Country: Italy
Registered: July 1, 2017
Last post: May 18, 2022 at 3:06 PM
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Nice one, even thou for what concerns myself, I guess I'll simply avoid posting my view on that kind of topic, and agree with someone above me, this isn't the place for that kind of discussion, and I don't mean just the last dreamkazper case.

posted about 6 years ago

I don't think anyone underrates Libero anymore, totally agree on Nevix.

posted about 6 years ago

Irrelevant, as if it was just Blizzard punishing his behaviour something would be very wrong.

posted about 6 years ago

Are you this girl's lawyer?'cause you know, from your point of view also speaking of the laws should be irrelevant, but ehi... we can simply avoid speaking at all.

In the correct order:

  1. There are laws.
  2. Someone broke the llaw, Dreamkazper in this specific case.
  3. He has to pay the consequences.
  4. She doesn't "deserve" this (who in his/her friggin right mind would think that!?)
  5. Should we think, since there are laws that now everything is fine?
  6. Considering how immature this girl is, do you honestly believe leave her free access to all those means of communication was a smart idea? Who should have checked it? The law? Dreamkazper? Or maybe, her parents?
posted about 6 years ago

Her parents should thou, and generally speaking all parents should pay attention to their kids, even if "just" to avoid them ending up in situations like this.

I remember starting smoking when I was 14, and that older friend of mine who made me try, I know this is a whole different magnitude of a situation, but I don't blame him for making me start smoking, my parents did blame him, I stil don't now, almost 30 years later and still a smoker, it was on me I was already old enough to understand I was doing something wrong and why?

Well the answer is simple, my parents.

posted about 6 years ago

RIP Nevix :(

"I am really glad that ChoiHyoBin will be able to show the league he is the best D'Va in the world." - Architect

Nice job Architect to "shit" on the player in your team that was playing in that role, even before you had a chance to play with him.

posted about 6 years ago

Nobody (at least here, for sure not me) is denying that twerp, this opens up a different argument thou, one that will expose me for the old geezer I am, why should a 14 year old girl/guy have free unmonitored access to internet and a cellphone?

Yes you can get in a lot of trouble even without those tools, it just requires dedication, while like this all it takes is the time to type a sentence.

The fact she was still actively posting on Twitter is wrong as well, luckily she (or someone else) made the account private.

posted about 6 years ago

He is suspended indefinitely while the league investigates this matter.

Why? Again the wrong way to express it Blizzard, in this case it should read:

"He is suspended indefinitely while the law investigates this matter."

posted about 6 years ago

Yep exactely, I know everyone reacts differently, but they way she's posting and portraying everything just seems... wrong?

I mean if she really was "abused" I really feel sorry for her, a very good friend of mine was sexually harrassed by his father's best friend when she was 16, she only managed to open up more than 20 years later (after the death of her father), and I realized that good part of the woman I loved (as a friend) was due to that shit that happened to her so many years ago.

This is some serious shit. :(

posted about 6 years ago

Is not even Blizzard that should punish him, Blizard is a private company, is not their business punishing law infringements, it's the actual law that should take care of it.

posted about 6 years ago

Wth... When are we goin to find the cocaine dealer?

No really what the f is wrong with these guys?

Maybe I'm too old to understand, is it just being born in the twitter/reddit/whatevercrap generation?

EDIT: He's an idiot, and deserves everything that's gonna come his way, I truly believe this, she isn't better thou, going public with this (that was mutual) right after Boston defeated Huston (her fav team)?

posted about 6 years ago

Rolled and smoked
Wow Boston is looking amazing tbh

posted about 6 years ago

Well to be honest in a league without relegation winning 1 match or none doesn't change much (besides some morale I guess?).

Still implying that this was their best chance is imo incorrect, they still have plenty of chances and 2 of their players have been with them for barely a week.

posted about 6 years ago

Meh but he's barely answered 4 questions on that AMA

posted about 6 years ago

Nowh Whinston decided to bring Agilities to the In-N-Out to film the "motivational" speech.
Except that wasn't really a motivational speech "you are not playing well, this is your last chance or you are out", said on cameram inside a car in front of the In-N-Out.

posted about 6 years ago

One doesn't exclude the other.

The players should def have some sort of union, but more than for when they are blatantly wrong, for when they are treated unfairly (e.g. salary compared to what the league and the orgs actually make), due to the fact of being the weak party in a contract with billionaires.

Twitch makes money out this drama, a lot of money, they don't even have a "public face" considering their top staff still is under the Justin.tv umbrella (that's the email domain they use for business), why should they fine a user that creates drama? Drama brings viewers.

