Wednesday, March 7th
9:00 PM EST
Patch 1.19

1-9-17: OWL Skins/DF bug fixes
1-23-17: Blizzard World + cosmetics
1-30-17: Mercy/Junkrat changes

OWL Twitch
Overwatch League KR
Map 1
Volskaya Industries
Map 2
Lijiang Tower
Map 3
King's Row
Map 4
Route 66
Map 5
San Francisco Shock Draw
Checkpoints: 4
Capture progress: 0.0%
Time remaining: 0.00s
Draw Dallas Fuel
Checkpoints: 4
Capture progress: 0.0%
Time remaining: 0.00s
San Francisco Shock Winner
Round 1: 53%
Round 2: 100%
Round 3: 100%
Dallas Fuel
Round 1: 100%
Round 2: 54%
Round 3: 66%
San Francisco Shock Winner
Checkpoints: 3
Capture progress: 0.0%
Time remaining: 209.00s
Dallas Fuel
Checkpoints: 1
Distance pushed: 110.92m
Time remaining: 0.00s
San Francisco Shock Winner
Checkpoints: 3
Distance pushed: 0.00m
Time remaining: 29.00s
Dallas Fuel
Checkpoints: 1
Distance pushed: 84.72m
Time remaining: 0.00s
Map not played
Past Matches
Threaded Linear



Danteh VS xQc and Custa


Should be an easy win for the Fuel.
4-0 Dallas.

EDIT: Well shit.


3-1 Dallas with Shock taking either map 1 or map 2.


If Fuel don't win this I feel there's not much of a chance for them in this Season of OWL. They need to start picking up some wins against the other bottom half teams


Unless Danteh has an atomic match on Tracer, this should be an easy win for DF.


After their match with dallas sf will no longer be rated 1337

accountseverywhere [#7]

After their match with dallas sf will no longer be rated 1337

Sometimes sacrifices have to be made


Taimou doing some skiing? Kappa


It seems Dallas starting slow is something that will never change.


I wish Dallas used Rascal more especially on control


Can we just agree that Bren and Sideshow on the desk are killing it? <3

Xanoush [#11]

I wish Dallas used Rascal more especially on control

They should definitely use more effect+rascal+xqc to have a proper dive. Also if things don't turn out good Rascal is extremely flexible


Dallas is looking worse and worse every week. monkaS


aaaaaaaaa fuck being a dallas fan


Shock reformers, are you still sure you want to get rid of Nevix and Danteh (he's popping off like crazy today)?

Edit: 48-1 poggers


Danteh just went beast mode on 66




I don’t know what’s happening here.
I’ve learned two things though

A. Rascal is an incredible player, just a better version of Seagull
B. Mickie isn’t good.

I don’t know what the problem is, but they need to expirement without Mickie. He’s played in just about every game. I think if they used xQc and Cocco, or even Taimou it could work

Idk but Dallas have already lost the stage so now they have to fix things by trying everything

LordOfHorns [#19]

I don’t know what’s happening here.
I’ve learned two things though

A. Rascal is an incredible player, just a better version of Seagull
B. Mickie isn’t good.

I don’t know what the problem is, but they need to expirement without Mickie. He’s played in just about every game. I think if they used xQc and Cocco, or even Taimou it could work

Idk but Dallas have already lost the stage so now they have to fix things by trying everything

KyKy is shit, that’s what.

CamRa [#20]

KyKy is shit, that’s what.


LordOfHorns [#19]

I don’t know what’s happening here.
I’ve learned two things though

A. Rascal is an incredible player, just a better version of Seagull
B. Mickie isn’t good.

I don’t know what the problem is, but they need to expirement without Mickie. He’s played in just about every game. I think if they used xQc and Cocco, or even Taimou it could work

Idk but Dallas have already lost the stage so now they have to fix things by trying everything

The thing is it's not as easy as "sub out x player and sub in y player and instant win", team atmosphere is a big part of these teams, and from following the team when they were under the EnVyUs banner really highlighted that Mickie was an essential part of the team that kept them together.

