Katowice OWC qualifier viewership

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(i'll post detailed statistics as soon as theye're available and keep this thread updated each day)

A lot of people expacted katowice to have much more viewers then previous qualifiers, they were pointing at good hours for western viewers. And while its true that todays peak is prodably the highest out of all qualifiers, viewers didnt come from europe or na but rather from korea.

During Korea vs. Austria (started 3:40pm cest that is 10:40pm korean time and 9:40am east coast so decent hours for everyone) specificly map 3 viewers peaked at around 105k viewers! thats much more then i ever excpacted. Whats interesting is that korean stream overtook english in the number of viewers (46k compared to 43k) during shanghay and sydney qualifiers there wasnt any stream that got even close to english.

Interesting fact is also popularity of overwatch in france, french stream was alweys 3rd (after english and korean) with 4k-5k but i'd like to reminde that when "frogue" was playing to qualify for blizzcon french viewers peaked around 23k!

rest of the matches had considerebly less viewers but still quite a lot, above 50k (peak for canada vs. turkey around 65k)

(its posted before last match but i just cant watch it)


I don't remember if we had this for the OWC last year but we also have Youtube streaming this time around. I don't know if your numbers include these but I saw a peak of around 15k viewer, didn't keep an eye on it all the time so I don't know if it went any higher.


I imagine next weeks group stages will have the highest viewership. It wouldn't surprise me if any match with the USA in it got between 50,000-75,000 viewers on the English stream alone, as the time zones will be perfect for both EU and NA. One can hope at least anyway.

KuroiRyuu9625 [#2]

I don't remember if we had this for the OWC last year but we also have Youtube streaming this time around. I don't know if your numbers include these but I saw a peak of around 15k viewer, didn't keep an eye on it all the time so I don't know if it went any higher.

yea i know, i kept track of it during sydney but today im in a little bit of a hurry

Winter [#3]

I imagine next weeks group stages will have the highest viewership. It wouldn't surprise me if any match with the USA in it got between 50,000-75,000 viewers on the English stream alone, as the time zones will be perfect for both EU and NA. One can hope at least anyway.

i personaly dont think next weeks qualifier peak will be higher then this weeks. Prodably around 5k korean viewers compared to 46k, nuimber of western viewers will just not increase so drasticly


https://clips.twitch.tv/SteamyEndearingSproutArgieB8 (this doesnt mean "victory")

Korea vs. Poland (14:00 cest, 21:00 korean time, 8:00 east coast)
As expected first match of the day started lower with just over 48k (12k youtube throughout whole match) and kept growing. By the half time it was at nearly 66k with korean stream leading the way with 32k english considerebly lower at 25k and french closing top 3 with 2.6k. By the half time polish stream broke 1k barrier as well. Peak for the first match was just before it ended and around 76k (much lower then yesterday but its to be expected because its the 1sr match of the day)

Netherland vs. Austria (lia) (15:15 cest, 22:15 korean time, 9:15 east coast)
This match started with 45k viewers and stayed at around 47k throughout whole match, youtube stream had 12k viewers. Nothing realy interesting and that was prodably to be expected because it wasnt realy exciting matchup.

Canada cs. Singapore (16:40 cest, 23:40 pm korean time, 10:40 east coast)
Again preaty consistant viewership throughout whole match, started with 40k and stabilized at 45k for the first 2 maps and 47k for later. Youtube stream again little bit over 12k. During last map number of viewers started growing preaty significantly, i think these were viewers for the next match coming early. Peak was around 51k

Russia vs. Turkey (18:00 cest, 1:00 korean time, 12:00 east coast)
My most anticipated match. Even before it started russian stream overtook korean in the number of viewers, its prodably because it got really late in korea and people stopped watching after earlier match ended (between these 2 matches number of korean viewers droped from 5k to 3.5k) and russian viewers tuned into their teams match (from 3k to over 5k). Match begun just shy of 45k viewers but viewership quickly grew to 50k and stayed at around this much for most of the match with a peak at around 52k (youtube stream had 10k viewers).

To make it clear my numbers include only official twitch streams


This is how Remiska gets his stars :thinking:

Pixelfish [#7]

This is how Remiska gets his stars :thinking:

what stars? i have only a 3rd of a star :( (i get into too many fights and am not really nice to people)

edit: stars just got updated, now i have 2 3rd of a star


No need to be nice to people, as long as you're not openly insulting others I don't see why you wouldn't get upfragged. Hell we don't often agree and I usually upfrag the shit out of your posts.

KuroiRyuu9625 [#9]

No need to be nice to people, as long as you're not openly insulting others I don't see why you wouldn't get upfragged. Hell we don't often agree and I usually upfrag the shit out of your posts.