To be completely honest on a personal level I don't believe should be Blizzard's job either to fine/suspend the players, but the org the players are contracted to, but this is another story.

posted about 6 years ago


Just for the sake of it, I find most of those sketches funny, but they are in a specific context, which isn't a kid's friendly esport league.

Can I find offensive if a random guy starts making jokes about me being an Italian mafioso? Yep I probably would, and would probably start making fun of him the same way (ain't that difficult), but I''m not a kid.

Would I find it offensive and deeming a fine/punishment if a random "celebrity" would make fun of Italians in front of my nephew (she's 12), I surely will.

Am I offended by a friend of mine calling me frocio (a.k.a. faggot in Italian), nah not really and he doesn't find me calling him nigga offensive either, why? 'cause we are friends, I'm not making fun of his skin color and him of my sexual orientation, I'm making fun of him and he's making fun of me.

What's the diffrence you might ask? Well it's context, it means everything, making fun of race/gender/nationality is wrong, period but contextulized MIGHT be acceptable on a person to person level.

Doing it on a stream (or on a stage) with thousand of persons you know nothing about, is simply wrong.

posted about 6 years ago

Holy... Ado's blades thou <3

posted about 6 years ago

To be fair if I don't recall bad, Morte was looking into it, I hope he didn't give up, but yes someone should really start moving in that direction, and fast.

posted about 6 years ago

I really loved the DOTA 2 model tbh, you want me to pay to have access to those tools?

Fine then you make them directly accesible to me, give me the chance to watch matches in-game, with all the tools casters have at their disposal, but if you make me pay so that someone else can pick which POV to follow for me, or which stat to present me, then no thanks give those for free.

Oh and yes of course part of the money you pay to watch the tournaments goes into the prize pool for the players.

posted about 6 years ago

Absolutely agree, what I can tell you thou is something more than that, people with money (real money) don't see them differently than classic sports' athletes (read as: cash cows), and that makes me believe in some aspects this treating esports as a "kid's stuff" is on purpose.

Why would you want to deal with more porfessional athletes, with an union and with requests that match what they are worth while you can keep picturing them as kids and "get away" with 50k/year salaries?

I know I always tend to be negative but due to my job I happen to know how much some companies related to the videogame industry are willing to pay to "invest" in esports, but just on fixed costs, not on actual salaries.

EDIT: and if such companies could see how I write... I'd probably lose my job, rofl sorry for all the typos.

posted about 6 years ago

The more I think about it, the only aspect that really baffles me, is the "kid" part, is not like in classic sports players are grandpas.

LeBron James was drafted in the NBA when he was 19, same as The Big Ticket (that I think someone mentioned).
Talented football (soccer) players start playing in main teams at top level at ages around 16-17.

What makes an OW player a kid compared to LeBron James... ok he's a bad example considering he "looked 30" even when he was drafted, but eh.

posted about 6 years ago

Really curious to see the Frog on the OWL stage , have to admit like the girl and her playstyle.

posted about 6 years ago

Bunny was coach Moon's Tracer, and sadly they couldn't find a team willing to buy Soon from them, even if some (Huston we have a problem) celarly needed it.


I think this will be the new main squad everyone else on the B(ench) team

posted about 6 years ago

I'm against it, plain and simple, some of those options should be available to all, and for free.

But I'm not surprised by it, as I still believe that if OWL keeps growing in a couple of years (once the orignal deal with Twitch will reach its end) it will become pay to view for everyone.

Being specific, paying for in-game content (skins) is fine, for Twitch emotes is fine as well, what we should all get for freee is the meaty stuff:

a second-screen match-day livestream, featuring alternate in-game camera angles, backstage cameras, player POVs, and real-time stats.

A bit weird for them to launch it officially during season one, as the guys who buy into it will pay for only 1 stage + playoffs? Unless of course for a full season it will be more expensive (60-80 dollars?), which would make it even worse imo, but eh... money is money.

posted about 6 years ago


Well something's starting to become clear, the new coach Moon has an actual vision (which was lacking imo earlier), and that vision includes (for example) his former players and not the French duo.

This leads to people not wanting to get benched into oblivion to leave, as I doubt we'll see Numlocked or any of the sister team's players on stage any time soon.

A pity for Soon, good luck to Unkoe, Silkthread and of course even more so for Envy.

posted about 6 years ago

I used to need OpTics, but now I EnVision everything

posted about 6 years ago

"I couldn't compute the hours that my sons, who have a real job! Have spent in their lives playing games..."
Mike Lupica - 2018

posted about 6 years ago

There a couple of huge differences thou.