That being said, it's tough rooting for Dallas, since everyone knows of their potential but constantly sees them fail to actually reach it.

LordOfHorns [#21]


Chips is shit tier compared to Jjonak, Rawkus, etc. At least in this game, he underperformed.
Taimou just needs to stop masturbating before a match.
Effect needs to get a girlfriend to cheer him up or bench him for a while. You can tell how salty he got after the match by refusing to shake hands with half of the opposing team.
AKM and Rascal look like they're being bottlenecked by the sub-optimal tank rosters.
Seagull dead or something?
I'm a shitty Diamond player, but I would bring back the old Envyus just without Taimou. Bring back the old NV, replace Taimou with aKm, and there you have a solid roster. World's best Soldier, best Tracer, best Dva player, best expressionless player, and quality EU support.Have AKM be trained on ALL DPS heroes, and have Effect grind and grind on Tracer until he reaches his edge, where he would practice even more and get on the god tier of tracers. Don't bitch about "Oh, but we need player who's good at--" then you're not doing it right idiots. Use what you have, and if something doesn't work, don't replace it -- simply tweak it a bit. That is what the Koreans have done. Every pro player can play DPS, but since this is team game, communication is key, as well as the mood and dynamics. Taimou is toxic, has always been and always will be toxic unless he does something about it. No one can fix his mindset but himself, and drinking alcohol, calling others "fa**ots", and engaging in reckless behavior is the total opposite of the esteemed definition of being a "professional" gamer. He is also a very bad role model for young kids, drinking on stream in front of thousands of young kids and just being toxic overall. I don't want to sound like a hater, so I'll throw this in: he can pop off when he's in the right mindset, and that mindset does not involve bringing even more toxic players such as xQc and aKm. (aKm is known to have engaged in activities that publicly insult a nation's culture)

Another solution would be to just experiment a bit and have Harry back on Soldier, Effect on Zarya, Mickie on something else. Make your enemies keep guessing. Try having AKM on Tracer. Effect looks like he's expended most of his energy and motivation. AKM still has it, I can tell by his decision to enter OWL and help Dallas get back on its feet. I would like to see Rascal play Tank.

If I were Taimou, I would finish this season strong, leave a solid mark in pro OW, and retire back on streaming. He already has a massive following from all over the world, especially in Korea, which he can capitalize on with ease. Yeah sure, you get paid yearly for being a pro gamer, but then you could be doing something else being your own boss etc.

CamRa [#20]

KyKy is shit, that’s what.

You win the garbage comment of 2018, congrats.

ThisIsJustTemporary [#23]

Chips is shit tier compared to Jjonak, Rawkus, etc. At least in this game, he underperformed.
Taimou just needs to stop masturbating before a match.
Effect needs to get a girlfriend to cheer him up or bench him for a while. You can tell how salty he got after the match by refusing to shake hands with half of the opposing team.
AKM and Rascal look like they're being bottlenecked by the sub-optimal tank rosters.
Seagull dead or something?
I'm a shitty Diamond player, but I would bring back the old Envyus just without Taimou. Bring back the old NV, replace Taimou with aKm, and there you have a solid roster. World's best Soldier, best Tracer, best Dva player, best expressionless player, and quality EU support.Have AKM be trained on ALL DPS heroes, and have Effect grind and grind on Tracer until he reaches his edge, where he would practice even more and get on the god tier of tracers. Don't bitch about "Oh, but we need player who's good at--" then you're not doing it right idiots. Use what you have, and if something doesn't work, don't replace it -- simply tweak it a bit. That is what the Koreans have done. Every pro player can play DPS, but since this is team game, communication is key, as well as the mood and dynamics. Taimou is toxic, has always been and always will be toxic unless he does something about it. No one can fix his mindset but himself, and drinking alcohol, calling others "fa**ots", and engaging in reckless behavior is the total opposite of the esteemed definition of being a "professional" gamer. He is also a very bad role model for young kids, drinking on stream in front of thousands of young kids and just being toxic overall. I don't want to sound like a hater, so I'll throw this in: he can pop off when he's in the right mindset, and that mindset does not involve bringing even more toxic players such as xQc and aKm. (aKm is known to have engaged in activities that publicly insult a nation's culture)

