Country: Switzerland
Registered: September 24, 2018
Last post: November 21, 2018 at 6:33 AM
Posts: 5

probably the brig player D:

posted about 5 years ago

not much bank can be made in OW t2 neither does blizzard care about t2 it seems.
the next thing that will die is the whole game and at one point OWL will be the lone survivor due to blizzard pumping in stack after stack.after stack.

posted about 5 years ago

inb4 dafran is suspended for 1 week due to one tricking torb in the past by OWL

posted about 5 years ago

if they want the best league they will be full korean by 2020

posted about 5 years ago

just give title to south korea and let others battle it out for the 2nd place which will mean they actually won the thing.

posted about 5 years ago