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Last post: July 31, 2021 at 9:23 AM
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without viewers they wont earn thats it for this

popularity of esport realy isnt about how accessible it is i find mobas impossible to watch coz i neveer played them and i dont think anyone will understand them without playing them earlier and they are the most popular esport
(dota lol) cs go on the other hand is rather simple, you go and kill enemy, headhsots deal more dmg (obvieus) and thats how you win simple and easy and yet its little bit less popular then mobas (tho just a little bit)

i compared it to rocket league coz they both are very new esports and while rocket league already had a lot of realy big tournaments in overwatch we still wait and because of this viewership is actualy droping (season 3 of apex has less viewers then season 2)

posted about 6 years ago

you seem to not understand 1 thing, people who doubt owl doubt it will get any viewers so nothing you mentioned is gona work
and they are right currently top tournaments (apex) getting 50k-70k viewers? thats preaty bad rocket league which is also a new esport easily gets few houndred thousend if owl doesnt hit soon interest in game will die out and its realy hard to come back from this

posted about 6 years ago

oh k thx
havent noticed

posted about 6 years ago

laser kittenz released 2nd player this week this time claris more on the topic here:
current roster:

laser kittenz got rid of all their korean players, and i think its the cultural and language barrier that was the mane reason for these drops

posted about 6 years ago

but theyll lack tracer main not soldier (thats ids role), they both are great soldiers and good tracers but none of them is great tracer so i dont think its a good pick, sinatraa might be better (just for the roles in team to be cleare)

posted about 6 years ago

shadder is a good source (only one mentioned so far we can be sure is close to azk coz he plays with him currently)

unless its a troll

posted about 6 years ago

but you have full star and i dont :(
(im not the nicest persone and insult people so that might have something to do with it)

posted about 6 years ago

im alweys gona stay evil japan

posted about 6 years ago

i just spend too much time in the internet.......

posted about 6 years ago

yup yesterday it was different

posted about 6 years ago

thx a lot, 1st order is more memes and puns

posted about 6 years ago

i was quicker then you ;)

posted about 6 years ago

well im gona stay sceptice and keep saying blizzard havent done much good for overwatch esport and if owl doesnt come quick it will come too late

posted about 6 years ago

from dazed video "it would most LIKELY be me azk and swag doing SOMETHING togather, what division would you start in? proleague, premiers esea iem open I HAVE NO IDEA (...) i think all of these have already started so IF WE WANNA PLAY WE NEED TO FIGURE SOMETHING QUICK (...) so im not sure what we would do (...) maybe ide even start in open (...) i would expect after 6 months we would be competing as a top 5 team in the world" (there is no and arguably never been na team in top 5, yes ibp had some succes but so did c9) later he sais how he is also gona stay full time streamer/youtuber which is both total bullshit

so suming up what he said "i think its gona be me swag and azk (note he said "most likely" so he is not even sure about this) no idea what team what other players or in what league we would start" literally nothing


posted about 6 years ago

what plans? dazed had no plan neither did swag

posted about 6 years ago

i think large prize pool will help creat interest amongst players but only to some degree

cs go pros can easily go much higher then doubling their salaries with prize money (specialy coz there are only 5 players to share) so its not that big of a surprise

"retirement savings plan." is interesting, as far as i know thats the only game that wants its players to have such plan

posted about 6 years ago

im not realy convinced by swag and dazed, they dont sound ike they know what they will do (dazed even said he will stay full time youtuber while beeing professional pro player AND become top 5 in the world in 6 months all of which all totall bullshit)
yes they played togather so i understand why people think they might have already talked it all over but they seem to forget that ibp got banned over 2 years ago in such a long time i dont think they stayed close

edit: as is pointed out in this reddit thread he said "might" so it sounds like they indeed havent talked it over

posted about 6 years ago

"Blizzard confirms OW League will launch this year, says players will earn minimum $50K salaries" very interesting statemant from blizzard more on that here:

also interesting parts are:
"All signings will have to be approved by the Overwatch League, however."