When i posted detailed stream stats for season 3 of apex i got downvoted terribly and still have no idea why


ok, updated day 2 post

as expected korea vs poland had highest peak of about 76k but also lower then yesterday because it was 1st match of the day, the rest of matches was between 40k and 50k but also lower then yesterday because it was 1st match of the day


Day one detailed stats, i dont want to brag but i said twitch peak was at 105k viewers :) (add 10k youtube viewers and you have peak w/o chinese viewers)

here also some charts:


Short version:
Korea vs. Netherlands about 50k viewers and peak at 64k (78k with youtube)
Poland vs. Austria 45k viewers peak at 52k (62k with youtube)
Canada vs. Russia 70k-75k viewers and peak at 90k (102k with youtube)
Singapore vs. Turkey just under 60k throught most of the match, peak at 65k (77k with youtube)
Russia vs. Korea around 100k viewers and peak at 106k (122k with youtube)
Canada vs. Netherlands under 70k viewers and peak at 72k (84k with youtube)


Long version:
Korea vs. Netherlands (12:00 cest, 19:00 korean time, 6:00 east coast)
As every first game viewership begun low but quickly grew and at the half time was at 50k viewers (youtube 10k). Korean stream led the way with 25k folowed by english with 17k. After the half time number of viewers kept growing and
reached 64k. (14k youtube)

Poland vs. Austria (13:20 cest, 20:20 korean time, 7:20 east coast) (how the fuck matt makes barage work every fucking single time?!?!?!?!?!)
Prodably one of the least hyped matches but one that could have been the most competitive. After losing most of korean viewers streams settled at just above 40k viewers. (10k youtube). Throughout match number of viewers grew at a slow but steady pace reaching 45k by the half time and 47k during 2nd half of match and peaked at just under 52k (still 10k youtube). Interesting things is popularity of this match amongst russian viewers (it might be because next match has russia) and number of polish viewers (1.5k)
(as much as i want to see more of japanese players i want some of polish players to make it into pro scene)

Canada vs. Russia (15:20 cest, 22:20 korean time, 9:20 east coast)
Match for which i waited the most (at least before qualifying games). started just little bit lower then where previous game left with 50k viewers but after 1st map number of viewers grew to 70k, a lot of viewers came from russia - 7k viewers comparted to usuall 2k-3k and interestingly from korea - 14k compared to 4k during poland vs australia. (12k youtube). by the time there were 75k people watching (12k youtube) 2nd half of the match begun with around 75k viewers and peaked by the end of the match with 90k. (12k youtube)

Singapore vs. Turkey (17:00 cest, 2:00 korean time, 11:00 east coast)
Arguably least hyped match of the whole tournament. It had aroun 60k viewers throughout whole first half. (10k youtube)During 2nd half number of viewers grew to 65k (12k youtube)

Korea vs. Russia (18:40 cest, 3:40 korean time. 12:40 east coast)
Prodably most anicipated game begun with 70k viewers but soon number of viewers started growing and reached 95k before map 2. (youtube 14k) It kept growing and during map 3 broke 100k viewers and menaged to break day 1 peak with 106k viewers. (youtube 16k)

Canada vs. Netherlands (20:20 cest, 3:20 korean time, 14:20 east coast)
A lot of viewers (specialy korean because it was 3am in korea monday) tuned out after korea vs russia match ended so the game started with "only" 68k viewers. Number of viewers grew just a little bit to 70k (12k youtube) and peaked at 72k viewers.
(ill repeat myself, i dont think any game next weak will have more viewers then this weeks games with korea)

detailed stats for day 1 (repost) (lets ignore with chinese):

here sydney: (lets ignore with chinese)

and shanghay (again ignore with chinese viewers):

clearly highest twitch peak was during katowice (and thats for day one only)


I think Blizz were pretty smart putting the Korea matches as early as possible, considering they're 13 hours ahead of us. Probably helped a lot with the Korean streams.

KuroiRyuu9625 [#15]

I think Blizz were pretty smart putting the Korea matches as early as possible, considering they're 13 hours ahead of us. Probably helped a lot with the Korean streams.

yea thats why i put hours for every match (also i feel bad that most of comments in this thread are my own :P but yea numbers might not be super interesting but i realy like statistics and comparing them)


official twitch streams and youtube combined i counted over 120k viewers total during russia- korea match and about 100k during canada russia.

remiska [#16]

yea thats why i put hours for every match (also i feel bad that most of comments in this thread are my own :P but yea numbers might not be super interesting but i realy like statistics and comparing them)

I quite like your numbers, if you have time, I'd be very interested in comparing viewership numbers between Group Stages to see hoe much of an effect hype and more importantly scheduling have on how many people tune in.

sNUGGETO [#17]

official twitch streams and youtube combined i counted over 120k viewers total during russia- korea match and about 100k during canada russia.

yea something like this, korea russia twitch streams had 106k and 16k youtube (see in my post, i put youtube as well) so yes 120k
during canada russia peak was 90k for twitch and at the same time 12k youtube so little bit over 100k ;)

KuroiRyuu9625 [#18]

I quite like your numbers, if you have time, I'd be very interested in comparing viewership numbers between Group Stages to see hoe much of an effect hype and more importantly scheduling have on how many people tune in.

even if my numbers are not detailed its good to compare one source so my threads about every group stage

overall big impact have hours and some specific teams for example in shanghai during china vs. thailand both these streams had over 20k on twitch and when you add english stream it gives you a lot of viewers, very hyped team, and with a lor of native fans is, obvieusly korea, korean stream had over 30k viewers and during day 1 match against austria over 40k
other factor you mentioned, hype was apparent during russia vs canada match which preaty much decided which of these 2 teams would go to blizzcon, even tho russian stream peaked at 9k only rest of the streams was also very high and thus resulted in high overral number of viewers

i added numbers with youtube to my post


ill post detailed stats when their available


https://twitter.com/EsportsCharts/status/894524338766008321 - chart
https://esc.watch/tournaments/ow/overwatch-world-cup-2017-katowice-qualifier - stats
korea vs russia 122k (106k twitch 16k youtube) was the peak for this tournament
korea vs austria with 115k (10k youtube 105k twitch)
overall im super happy with my numbers coz their pretty much spot on :P

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