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Registered: July 1, 2017
Last post: May 18, 2022 at 3:06 PM
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So yes another EU "org" that dies and gets replaced by an NA one, a pity even thou all the players left for other teams it was nice watching 123 play.

posted about 6 years ago

I give up, it appears even in the rare ocasion when an EU match gets actualluy casted I can't watch it...
thanks Twitch and 2000: Network Error.

Anyway gl to both teams

posted about 6 years ago

F Twitch doesn't load the stream for me... and it's only this one, can perfectly see any other friggin stream... :/

posted about 6 years ago


All disbanding. :(

posted about 6 years ago

He's in my eyes, eyes of an EU guy with relatively limited chances to see NA matches, one of the big question marks when it came to NA players not picked for OWL.

I mean the guy has always been a beast on off-tanks, Hog and Zarya mainly, and yes in DVA centric metas he was probably less of a 1st absoulte pick, but as a specialist? I mean some teams picked on-trick Zaryas...

posted about 6 years ago

I might be wrong mate but I hear "fat strat", then again English ain't my main language so...

posted about 6 years ago

This looks like it could be a great game, stacked rosters, gl to both and I'll be watching it for sure!

posted about 6 years ago

Calling it an "agenda" makes it way more than what it is.

You can call it bandwagoning, but has been there since the birth of human society, we tend as human beings to "flock together", in big groups you tend to feel more safe, so free to express all the shit you usually keep to yourself.

Add to that the anonymity of internet and you get an explosive mix.

This is not to excuse what XQC said, that's wrong, period, but being it wrong doesn't make this kind of global hysteria reaction any better.

posted about 6 years ago

A pity was curious to see Crimzo on a pro environment, but eh this team looks stacked for the level they are going to compete in, gl guys!

On a side note Stadium (the dude editing Kungarna's vids) is really good, some of these videos are better than OWL ones.

posted about 6 years ago

I honestly don't think he's doing all this on purpouse, might have done it in the beginning, but now it's just what he is.

If I was him I'd take a break also from the streaming, but I'm not him and he will probably not do it and sooner or later fall again in these mistakes.

posted about 6 years ago

Hard to do when he's perma-pocketed, half of the time double-pocketed, when teams are evenly matched is hard to break that kind of "deep pockets".

posted about 6 years ago

Very close game, now at 3rd point on the 5th map, all in all nice game to watch.

It looks like there's a league done for Korean teams (the top 3) a couple of close chasers (VALLA, LAG, Huston?) and then the rest.

As much as I'm liking it, I somehow wish they were in different leagues, to make matches more interesting, like this one, as 4-0 stomps (not all were stomps ok) aren't very fun to watch. :/

posted about 6 years ago

Amazing job mate!

So damn sad I arrived too late to partecipate, but I would have been probably "Out of the demographic" anyway (40 years old, started watching esports in 2011, started and ended playing "competitively" with Age of Empire...)

posted about 6 years ago

The downfrags on these posts!!

They picked XQC 'cause he's a completely different tank than Cocco, one is aggressiv the other is more of a peeling/defending one.

The other reason for picking up XQC, it's his stream, OWL is all about visbility and marketability, he's amongst the top streamers, helped that he could also fill at a decent level a spot that was empty for the Fuel.

Bearing that in mind, XQC should really learn how to moderate himself on stream, since as much as he brings viewers to the game he now also risks of painting a bad image on the Fuel, and they won't permit it (you know, visibility)

posted about 6 years ago

He isn't bad, on the desk, as caster I think is the worse of the lot imo.
But again, why no ZP? And I'm not saying just instead of Semmler, but also of Monte/Doa or Uber/Mrx or the other one (mexican?).

The argument "ZP is gonna cast Contenders" isn't good for me, as Semmler and the other new one should make some experience on T2 torunaments, and have the best ones for the T1 one, btw are we sure he's gonna cast Contenders?

