Developer Update | Popular Community Topics

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Key points

-No charging money for future heroes and maps
-Killfeed most likely going to be introduced
-Scoreboard maybe getting changed, more focused on the "on fire" system and refining it along with end cards.
-Option to turn off kill cam.
-Can turn off music.

I for one will definitely be pre ordering the game now, most of my initial concerns have pretty much been met.

Discuss :)


Thank god for the killfeed.

I'm still a bit concerned that ranked play isn't one of their priorities though.


I have to say, that man just sounds worn down by the incredibly bitchy community by the way he talks.

I hope that after this update people will stop overreacting when Blizzard doesn't give them exactly what they want, immediately when they want it. If enough people ask for something to be changed, it will very likely be changed. Not saying the game will turn out perfect and please everybody, but seriously the community really just needs to calm the fuck down about certain subjects.

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