Recruiting NA players

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Hello, we are actively seeking a few more high skilled NA players for our Overwatch team. We are aiming to practice and scrim mostly everyday and compete in upcoming online tournaments. If you are interested feel free to add my btag Xavadar#1611 our drop yours here and we can chat more.


yoyo vivAw0w#1771 dps player. hit me up XD


Hey IBurnsx#1778. I have been watching many streams on Overwatch ever since they went on break and continued on. I have experience in FPS games from CoD to Team Fortress 2. In terms of a MOBA standpoint, I have reached Diamond in League of Legends (LoL) and mained support, which would be the role I would like to play as. Including LoL support experience, I also have experience in World of Warcraft as a Healer and have healed Heroic and Mythic Raids. Please friend me and such, if anything I've said intrigues you.


LFT [NA/EST/PC] I've been watching Overwatch Competitive since the closed beta. In the open Beta I played as much as I could before the servers stopped. I've played a little bit of all the heroes to test them out. The ones I used the most was Soldier 76, Hanzo, Zenyatta, Reaper , and Ofc the one I used the most out of all was Widow Maker. As OverWatch plays out, I hope to become one of the best at Widow, and practice with it every day. In the open beta I played about 50 hours of Overwatch. I plan to be defensive and hold points to get the win. I can also flex if needed.

I don't have much experience in other games when it comes to competing but I've played a few other games at a decent level such as CS:GO, TF2 ( mostly used sniper) , Dirty Bomb, Quake. I am very Determined and I am looking to join a team that wants to become one of the best and play professionally.

Contact me on BNET at Exodus#1290 if you are interested or want to know more.

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