Tviq Retires

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No other reason for this than "well OW was a fun but frustrating ride" yeah imagine being OG Misfits to get replaced by all Korean Bots (who didn't do any better honestly). It's a shame all the OG monthly Melee orgs like NRG/Misfits/NiP/Defiant Academy, etc are either shifting away from OW or to Valorant which is on the rise since OW isn't functional for Tier 2/3. At least NiP/Rogue/Renegades is doing fine in Paladins Minor League and Mid Season Invitational/PPL or even R6 Siege but not for OW.

Tviq was really a master of none player, unsuccessful in OWL sure as it was his last chance to get that Tier 1 recognition, it doesn't surprise me though as he went from taking a break to do streaming to retire out. To me, when they say "oh im looking forward to the future" basically means you are moving to Valorant, every time this comes up Valorant is also in the equation. Dunno we'll see when Summer actually arrives.

It's unfortunate more folks are leaving but at the same time, they probably weren't earning enough to care about OW professionally, complain, get told they should take a break, etc etc then retire.


I'm still looking forward to the future of OW when it only seems to be the people inside the OWL and the Asian scene as backup, let's be honest ain't nobody going to take players from the European scene anymore so in a year or two it will be 100% Asian and I just wonder how long Americans/Canadians and Paris/London can keep supporting that shit, time will tell.

Especially with Valorant now the big hype, people hanging on to OW by a thread will be jumping ship as they almost certainly have no future in the game.

Friezareturns [#4]

No other reason for this than "well OW was a fun but frustrating ride" yeah imagine being OG Misfits to get replaced by all Korean Bots (who didn't do any better honestly). It's a shame all the OG monthly Melee orgs like NRG/Misfits/NiP/Defiant Academy, etc are either shifting away from OW or to Valorant which is on the rise since OW isn't functional for Tier 2/3. At least NiP/Rogue/Renegades is doing fine in Paladins Minor League and Mid Season Invitational/PPL or even R6 Siege but not for OW.

Tviq was really a master of none player, unsuccessful in OWL sure as it was his last chance to get that Tier 1 recognition, it doesn't surprise me though as he went from taking a break to do streaming to retire out. To me, when they say "oh im looking forward to the future" basically means you are moving to Valorant, every time this comes up Valorant is also in the equation. Dunno we'll see when Summer actually arrives.

It's unfortunate more folks are leaving but at the same time, they probably weren't earning enough to care about OW professionally, complain, get told they should take a break, etc etc then retire.

Lets be honest with how many ppl from eu ow are scrimming already we may not have to wait till summer



Mert [#8]


hey it's mert!

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