Country: United States
Registered: November 2, 2015
Last post: May 29, 2016 at 4:50 PM
Posts: 5

I doubt there would be any custom sprays, and if looking at HOTS says anything they'll probably be unlocks once a character reaches a certain level imo

posted about 8 years ago

I'm really hoping it stays positive. Shit talk is somewhat okay, but look at shittalk in games like.. TF2 vs shittalk in games like CS:GO, there is quite a major difference. The subreddit has already started to get out of hand very quickly and it's sort of bothersome.

posted about 8 years ago

Well, if you ever play Lucio I feel like you should just have the Jet Set Radio soundtrack playing 100% of the time

posted about 8 years ago

I'm looking forward to Zenyatta a lot once I can actually play. Support has been my role in games since playing EQ in 99. A super active support able to fend for themselves is right up my alley that's for sure.

Also Zarya.. wanna get that 100% LG accuracy son

posted about 8 years ago