  1. Player unions, classic sports all have them.
  2. Agents (at least in Football) who sometimes are more influential than teams themselves.
posted about 6 years ago

Damn, this is so sad... but again Dramaqueen CEO = Death of a team. :(

GL to Valiants and most of all to Envy, sick player, I'm sure he'll find a better home for himself.

posted about 6 years ago

I honestly see this as a bad trade for both, Valiant lose arguably the best non Korean support, Dallas lose their best shot caller...

Then again, I'm not a pro player neither a pro coach so I'll be proven wrong, but still...

posted about 6 years ago

Probably, but then u keep Envy and the baguettes, and trade the other ones, considering the 3 of them are arguably the strong points of the team.

posted about 6 years ago

Destroy A working Team - How to 1.0
Be sure to have a dramaqueen CEO, destruction will come.

posted about 6 years ago

Inb4 we end up naturalizing them and take part to the world cup... not like we don't do it for almost every other sport. :)

posted about 6 years ago

"ARHAN LUL" was the "J LUL K E" of OW 2016.
Just killed me, LUL.

That said, well he could surely play tracer, and also gengu, so I'd say overall a nice improvement?

posted about 6 years ago

We are poi, we are legion... erm

posted about 6 years ago

That Danye blade... POGGERS

posted about 6 years ago

But they don't have the secret ingredient, our lord of the :candle: !

posted about 6 years ago


Let me show my love for 80ies corny US shows

posted about 6 years ago

That translation thou, makes it sound even worse than how it already could be.

Oh my the comments...

posted about 6 years ago

Well the scammer left, it can only go better no?

posted about 6 years ago

All the Italian flags in the comments thou <3
Dai ragazzi che forse stavolta ce la si fa... forse. :D

EDIT: wait did I just reach the 1st star, on an Italian subject? woa... destiny si with us rofl

posted about 6 years ago

C'mon paolo! Have faith! We have cookies..erm I mean Koreans! :)

posted about 6 years ago

Eh one can always hope, 2017 team performed worse than 2016, so eh... :(

posted about 6 years ago

Eh you interpreted it too negatively.

Bringing Koreans to the west should improve the west overall, bringing their coaches, even more, absolutely nothing wrong in it.

Filling 90% (hyperbole, but not too much) of top teams with Koreans means the best coaches, the best players, the money is going to the ones that already were ahead, instead of (what I hoped) actually mixing them with western players, allowing those to experience esports like Koreans do in their country.

My second point is that, an academy (imo) should always grow local talent, if its parent major league doesn't.

The part about also the Korean scene getting "worse" is just speculation on my side.

There is a finite number of talents in a population and OW has to compete also with other games, if you keep removing from that scene the best talents, you'll eventually reach a point where all the available local talent will go to a different game, as it becomes more popular in the region.
Streamers, personalities are more relatable Even more so for very young guys) if they are "close" to you, for example time of the matches/streams, etc...

posted about 6 years ago

Eh now watch out for Ital..what? Where?
Guess I might as well cheer for Iceland, at least the few players they have, are great. :)

posted about 6 years ago

Downfragged, but it's the truth, Korean players dedicate their whole life to practicing/improving, and are paid for it, recognized for it, etc...

European players (NA ones as well), unless they go the streamer way, get less than working let's say, at McDonald's, and are generally perceived (not by fans, but the broader public) as not working "eh he plays videogames".

This is not just for player mind you, I am a manager in the videogame industry, still now, after years of work and me not being young anymore, when I say what I do for a living... "Oh so you guys work with games? That's not a real job".

posted about 6 years ago

See where a big difference with the Korean scene is?
Not even the guys investing in EU (and possibly NA) esports actually "believe" in it.

Ok this kind of behaviour is not specific only to esports of course, but it's pretty common (if we doon't just consider OW), where an investor/CEO/blahblah sees his workers as "just" players, so not really worth paying like a proper worker.

Mandatory EDIT: GL to all the guys in Mosaic, players, coaches and the rest of the staff!

posted about 6 years ago

Well there slowly is going the chance to see the west improve, now everyone's looking for Koreans. :)

Was expected, as long as loads of money are in the mix, they just want the immediate results.

What honestly leaves me more bafled is how they are also stacking their academy/B teams with Koreans, this is imo only bad, for both the Western scene AND the Korean one.

posted about 6 years ago
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