Liquid has picked up The Life of Hanzo


You can find there post here.

We have a big announcement today as we are officially making our way into Overwatch. After having been on the look out for some time now, we have found the roster that we want to work with. We have been exploring our options over the past couple of months because, as you know, we will always look at Blizzard games with a particular interest. In Overwatch we see a fresh and entertaining approach to shooters (at the very least among the major esports) that we feel will really take off with the right support.

During our search we eventually got in touch with dummy from The Life of Hanzo. Upon talking to him we immediately felt we had found a strong leader and a team with great potential. As with any team game, so much about advancing yourself into a winning position is about having the right attitude. This roster has an abundance of that, and they combine it with an incredible amount of talent. Those of you who have followed other scenes such as Quake, TF2, and Counter-Strike will recognize some of the names on the roster as a few of the best players to have played those games. Today they will join the ONOG Overwatch Invitational to test themselves against the best out there. Welcome to the family AZK, DaHaNG, dummy, Frisco, MESR and vee.

I do want to spend a few words on the addition of AZK as well, something I assure you we have not taken lightly. What he did in CS:GO is one of the worst offenses a professional gamer can ever commit. The punishment for this needs to be taken very seriously and I am glad Valve has paved the way as a publisher by stepping in with research and judgment to ensure a healthy environment for all aspiring gamers. For a while the esports industry had been wondering when the indefinite punishment was going to turn into a definite one. Earlier this year Valve came out with a clarification that it would be a permanent ban. On a personal level I feel that this may have been too much, and that just and right punishment is not done by permanently banning offenders for a first offense. It has put us in a spot with this team where we had to seriously think about our course of action. After speaking at length about the situation with AZK as well as dummy we are ready to move forward with this team. Eighteen months later and in a different game, we feel confident it is time for a second chance and new opportunity, and we are excited to see what AZK does with it.

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