"Fifty percent of money from team performance bonuses—like winning an event—will go directly to the players. Total bonuses for Overwatch League teams in the first season will be $3.5 million, with a minimum of $1 million going to the season one champion, Blizzard said."
"Up to 12 players can be signed to one Overwatch League team, with a minimum of six players, of course."

posted about 6 years ago

if they dint agree with him why shouldnt they? also if you came here just to insult other, get the fuck out

posted about 6 years ago

yea i mixed nicks (its been over 2 years for ibp)

posted about 6 years ago

you are right but im not gona say im sorry, i just get tired of idiotic arguments fast (random tweet is not worth listening to but random video is and so on) and i defended my point with arguments (just threw few light insults into the mix :P

posted about 6 years ago

do you have problems with understanding writen text? Where have i written anything about who dazed and swag want to play with? plus you realise its another idiotic argument, i would like toplay with swag in a pro team too, does it mean i will play with him? no it realy isnt about what dazed wants

posted about 6 years ago

"If ask already planned on settling in overwatch then why didn't he say anything?" you know how idiotic this question is? what should he say? "im gona go pro in overwatch, oh wait i already did it..." or maybe "i have great knews im gona play for liquid overwatch ... oh wait im already doing it for quite some time"

you say "some words on twitter." mean nothing but "some random video" means everything?

why should dazed and swag be more in touch with azk then someone who knows a lot of guys from the game that azk plays at the moment? coz they played togather OVER 2 YEARS AGO? also dazed doesnt want to play with brax and guess what? azk was just playing with him on his stream the other day so it looks like azk is closer to brax with whome dazed doesnt want to play

posted about 6 years ago

"slasher is just some dude who is knowledgeable on overwatch and has connections in the scene." it sounds like better info (considering azk is in overwatch currently) then "he's planning to play on a team with azk" yea they played in ibp but it was long ago, dazed had no plan what so ever (no idea about team where they gona play,if theyll get unbanned from the rest of tournaments, who will be 2 other players, he had no idea at all what hell do

also if swag dazed and azk already have it settled why azk havent said anything?

posted about 6 years ago

why dazed should be? in video it doesnt realy sound like he talked about it with anyone, he has no plan whatsoever

posted about 6 years ago

yea thatsthe videos i said about but according to azk stays in overwatch unless he doesnt get into owl

edit: xD dazed: "after 6 months i expect us to be top 5 in the world" ok this is total bullshit

posted about 6 years ago

i recomande reading this thread there are some nice opinions and statements brought up (alsio share youre opinion)

posted about 6 years ago

hltv memes alweys alive

posted about 6 years ago

interesring, but on stream he sounded like he wanted to comeback to cs as fast as possible

posted about 6 years ago

Its not about players skill but chemistry in team so it realy isnt like you can just pick up good tracer and fill this whole, i also belive liquid will stay in overwatch they could just drop last 3-4 remaining players and rebuild team from ground up

posted about 6 years ago

after sydney qualifier id love to see more japanese talent so it would be nice :P (sadly no chance)

posted about 6 years ago

then share your opinion i already did it ;)

posted about 6 years ago

oh yea theres also this
as far as i remamber id and dahang will only represent but rapha dropes overwatch all together so with these we might light one more candle soon

plus nrg is looking for the whole fucking team they got like what? 2 players? :P

posted about 6 years ago

As some of you might know, esl lifted ban of ex-ibp players from cs go and one of them is azk who is team liquids dedicated tracer but according to what he said on streams (also you can read about it here: ) he would like to make comeback in cs go.

Personaly i like current team liquid roster (also i realy like akm meme ;) but i digress) and i think they have potential but without azk they might lose one of their best dps, it also could be big hit to liquid overwatch division, one that might convince them to drop from overwatch

I would love to hear youre thoughts on this one

posted about 6 years ago

and i have no idea what argument: i took date about number of internet users from 1 source (630 eu 730 china) and china has more but not that much so the number of viewers should be lower on english stream but not by much so lets see number of viewers, whole english speaking (lets say eu) has 30-40k viewers on twitch (lets add 10k more on other languauges) and china has 900k it just doesnt seem right

posted about 6 years ago

there are no "official" numbers on chinese players coz western companies cant run their games there, china has this policy that you can sell things in china only through chinese company. You might remamber that blizzard had to reveal numbers for lootboxes it was when they provided them to chinese comapne that is gona run overwatch in china, same goes for lol, dota, cs.

