Is the (3) Tank meta back?

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So, I was just watching the Pit Championship, as much as we are speaking of the first days after the patch, and not OWL...
Do you guys think we'll see the 3 tank meta come back now? Just with Moira now?


i dont mind what we get as long i dont see a mercy


why would triple tank be what teams default to?


also remember this is EU, who always enjoyed the tank meta

petra [#3]

why would triple tank be what teams default to?

No more Mercy and Moira doing a lot of continous healing with her biotic orbs which can basicially give your ult in 25 seconds. Still, not a lot of teams have even touched Moira for a good amount of time.

petra [#3]

why would triple tank be what teams default to?

I honestly don't know, was just watching these matches and on some maps we had 3 tanks on attack and 4 on defense, in general 3 tanks as an average, with some quick switches back to dive, Moira on both teams and Ana/Lucio as 2nd support, the ones with 3 tanks had maybe a Junkrat and/or Reaper to complete the roster.

I'm like Jon Snow, I just watch and wonder, then come here and ask to people who probably understand/see things better than me. :)

Blue [#4]

also remember this is EU, who always enjoyed the tank meta

eu has always been the dive region watchu on about

Blue [#4]

also remember this is EU, who always enjoyed the tank meta

That's true, and they were by far the strongest reagion in the west during that period thou, which is why I was asking the question.

IF (that's a pretty big if right now) the tank meta comes back (in the end the majority of western OWL players are EU ones) and hits also OWL, some crazy scenarious might open, even more so for some of the teams who were complaining about the "Mercy meta" but onlly have 1 decent main tank and 1 off tank (yes Mayhem I'm looking at you).

paolodicandio [#2]

i dont mind what we get as long i dont see a mercy

Hehe trust me I'm not a Mercy lover (being forced onto her way too often myself, and realy don't like her), but is worth remembering that DPS player were very very vocal against the triple tank meta as well, and for good reasons.

"With Ana and 3 tanks you never get a kill, is the sponge effect, no skill required just spam" (not actual words, just a sum up of what they were saying)

I honestly never had anything against the tank meta, also 'cause there were teams who were able to actually win without being forced into it (Rogue for one).

Again I'm just wondering, chances are in some days/weeks a completely diff meta will arise, but I'm pretty positive the tanks are back

wentaway [#6]

I honestly don't know, was just watching these matches and on some maps we had 3 tanks on attack and 4 on defense, in general 3 tanks as an average, with some quick switches back to dive, Moira on both teams and Ana/Lucio as 2nd support, the ones with 3 tanks had maybe a Junkrat and/or Reaper to complete the roster.

I'm like Jon Snow, I just watch and wonder, then come here and ask to people who probably understand/see things better than me. :)

i am that way too :p

i think the format of overwatch league allows a lot of flexibility, so we will probably see a lot more creativity from those teams now that mercy is not as necessary as before. i still think even 1 rez is really good, cause it's hard to match that kind of utility with other abilities

petra [#3]

why would triple tank be what teams default to?

It's not so much default to, but rather see more play time. Dive will still be played, it will just not be the best comp for every point.
Also, triple tank doesn't necessarily mean static, Winston Dva Hog works well too.

Also OWL's stage 2 maps will be KR, Hollywood, Lijiang, Nepal, Hanamura, Volskaya, Gibraltar and Route 66. All of which are Rein friendly if not across the map, on specific points.
Tank heavy comps have always been Ana's strong suit, and now are Moira's as well. Zen works too cause of discord, Lucio will be main support in the majority of situations because speed is too good.

As for Mercy, she's being hunted enough as is in a dive heavy meta where she usually has vertical and horizontal outs. Playing Mercy in a static comp means Mercy doesn't move around as much, which should be an easy kill for enemy flanker(s). The other supports are all LoS healers and all have either counter-flanker or escape abilities. Zen is an exception, cause with good peels, he becomes a punish hero, plus transcendence is imo the best support ult. Whereas Mercy is just a sitting duck.

All in all, the no more Mercy insta pick allows for more support and tank variation. Only thing I'm afraid of is tank heavy meta got stale very fast when it came around the first time. But we've seen some niche comps come out here and there already so I have faith.


As long as no Mercy I'm happy

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