Country: Norway
Registered: March 28, 2017
Last post: September 30, 2018 at 7:46 AM
Posts: 209
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posted about 5 years ago

funny, I expect both the lower seeded teams on the left side to win in close 3-2 matches, not so much on the right side, probably 4-0 (maybe a 3-1) matches in favour of the high seed teams, then again I've underestimated Australia before (several times) and probably shouldn't do it again.

posted about 5 years ago

GG France, what a great game, score don't really reflect how close it was.

posted about 5 years ago

There are a lot of great French players that deserve to get picked up, but I don't think a full/mostly French roster is the way to go.

posted about 5 years ago

PogChamp, here starts the era of Norwegians :P

posted about 5 years ago

angry europeans incoming

posted about 5 years ago

The battle of Vertical VS Horizontal

posted about 5 years ago


and for each one of these amazing players there's a Korean in the same role, just as talent, but more hardworking and better at teamwork.

posted about 5 years ago

Not really though, it's still realistic for Australia to beat China and for Sweden to beat Danmark, not likely that both (or either) of those to happen, but still within reasonable probability.

posted about 5 years ago

a little disappointing, was hoping for a 4-0, but Oh well, GG Switzerland:)

posted about 5 years ago

well one city is better than nothing, which i honestly expected at one point.

posted about 5 years ago

Can't say I'm surprised, but still sad to see Miro go, end of an era.

posted about 5 years ago

I'm curious who you think they're main tank is.

Because they "gave" a way Fissure and released iRemix

posted about 5 years ago

Gladiators should pick him up

posted about 5 years ago

Outlaws should pick him up

posted about 5 years ago

I'd love to see a full chinese roster that can compete with the best, it's definitely possible, but my guess is they've bought an established top korean team, like RunAway or Element Mystic.

posted about 5 years ago

He got picked up instantly, didn't he also change his name though?

Edit: He did change his name to "hYpnos" but maybe he've changed it back.

posted about 5 years ago

This is gonna be the most important match of the group, deciding the 2nd place. Of course I hope for the Norwegian win, but I do think the US got a very slight advantage.
Maybe the "hyped up underdog" situation gives Norway some momentum.

Edit: nevermind -.- I want to blame the Meta, but that wouldn't be any less relevant to the other counties....

posted about 5 years ago

Pyongyang, Reykjavík and last but not least Longyearbyen.

posted about 5 years ago


Really sad Iddqd wasn't given a real chance, very underated player. his heropool just wasn't in meta for a while

posted about 5 years ago

Come on I didn't really "come at" Dreamworks.... :P as I said, It's good, just doesn't have that unique sense of quality, blizz shorts normaly have, the same vibe that Pixar movies give off.
Just because you like one thing doesn't mean you have to hate the other thing.

Now however if you genuinly think Dreamworks is "better" than Pixar, then we two have a problem sir :P

posted about 5 years ago

I agree, there is "something" missing, no idea what, didn't notice Dva's personality when i watched it, but I think you might be right.
It's a decent short, but it's no Bastion/Mei short, it's missing a sort of sense of emotion and suspense.

It's as if it's made by Dreamworks and not Pixar :P

posted about 5 years ago

Love RunAway and their story, hoping someone pick up the whole roster for a OWL franchise called "some city" RunAways xD

posted about 5 years ago

one about Zen could be cool, but ye it's probably Dva

posted about 5 years ago

R.I.P, good player

posted about 5 years ago

oh well, this will just make the win in the finaly rematch so much sweeter.

posted about 5 years ago

Fragi finaly woke up

posted about 5 years ago

Wow, seems like there will be skins for the Group stages, that's amazing

posted about 5 years ago

WC Finals in only a few days? that's weird....

posted about 5 years ago

aren't they all in Korea though? Also team SK tryed out some alternative/meme strats at times, and neither team seemed too serious about their ult management, shouldn't take it to serious.

posted about 5 years ago

Probably only the top 8 (or 4?) teams like last year, and the teams that got skins last year probably wont get new ones, that's my guess at least.

posted about 5 years ago

Really happy for Runaway, they deserve this

posted about 5 years ago

I'd say the Lower Finals were the true Grand Final, This is more like the local gangsters coming to demand their cut

posted about 5 years ago

would really have like a closer match, but oh well

posted about 6 years ago

Finland and Norway are my teams this year, and Finland got what it takes to win the whole thing.

posted about 6 years ago

4 capable teams here, pretty tough group really, personally I think China will take first (rather underrated country because of Shanghai Dragons) and Danmark will surprise and take 2nd in the group. But it could just as well be Australia and Sweden.

And Thailand and Spain arent too be underrated either, probably the only group with no real weak team(s)

posted about 6 years ago

hmm the US roster wasn't as scary as i expected, Starting to genuinely believe Norway and Canada will be the 2 top teams here.

posted about 6 years ago

100% deserved

posted about 6 years ago

at first glance, I'd say the advancing teams are:

South Korea and Finland with Russia on a VERY close 3rd

Danmark and China with Sweden on a VERY close 3rd

easy for UK and France

Canada and USA with Norway on a somewhat close 3rd and Brazil on a VERY close 4th (though I do hold some hope for Norway to surpise, we have 3 very strong DPS this year).

posted about 6 years ago

Considering that he asked to be released from team danmarks 12 finalists, I assume he's done with Overwatch, atleast the professional aspect of it.

posted about 6 years ago

Very powerful support duo i imagine, probably second only to Korea (and maybe Finland)

posted about 6 years ago


I got faith in this team

Roster: Decod, Track, Frost. Tricky, IKO, IPN, Onigod

posted about 6 years ago





posted about 6 years ago

Disappointing, OWL bias, contenders has better tank/flex alternatives and maybe even support players, Like that Snillo and SharP are in the running though.

posted about 6 years ago

from what i saw on different streams he seems a little underpowered, but he also seem to have a high skill ceiling, so who knows

posted about 6 years ago

Am i the only one that though about the Hamster Baddie from Lilo and Stitch?

posted about 6 years ago

I stopped following OWL around Stage 3, got a little bored with Overwatch, but mostly because it was live way too late for me to actively follow it/my team, and I'm not gonna bother with VODs

posted about 6 years ago

I seriously think Fuel can win this. 3-2 Fuel, they got the momentum

posted about 6 years ago

3-1 LAG, ez

posted about 6 years ago
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