Tips for newbies ?

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Hey guys,
I'm new in OW and wanted to ask for some tips.

Do you have tips for me to be good as possible. Which heroes is should play at the start, which gameplays or videos should i watch ?



pick torb put turret, hammer turrent till the game is over


Hey there!

I’d suggest starting out with heroes such as Junkrat, Roadhog, Reaper, Mercy, and Lucio to get a sense of the game from different roles. Also, if you come from a FPS background, Soldier:76 is a good starting hero as we’ll.

Watch some Overwatch League! You’ll learn a lot about high levels of play, strong team compositions, positioning, and counterpicks.


Watch pro scene. U can pick up lots of play style's and strategies from watching them.


Hello! And welcome to the greatest and worst community in games.

First off, basics: Overwatch is a team based hero-shooter. The game revolves around one group of players trying to complete certain tasks, and another trying to stop the enemy to complete those tasks.

There are 4 modes

Capture the objective (also knows as “2CP”): one team tries to get on an objective point, if the attacking team gets both points, the round ends, you capture a point by standing on the glowing square uncontested for about 10 seconds

Payload: one team stands around the payload. Being on, or just around the payload “pushes” it down a lane. There are 3 checkpoints that changes what room you and the opponent spawns in.

Control: this is similar to King of the Hill. Both teams fight to establish control over a single spot on the map. First team to get 100 on the control meter wins the round. It’s best of 3 rounds

Hybrid. This map type has you capture and objective, then push a payload the rest of the map

Now: tips. The best, and most simple team composition is called 2-2-2. As in 2 DPS (attack/defense) 2 tanks, and 2 healers. This is standard, and while there are some variations, this is what you will mostly be using.

A good tip to give is LEARN EACH MAP. Seriously. Learn what heroes are good on certain maps, and what heroes suck. For example: junkrat is fantastic at shooting enemies that have to come through choke points. Maps like Anubis, Kings row, Blizzard world are all great for him. Pharah revolves around using flight to gain a positional advantage. However on Gibraltar, there is a ceiling, meaning pharah is limited on how high she can go, thus making her less useful.

Some heroes are better than other heroes in duels. For example. Winston is a tank with 500 hp and a laser gun that does damage over time. His gun is short range, but has a leaping ability that makes him surprisingly agile, and can deploy a shield that blocks 600 damage, all while winston can still shoot. Genji is an attack hero with 200 hp, who’s main appeal is not the damage he can deal, but how quickly he can kill one, or multiple low health enemies with his agility. But he sucks ar killing tanks. He also has a deflect ability that makes fighting him difficult.
Winston’s gun cannot be deflected, winston can keep up with genji if he dashes away with his jump, and Winston has enough health that genji can’t swiftly kill him. There are many other situations where one hero is better at killing another. Swap heroes mid-game to play the hero that beat counters their composition

On YouTube you can find tons of guides on certain heroes and maps that I recommend you watch.

Before starting up competitive games, go to the training range and warm up. Trust me, it helps a ton

Finally, watch some OWL matches! See what the best in the world do, and WHY. For example, why does Agilities do that on genji. Why is pine positioned over there? Why is this player doing that on Tracer? Learn what to pros do, learn why, and replicate that in a game. Yes, of course they all have amazing aim, but learn where they position themselves, and learn why those spots allow them to make the most out of themselves

I hope this helps, but Overwatch is really a game where you have to figure out certain things for yourself. Best of luck!


Join the overgg pugs discord


Play Winston, use your jump pack, win all your games.


I'm a scrub so my advice counts for what it is, but really, turn on yr mic and communicate, you literally double your chances of winning a match.
For the rest, as everyone else mentioned, practice some different heroes until you find the oneS that suit you most.

Have fun and gl!

p.s, if you tilt while in comp, take a break, you only risk tilting even further


Get the refund. This game will cause you more stress than you need.


One thing I would say is, whilst it is always a good idea to watch the pros to understand the best way to play the game, and micros of hero play, it doesn't often help in terms of ranking up with the current way the ranked system works. Very rarely in ranked games do you get 6 people all willing to work together and communicate to get the best team synergy possible unfortunately

Pixelfish [#3]

Hey there!

I’d suggest starting out with heroes such as Junkrat, Roadhog, Reaper, Mercy, and Lucio to get a sense of the game from different roles. Also, if you come from a FPS background, Soldier:76 is a good starting hero as we’ll.

Watch some Overwatch League! You’ll learn a lot about high levels of play, strong team compositions, positioning, and counterpicks.

How dare you lead him into the life of a junkrat player


i get good at every game i play by watching the best players on twitch when first getting into it. in this game you'd wanna watch specific streamers who play the role you're interested in (or which comes most naturally to you). also understand the meta and which heroes in which role are most optimal, then grind those heroes. you can watch OWL to understand the flow of the game, but your own mechanics and game sense will only improve by playing a lot yourself.


Click on their head and don't get your head clicked on by a-ding left and right in unusual patterns


Understand that at lower ranks, more "meta" doesn't mean that you'll automatically win. The factors of execution going into things as well as how the enemy team is playing is something that you honestly should be paying attention to more. That being said, learning how the meta functions and how certain roles function is great.

Unfortunately you have to learn how to play matchmaking instead of playing Overwatch. But in the rare instances that you do end up playing actual Overwatch with people coordinating and talking strategy, those games are what really stand out.


Thanks for all this tips guys. Very happy about that and I will try to stick on it.

Thanks !!!


I don't think anyone said that, but I think it's very important: find your role.

Play support, tank and DPS. Ultimately you may want to specialize on a role, but in the beginning you really want to try most heroes to find out if their playstyle suit you. I will also say to you that certain heroes are very powerful at lower ranks but their effectiveness decrease as the rank goes up. Pharah, Reaper, Mei are some of these heroes, for example. Some heroes instead are bad at lower ranks because they require more coordination/game sense/mechanical skills, and they unlock their potential much later. Such heroes include McCree, Ana, Tracer.

In general you can play any hero at any rank: if you are good enough you'll eventually increase your SR. Although, it may be much harder if you insist, for example, in using Ana in silver. At the same time, you can "cheat" your way to higher SR by playing easier/stronger heroes, however don't forget that this will hinder your flexibility because you won't be able to play other heroes as effectively.

In conclusion, find what you like and what you're comfortable with, but be mindful of hero efficiency for each rank. Don't get discouraged if you like difficult heroes and you struggle gaining SR. And please don't become a Moira OTP.

Cheers :D

murasaki [#6]

Join the overgg pugs discord

Come stack up with some awesome peeps


Muiz [#9]

Get the refund. This game will cause you more stress than you need.

Not everyone has to make 3 accounts and try to keep them all in Masters like you.

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