Country: Haiti
Registered: April 16, 2017
Last post: December 14, 2022 at 8:30 PM
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[Insert subjective answer here]

posted about a year ago


posted about 2 years ago

Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.

posted about 3 years ago

No Decay, no w-...oh wait.

posted about 3 years ago

With the information that is currently available, the reaction is to be expected. We literally can only look at this from the lens of what OW1 would look like 5v5. Yes, the entire game will change. Every single roll will have to adjust, but team are going from 6 on-field to 5 on field, so teams will get smaller by nature. Looking at it right now, with this announcement, tanks is the role that will inherently see the biggest change. So tanks players will inherently see the biggest change in how they interact with the game.

That's where the concern comes from, and again, with the information we have, I don't think it's misplaced.

posted about 3 years ago

Again, OTs cannot practice this. Knowing about it now prevents them from being blindsided, it does not help them develop the new skills they'll need. The few months they'll have to actually transition is nothing compared to the time they've spent practicing their current role. It's about knowing how to play your characters and how they function in the team, and that takes more than a couple of months to not just develop, but hone to OWL's top level.

Some will transition more easily than others. It might just depend on what happens to their best heroes but yes, I think this is a bigger deal for thank players, OTs specially, that qu'au you seem to indicate.

posted about 3 years ago

I think people are kinda over reacting to this. It doesn’t fuck over off tank players

I think it does though. You're essentially having to relearn a whole new role after specializing for X amount of time. A few months is not enough to make up for the couple of years or more that you'd put into your play up until that point.

Best I can hope for is that the transition starts as soon after the year's OWL season as possible so players can focus on the changes and decide what they're gonna do.

As for it hurting the game, yeah that one we really won't know until we get our hands on it so I do agree that the panic in that regards may or may not be justified. Like you said, it's a huge change so this much concern or worry was inevitable imo.

posted about 3 years ago

Game play wise, I like it and think it has potential...but my heart goes out to all the players that are gonna fucked by this.

posted about 3 years ago

Oh shit the legendary ROADHOD videos have been made private I can never watch them again sadge

posted about 3 years ago

They'll have deserved it after they win it, is how I see this.

posted about 4 years ago

This isn't a topic that I'm going to debate on this forum.

posted about 4 years ago

Wait, one year and 40 hours? That it?

posted about 4 years ago

They have some good, some decent and some average players. I'm not sure what you barometer for good is, but I feel like they might still be missing a more high impact player at some point.

But that's just the feeling I get.

posted about 4 years ago

We also have no information to know why those decisions are being made, on top of probably not being able to understand and them even if we did know. So no, I wouldn't say it's unsettling since I'm not qualified to comment. But I am intertained even if I'm sometimes frustrated by the results.

posted about 4 years ago

Don't think I'd keep either of them tbh.

posted about 4 years ago

Gonna give your butthole an award for being able to pull that take out of itself.

posted about 4 years ago

Seoul. WTF. Why do you keep doing this to me....

posted about 4 years ago

Vancouver is a different thing altogether though.

posted about 4 years ago

I see what my intention was, yes. I don't think I'm responsible for your interpretation. You haven't explained why you had the impression you did so I don't know why you'd think I'd guess.

posted about 4 years ago

Looks like London just got CHENGDU'd!

posted about 4 years ago

The wording I used says exactly what I want it to say. The comment itself obviously doesn't take aim at you specifically, but if you feel otherwise then that's on you.

A bit of introspection will go a long way here but a lack of knowledge and/or understanding doesn't inherently make you sexist so I'm not sure what you're on about.

posted about 4 years ago

Honestly there's too much to unpack and I don't think I'd be able to effectively communicate my point to you since you think I'm calling you sexist from what I previously wrote.

You also seem entirely uninterested in broadening your own perspective so there's isn't much more to add to this. Looking at the comment and examples you just gave reinforces that impression.

I assume we can at least partially chalk it up to cultural differences, but then again, learning and personal growth are always an option.

posted about 4 years ago

He made it real fucking easy for them.

posted about 4 years ago

Technically true depends on your perspective and what you mean. Some women being "whores", as in them being sex workers, is true. However, here it's used to demean them based on their sexual activity. Men and women being themselves is uh...normal, but what does that have to do with trying to use sexual one's habits as an insult?

Do you know what else is technically true? Black men get incarceration at a much higher rate than white men. Facts. Does it tell the entire story? No. Nuance and context matter but you're not applying that to this situation and how we treat women in general.

I know learning and growing is hard, but damn people, it ain't that hard.

posted about 4 years ago

It's easy to say X group is Y and call it "having a different opinion". Maybe we don't want to be shitting on people for literally being. Maybe we don't want to perpetuate shit's that's been going on for centuries. Your argument that worst shit being said is irrelevant. It's just not that hard to not be a dick. It's not that hard to try and understand other people's perspectives.

The other side of this argument is that people need to be given the space to fuck up if we want learning, understanding and growth to happen. From the few details given, Harry didn't seem to be interested in any of that if his views of some women was that they were "whores" and "meat".

Welcome to being a balanced human being.

posted about 4 years ago

I mean, retirements happen? Not sure what's surprising about them at this point in the game's life cycle.

posted about 4 years ago

Welp. They got Chengdu'd again.

posted about 4 years ago

hmm...the powah of Haksal?

posted about 4 years ago

With Babybay retiring...if we still don't see Erster...

posted about 4 years ago

Must watch imho. Really could have gone either way.

posted about 4 years ago

tbf, Sasin just wasn't it, imo.

posted about 4 years ago

New match meta: beat up on the bottom teams in the league until you master your strats and take down the big boiz.

posted about 4 years ago

The players don't. The org? Sure. But the players? I dunno, I'm just not about it. This is basically 2018 SHD v2.

posted about 4 years ago

I'm assuming VISA issues may have played a part in it.

posted about 4 years ago

huh..it actually did lol.

posted about 4 years ago

I mostly agree, but I think that's facilitated by Fleta, he enables his DPS partner to play what they're best at since he himself can play almost everything.

posted about 4 years ago

SHD just absolutely ass blasted SEO. Fleta has a bigger grin that The Joker right now. I STILL think Fleta/Profit would have been the best DPS duo in the league, by far, and that it may have put SEO on top, but I guess we'll never know. In the meantime, I'm looking forward to seeing if SHD can keep this up, cause they're lights out right now.

posted about 4 years ago

Dding fucks.

posted about 4 years ago

wait wut?

posted about 4 years ago

Diem + Fleta is a fuckin' terrifying DPS duo, but Void showed the fuck up to dunk on some fools today.

posted about 4 years ago

No D.Va, no win.

posted about 4 years ago

The madlads, they finally broke the streak!

posted about 4 years ago

The problem here is that him "only" being 21 doesn't matter if he knowingly participated in the solicitation of a minor.

As for public opinion, well, Boston didn't have much of a choice, sexual harassment and the situation being what it was didn't really leave them with any other viable option.

posted about 4 years ago

Damn. I gotta admit, I was bummed out when I saw that my ProFleta stonk predictions weren't gonna workout, but this is some good shit.

posted about 4 years ago

It's possible that things may not have been moving fast enough for her. I don't know how these internal investigations usually go though.

posted about 4 years ago

Was a joke mate, all good.

posted about 4 years ago

Astro playing for both teams, actual legend.

posted about 4 years ago

Sounds like you want to rant more than you want an actual discussion.

posted about 4 years ago
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