[NA] WallHackJack reporting [FULL FLEX]


Hey, hopefully you've heard my name while laddering because I don't have much of a resume when it comes to gaming. I've taken every FPS I've played very seriously, but I haven't wanted to break out into the professional scene until now. So, I'm looking for a good team, I'm not talking top 100 or anything, maybe we can get up there together. I just want to get some exposure to the culture. Play some scrims. Practice everyday, and play Overwatch as a team.

So here's what I can tell you.

I'm confident playing against most of the top 500s, even the big names.
I'm sitting at about 4050 right now
I tend to solo queue, but I love calling/running starts in matchmaking
I play everything, but I'd hate to be playing lucio/reinheardt 24/7, those are my non-picks.
My schedule is 100% free right now
I'm clean as heck! 0 issues on record.

DPS - McCree, Soldier, Pharah, Mei
TANK - Zarya, Hog, Winston
Support - Ana, Zenyatta, Lucio

I've been inconsistent in the past, I'm working to make sure I always play my best.

So hit me up at WallHackJack#11491 for scrims, tryouts, fill-ins, or more information

Check out some of my crap here:

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