Country: United States
Registered: November 2, 2015
Last post: November 3, 2015 at 5:10 AM
Posts: 8

The camera in the bottom right is hideous, sure, but the top part isn't that bad. Heroes of the storm has a similar in game UI to that shows all 10 at the top, with grayed pictures and timers for dead ones. If the pictures grayed out in this guy's UI, he could remove the dumb "Killfeed" on the left.

These are all things that I think should just be part of the UI though, and not just in a spectator POV, so idk. They need to just overhaul the UI, lower weapon size, yada yada

posted about 8 years ago

Riot level's of policing will kill the game, so hopefully we don't go down that route. I trust Blizzard though. They've always been sort of between Riot and Valve when it comes to handling this kind of thing, which is fine imo

posted about 8 years ago

If we're being sarcastic here, Hell yea, gorilla power :D

If you're not, Idk what game you're watching/playing :C

posted about 8 years ago

No Beta Club

posted about 8 years ago

Yea, and I dont mind OW being like that either. HotS is already like that, where different patches enforce a shift in the meta, I think that's something people have not only gotten used to, but actually expect from a game like this to keep it fresh.

I like to think they're giving good feedback. In just a couple days, there are rough tier lists, and I've seen the streamers that I do watch basically saying that ults on the more played characters were bad or didn't matter. For example, Ster player Reaper, and literally no one is using Mccree's ult anymore.

They'll never make it hideable, then they can't sell weapon skins ;)

posted about 8 years ago

(Like Elise in League of Legends back in S3 comes in mind first.)

Rip my editing.... Also pls don't remind me of that :C, I hate "Must ban/play" characters, and I get the feeling that Overwatch is nowhere near getting bans, if ever lol.

Yeah maybe the word niche isn't good for this game since they want all to be used, but that might just make the game a bit too hard to watch for people that don't play/watch the game normally. I'm 50/50 on this.

Right, but that's kind of the point of this very closed beta, they're getting some really good opinions on balance and I really really really hope that they show a ton of changes at blizzcon, but number being FOV/UI fixes lol.

posted about 8 years ago

I just feel like Reinhardt and Roadhog will be the pub heroes, or they will serve a very niche role of pushing through small choke points/defending small choke points in really high level comp. Especially in the Temple of Anubis map where it's impossible to get in on the last point without a Reinhardt if you all don't play something with a flying/wallrunning ability, but in the end this is just bad map design imho.

You used an interesting word there, you said "Niche". In a game that tries to force character swapping as a main mechanic of it, ideally you would want everyone to be "Niche" in a sense, no? Of course you can't make a character like 76 not "Okay" in literally every situation, but most of the characters people are complaining about have options in just about every situation. For example, you'd be hard pressed to tell me that any particular situation is bad for a Lucio pick. In the same sense, Mccree has insane sniping ability and the best(?) close range dueling? (Shoot everything, roll to reload, shoot everything again, stun if you need it). The characters that people are complaining about are the ones with too many options, which funny enough, is pretty common in the MOBA genre.

Especially in the Temple of Anubis map where it's impossible to get in on the last point without a Reinhardt if you all don't play something with a flying/wallrunning ability, but in the end this is just bad map design imho.

I actually completely disagree with this as well (Sorry if it seems like I'm picking on you here, i'm not). You 100% want interactions like this in the game. Like I said earlier, this game relies on swapping as a main mechanic, if you can push through an entire map with one comp, that's bad map design. You want varied attack methods, you can't just have every single access point a choke or every single access point a wide open area, there's no diversity.

Also, sorry, I couldn't figure out how to quote you without quoting literally everything in the post... :x

posted about 8 years ago

I don't know what games you're watching where reinhardt or roadhog could be considered in the same tier as symmetra. In fact, that entire last part just seems like you didn't know where to put them, but I find it interesting that you put Hanzo so far above Sym when Sym can easily be much more effective.

posted about 8 years ago