Another solution would be to just experiment a bit and have Harry back on Soldier, Effect on Zarya, Mickie on something else. Make your enemies keep guessing. Try having AKM on Tracer. Effect looks like he's expended most of his energy and motivation. AKM still has it, I can tell by his decision to enter OWL and help Dallas get back on its feet. I would like to see Rascal play Tank.

If I were Taimou, I would finish this season strong, leave a solid mark in pro OW, and retire back on streaming. He already has a massive following from all over the world, especially in Korea, which he can capitalize on with ease. Yeah sure, you get paid yearly for being a pro gamer, but then you could be doing something else being your own boss etc.

That's a yikes

ThisIsJustTemporary [#23]

Chips is shit tier compared to Jjonak, Rawkus, etc. At least in this game, he underperformed.
Taimou just needs to stop masturbating before a match.
Effect needs to get a girlfriend to cheer him up or bench him for a while. You can tell how salty he got after the match by refusing to shake hands with half of the opposing team.
AKM and Rascal look like they're being bottlenecked by the sub-optimal tank rosters.
Seagull dead or something?
I'm a shitty Diamond player, but I would bring back the old Envyus just without Taimou. Bring back the old NV, replace Taimou with aKm, and there you have a solid roster. World's best Soldier, best Tracer, best Dva player, best expressionless player, and quality EU support.Have AKM be trained on ALL DPS heroes, and have Effect grind and grind on Tracer until he reaches his edge, where he would practice even more and get on the god tier of tracers. Don't bitch about "Oh, but we need player who's good at--" then you're not doing it right idiots. Use what you have, and if something doesn't work, don't replace it -- simply tweak it a bit. That is what the Koreans have done. Every pro player can play DPS, but since this is team game, communication is key, as well as the mood and dynamics. Taimou is toxic, has always been and always will be toxic unless he does something about it. No one can fix his mindset but himself, and drinking alcohol, calling others "fa**ots", and engaging in reckless behavior is the total opposite of the esteemed definition of being a "professional" gamer. He is also a very bad role model for young kids, drinking on stream in front of thousands of young kids and just being toxic overall. I don't want to sound like a hater, so I'll throw this in: he can pop off when he's in the right mindset, and that mindset does not involve bringing even more toxic players such as xQc and aKm. (aKm is known to have engaged in activities that publicly insult a nation's culture)

Another solution would be to just experiment a bit and have Harry back on Soldier, Effect on Zarya, Mickie on something else. Make your enemies keep guessing. Try having AKM on Tracer. Effect looks like he's expended most of his energy and motivation. AKM still has it, I can tell by his decision to enter OWL and help Dallas get back on its feet. I would like to see Rascal play Tank.

If I were Taimou, I would finish this season strong, leave a solid mark in pro OW, and retire back on streaming. He already has a massive following from all over the world, especially in Korea, which he can capitalize on with ease. Yeah sure, you get paid yearly for being a pro gamer, but then you could be doing something else being your own boss etc.

You speak about Taimou in a super old perspective. He was doing drunk stream back in APEX days. Now that you mentioned that you are diamond. Thats a big yikes.


hahahahaha! Now this I have to watch tomorrow. What a good laugh it will be. "This isn't there meta, wait until the meta changes they will be a good team again" oh how the bronze scrubs are crying atm.. what's left? SHD stage 3! Gonna watch my boys own some Dallas Droolers.

CamRa [#20]

KyKy is shit, that’s what.

He has like a bunch of accounts that go around down vote anyone who says anything negative about him. He was a tier 3 player at best before he became a coach. Did nothing as a coach, yet not coaches fault. kyky needs to gtfo and go que with reaver in diamond.

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