DramaKazper thread

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If you really think thats average or even worse normal and acceptable behavior for a 14 year old then I hope you don't end up with kids.


If you think that she deserves to be blamed at all for what happened, I hope you don't end up with them either. Like I've said before, I was a moron at 14, everyone I know was a moron at 14. You were probably a moron at 14. Kids make mistakes. Young people are easily taken advantage of, especially by people they look up to. It's not their fault.


It IS their fault if they make poor choices. It's about responsibility. Have fun wiping your kids ass when they're 14 because it seems like that's the amont of capability you think they have


You also fail to realize that a 14 y/o might not always think about the long term consequences, hence why the age of consent applies. I think it's different because the number is so high in Cali (it's 16 across the board for Canada) but below that the law judges you to not have the appropriate knowledge to make an informed and educated decision about sexual activity compared to your partner if they're at an age that is arbitrarily older than you. People develop at different paces and you can't expect all 14 y/o to have the maturity level to fully comprehend the weight of their actions.

You need look no further than some of her responses that people have been circulating to see that she's not the most mature teenager out there.

Dream on the other hand is old enough to have a solid grasp of the consequences of his actions but failed to keep the relationship to acceptable levels in the eyes of the law.

We have to fall back on the law because that's the rule set we have to follow. If your laws are different then it's understandable that you don't understand, but that's entirely irrelevant to this case and it's implications, including her involvement and/or intent in the situation with the exception being that she'd have to be charged with blackmail/extortion. Though at that point I don't know what the legal gymnastics would look like.

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