edit: you seriously belive 5% of chinese population plays lol? thats waaay too much. There are 730milion internet users in china by the end of 2016 so 14% of internet users play lol? way too much (europe has 630 plus you can add countries from ex soviet states izrael and so on)

posted about 6 years ago

its a big missconception that "there are so many people in china so its plausible"

ok china is 1.2 bilion people but number of people with access to internet is much smaller and there are even less players while europe is over 500 million add russia and ex soviet states (kazachstan so on) and you get well over 700 million people out of which nearly every single one has access to internet. I dont have statistics but i think that number of people using internet in europe and china would be simillar but esport is much better established in eu and thats why you have 30-40k on english stream on twitch and 10-12k on chinese there is just no way so many more poeple watch it on chinese sites

posted about 6 years ago

but to be fair it was proven chinese sites have mostly viewbots and during shanghai qualifier when china was playing to qualify for blizzcon official chinese twitch chanal had 10k-12k and these chunese sites had 900k so i trust only twitch

posted about 6 years ago

I didnt want to "comapre" just show were top esports are at the moment

if ill be able to ill do something similar for the finals and then see how far from these esports (lol dota cs) is overwatch

posted about 6 years ago
Detailed streams stats Overwatch World Cup Sydney Qualifier
as expacted lower then shanghai but peaks were not that far (most popular match, japan vs australia was at 11:30 cest)

posted about 6 years ago

yea because of this i missed 1st day (and great japan upset on spain) today i could stay awake longer but they should have thought about where teams are from (it would be nice if we had these groups in katowice, close for a lot of fans and much better hours)

posted about 6 years ago

data fort he 1st day is now available (i think we should ignore chinese viewers) and as i said originaly numbers are lower then in shanghai

posted about 6 years ago

These are only my rough estimates and not real data ;)

Sweden vs. Italy
Started with 18k viewers out of which 12k were on main stream (2k more on youtube) but by the half time it grew to 25k and 18k on main stream (5k more on youtube) and by the end it was just shy of 30k and 20k on the main stream, 2nd biggest stream was korea with 2.2k and 3rd france with 1.5k (a lot less then in shanghay)

Australia vs. Portugal
it started with just under 30k and ended little bit over 30k, but number of korean viewers was growing and number of french (and eu in general) viewers decreased

Finland vs. Spain
Already before it started number of viewers started growing and not before long into match it stabiliesed at nearly 40k with 30k from the main stream and 5k on Korean and 2.4k on chinese stream (

Japan vs. Vietnam
it was not the most hyped match of the day but i was still curious to see japan play (akm in so many teams! kappa) and to my suprise viewership havent sroped after finlandspain match ended, and just slowly decreased to little over 38k (8k more on youtube) but not before long it grew again to nearly 32k (AGAIN 9k more on youtube) and later it grew much more to 42k (9.5k more on youtube)

YEA JAPAN LETS GO MY WEEB FRIENDS! (why akm playing for japan and france tho kappa) my new favourit team (tho still after frogue)

My thoughts
even tho this qualifier has much better teams it has less viewers (30k avg) then shanghai had (50k-70k) most likely cause are terrible hours for eu viewers (where most teams in this qualifier are from) with stream starting at 2am cest and ending before 8am it was preaty much impossible to watch if you're from europe (and when eu was waking up at 8 we saw rapid increase in viewership from 30k to 40k). i was not aware of youtube stream during shanghay wualifier and was preaty suprised by the numver of viewers it has, even tho it never broke this 10k mark

PS. "Number of viewers for the Overwatch World Cup Shanghai Qualifiers" that is what mod changed my last posts tittle to but it turns out its far too long and i cant make thread with such a tittle, so im not sure if its a feature or just unintended but mods can create much longer tittles ;)

posted about 6 years ago

they could have at least invited some chinese or thai teams

posted about 6 years ago

well im sleeping at weird hours so no problem for me ;)

but thats a real problem with esport, because its global there will alweys be timezone that cant watch some tournament

im gona be a hypocrit and say that they should play matches at the best hours for na and eu coz most of the viewers are from there

posted about 6 years ago

k, thx for info, ill check it next week

posted about 6 years ago

nope, only official twitch streams
but were there really so many viewers? was it during some particular match?

posted about 6 years ago
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