When people complains in threads about Semmler for ZP, it's 'cause he is now casting with Hex who was ZP's "partner"

posted about 6 years ago

French galore.. 3 on a side 12 on the other!

posted about 6 years ago

Damn lag, sorry for the double post

posted about 6 years ago

Ok after Meza's candle is then official...
Damn sad for the guys, hope they find a new team (OW or not) soon, they were good.

posted about 6 years ago

Damn if I hate this format thou... the anti-climax is soo strong.
Closer match than I expected (was favouring the Fusion)

posted about 6 years ago

The guy is popping off, knew he was good, but didn't expect him at this consistent level honestly, "T2" EU players for you guys.

posted about 6 years ago

Always had, I can't count the matches he completed over the last 2 years with his ultie ready, but never used.
And he survives a lot.

posted about 6 years ago

I still believe Monte and Doa haven't watched enough of Shadowburn, and think of his plays in the nanobalde meta.

As all good genjis what makes the difference are not the ulties, but the kills they get outside of their ulties, check this last Anubis map for reference.

posted about 6 years ago

Well even if, what team (judging current rosters) would give him better chance to win?
I mean better teams already have tracer players that are as good as him if not better, Dallas has EFFECT, VALLA has SOON, Philly has Carpe, imo they all are at the same level if not better than Sinatra.
What's left?
Huston, yes they could use a proper Tracer, but are they more promising than SFS?
Florida, a choking Logix is for sure weaker than Sinatra (if he doesn't choke thou), but are they a better prospect than SFS?
Koreans won't pick him up, what's left is possible new teams...

posted about 6 years ago

I honestly hope Dayfly could perform better after one more week of scrims, as I'm a total noob but didn't see him as an improvement over Neptuno.

Yes I know there are many reasons for that, first of all the Spitfire being a way stronger team than the Shocks, second him having joined the team "last minute" and so with less scrimming time, but unless he "gelled" in better I'd keep the Spanish dude honestly for now.

posted about 6 years ago

They might bring out the "old rooster"?
Have to admit who most convinced me in SFS during the preseason was IDDQD, considering how long he had been missing from actual pro matches.

posted about 6 years ago

Dammit too late, well gj anyway mate and gl analyzing the data!

posted about 6 years ago

Damn I didn't read your comment, but wrote the same couple of posts above, in hindsight that move makes really 0 sense...

posted about 6 years ago

Haffi you can't "get mad" at the man, the EU scene was slept on for a whole year, even the super casters (and I'm speaking of the NA ones) they have no clue what are talking of when an EU player comes into the picture (exception are of course the 2 Brits and Hex).

It's a real shame but we'll get there (you, as I suck at this game lol), in the end there's a reason if the 2 top western team in 2016 and 2017 had no NA player in the rosters. ;)

On a side note, he mentions no Korean either and I have the feeling we'll see also more Koreans picked up.

posted about 6 years ago

Florida atm needs so many things thou. :/
In hindsight I still don't get why they "had to" get rid of Reinforce before the OWL, keeping him would have allowed them to have more than 1 main tank and possibly (if needed) replacing him later on, but meh...

posted about 6 years ago

So while idle at work found out this (which I guess is already old news but meh):


Summary of it is of course EFFECT is very disappointed, being the higly driven player he is, about their performance and "venting" some frustration on his stream.

I honestly think the points he makes (if correctly translated) are all valid, what I don't like much is him (or any other pro) going public with this kind of speech, what do you guys think of it?

posted about 6 years ago

^ this pretty much.

Koreans should be (again) a bit advantaged in this respect, but have to factor in the movement to NA and "being forced" to live there, for western players is simply somehting... completely different from anything around in esport so far.

posted about 6 years ago

I honestly don't see aKm joining TviQ any time soon in the Mayhem, tried already (Rogue) and didn't stick, but maybe for the money...

posted about 6 years ago

Investing loads of money is no guarantee at all to have a good product, and I totally agree on that, you get a bad product you don't get success.

OWL can be successful (or not) from 2 different points of view:

  1. Ours, the community, for that would be enough to have a series of great games, but being them called OWL, or whatever doesn't change a thing, as long as we get the games and they are enjoyable.
  2. Blizzard's and the investors who bought into OWL, for them is about revenue, if they don't get a good revenue the product won't be considered succesfull.

To get the 2nd you need the first.

I was one of the guys with many doubts about the success of OWL, and I'm still not sure tbh, I have the feeling (and is just a feeling) that they didn't care enough for the community, I'm afraid that the OWL arrived too late not too early in OW's life (and I'm not speaking from a financial point of view), and hope to be completely wrong in this.

