Good to see Blizzard showing strong 'support' for the game still...

...get it...

...cos it's all support heroes...

I'll leave now.

posted about 6 years ago

Unfortunately for us, I think this is his hobby

posted about 6 years ago

MikeyA repping the welsh flag has to be amongst the rarest out there

posted about 6 years ago

I dunno about Nate, but my idea of 'very soon' is within a couple of days, certainly less than a week. Hopefully the delay is nothing serious to Contenders, and there'll be announcement imminently

posted about 6 years ago

They could look at inviting Western teams back again, but that does of course depend on how the Contenders scene works out

posted about 6 years ago

I wouldn't tbh, he's deliberately provocative, insulting to many many people, and borderline sexist, but people brush it off as 'funny'. I know it's personal taste, but likening something to 'breaking in a new woman', which he did in something I watched, which all the other guests found hilarious, is just plain offensive.

posted about 6 years ago

RIP INTERNETHULK, one of the reasons I started watching pro overwatch, gone too soon

posted about 6 years ago

chips vs ryujehong PogChamp

posted about 6 years ago

The production value of the video was top quality at least

posted about 6 years ago

I mean, I might if Fusion are playing, gotta support my boy Boombox

posted about 6 years ago

Did South Korea forget they were playing one of the West's most dominant rosters? Cheese might work against some teams, but against a T1 team they know how to play around it.

posted about 6 years ago

How aKm isn't in OWL is a mystery to me

posted about 6 years ago


Are you genuinely accusing Blizzard of matchfixing? As if so, get your proof and take that to court, cos that's an incredibly serious allegation.

posted about 6 years ago

sinatraa proving he's worth every cent of that $150,000

posted about 6 years ago

This could easily be the highest viewer count of the entire OWWC, with huge support for both teams. It might even get more than the final if USA don't make it

posted about 6 years ago

I don't actually mind a bastion, at least he requires decent tracking and aim to utilise. It genuinely does confuse me why neither team tried a defensive sombra, especially on last point, where there's decent health packs that can be accessed. All you need to do is upset the ship once to end it's progress

posted about 6 years ago

Why not run a sombra against the pirate ship? Build up EMP and clear the ship out

posted about 6 years ago

The game looks very washed out now, it's lost the vibrancy and liveliness that I tend to associate with overwatch. I like the idea, but as others have said, there's wayyyy too much white everywhere.

The health bars are also confusing, there needs to be a little more distinction between them two teams.

posted about 6 years ago

She looks like a lot of fun to play, been playing a lot of supports this season so looking forward to trying her out

posted about 6 years ago

No biscuit with his tea, and a firm slap on the wrist should suffice

(I should clarify that a British biscuit is an American cookie)

posted about 6 years ago

Most systems have a flat amount for a win/loss (say 20) then a modifier based on the average differene between the rankings of the two players or teams.

So in Overwatch, if one team was ranked 3000 on average, and the other team was ranked 3100 on average, the higher team would get, say, 18 SR if they won, and the other team would get 22 SR if they won, as they were the underdogs.

All the time there is a possibility to alter the SR by individual performance, there will be more possibilities to game the system. I think Blizzard wanted to create a unique SR system, but at the end of the day, there tends to be a reason why things are done in a particular way

posted about 6 years ago
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