Why am I afraid? Because this is now a product in which a lot of money has been invested and to keep it running more money will have to be invested and you don't get investemnts if you don't see a steady growth of revenue year after year (companies usually settle for nothing less than +15%/year)

If investors start to pull out of OWL, that will not only spell the end of the league but probably the whole OW pro scene, and eventually the game itself.

posted about 6 years ago

Next week will tell a lot (at least for the ast Stage of OWL), as so far LA Valiant haven't faced any full KO team, shoud they win even just one, well there's some hope. :P

posted about 6 years ago

Yeh no match at all, would have loved to see Neptuno instead of Dayfly, but doubt it would have changed much.

posted about 6 years ago

Well yesterday on Twitch there were about 240k viewers (before I fell asleep, damn time zone), it's still probably boosted by the novelty of the event, probably would make more sense to check the numbers at the end of week 2?

posted about 6 years ago

The second part is so true and I strongly believe is the main reason for this.

Speaking of OW we know not all Korean pros get paid a lot, but they do get paid, and get other accomodations.

Now check what happens/happened in the west:

  1. NA has big organizations, but despite the huge possible pool of player, they struggled to overcome EU teams (I mean nationlality of the players here), simply put esports are not so popular as in many EU countries, for example Sweden+Norway+Finnlland have a total population of about 20 milions, and check how many pros (not just in OW) they produced.
  2. The scene in EU was completely murdered by a combination of Blizzard pushing OWL so hard ONLY for NA and silly organizations that instead of staying in EU and trying to foster the scene, decided to jump on the "NA bandwagon for OWL"

Meanwhille if you are not in one of the top teams, how can you hope to live off OW gaming? Yes you can stream, but for example where are the gaming houses for T1 teams (T1 outside of OWL I mean).

I really believe (and hope) OWL will change this a bit.

posted about 6 years ago

Indeed go Phillies!!

posted about 6 years ago

To be completely true I guess that strictly speaking of wins the most successful western team was Rogue, but for sure the more stable and long term one was EnvyUS.

I agree with both of you thou, people tends to overrate them, OWL teams are a different beast than old NA contenders ones, or even older NA/EU tier 1-2 teams and yes I fear they put to much into the carry Effect, have to admit thou that the guy can be scary, just yesterday the team was too hard to carry Vs stronger opponents.

posted about 6 years ago

Haha such amazing dps and failing defenses (on both sides), the will to win of Effect (it's crazy) might be what makes the difference, I like Soon but in contrast he tends to tilt out of games.

posted about 6 years ago

Damn Effect is not amused, expect him to pop off like crazy.

posted about 6 years ago

True, but "C9" is integral part of the game, this is not an arena shooter, the teams that handle it better usually end up winning.

posted about 6 years ago


And let's add some fuel (not the team) to the discussion, everyone in the studio was more or less cheering for Huston, understandable, considering they are the most NA team (speaking fo numbers of players from NA region), but this proves once again what a shame it was to let the EU scene die for 1 year.

posted about 6 years ago

If they keep playing like that and improve, also including the guys who didnt' play yesterday, I guess I've found my fav team.

Sorry even if they play very well I can't find myself rooting for the Korean teams.

posted about 6 years ago

And more than once, thous this isn't Rogue and EnvyUs anymore, while the Fuel are a straight upgrade of EnvyUs, the Valiant aren't an upgrade of Rogue, they are somehting different, better? Hard to say, but I see this as a close match.

posted about 6 years ago

The one casting with Hex

posted about 6 years ago

Positive aspect for the Mayhem? Logix didn't choke he actually had some amazing maps (and not just on Tracer!).

posted about 6 years ago

Does he?

He didn't hype me, was for sure better than what I expected, but damn he really has no idea what he's casting, hyping the wroong stuff, missing what's actually happening.

I knwo I sound like a hater of the guy, while I have nothing against him, except him taking the place of guys that would do his job way better under every aspect.

posted about 6 years ago

I know I'm biased, being a Rei main for most of the seasons until the last two, but damn if I love watching Fragi play Rei.

GG Phillies!

posted about 6 years ago
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