Interview with Linkzr from Team dignitas


Linkzr has been a prominent member of Team Dignitas. Despite not doing as well as they would expect at the recently concluded Overwatch World cup. Linkzr talks about their strats and how they analyzed their loss to Russia in the tournament. He explains in detail about Shadowburn´s style of gameplay. Lack of a decent variety in players meant that he had to play a reinhart instead of a flex player that he is well known for.

Excerpts from the Interview:

Talk to me about BlizzCon itself. Talk to me about the World Cup. I just grabbed you after your loss against Russia, 0-2. What do you think went wrong in that series?

So we talked with the team, what went wrong. Before we went into the game, we talked about Shadowburn and how he was their key player. They like to do their nano boost and Genji ultimate combo. It’s really important to shut them down but, in the game, we just couldn’t execute the strategy that we talked about. Whenever Shadowburn goes in, he gets like 3 abilities on him. He gets heals, he gets Zarya shield, and he gets nano boost. It’s important to destroy the shield and then get the counters on him such as sleep, flashbang, earthshatter; anything that can slow him so he’s easier to deal with. In the game, we just didn’t get through the shield and everything after that didn’t work out. We were just delayed on our actions to really counter him and the combination that they really like to run.

Let's talk about what's currently occuring in the team itself. Both numlocked and art1er left the team shortly before BlizzCon. Team Dignitas has picked up two new players. Has the team practiced much together yet?

We managed to practice for about two weeks. It's been going great. The new additions, evokje and Veineless, they have been playing support a lot and know their characters. Now, it's all about getting all the parts together like how we work as a team, the kind of playstyle that we like to play. We didn't get enough time to figure out all those things but now that there's new stuff coming out, it's going to be easier to start from the ground up. It's going to be interesting to see what happens in the future. I'm really confident that we're going to get to the level that we were at a few months ago.

How do you feel about the Overwatch League?

I think that the Overwatch League is going to be a great addition. It gives the game a lot more stability. It creates a bigger fanbase by making it more public. It's not just about organizers making tournaments. It's a lot more constructed. They talked about monthly salaries in the league so it's more stable for the players who're playing. You don't have to be worried about what's going to happen. If you're in the league, you know that for a certain amount of time, you'll get money so you can plan the future more. Right now, the future of a pro player is pretty secure but it's always nice to have something to back you up a bit more. I'm really happy for it. When I heard the announcement, I was really happy. I know that the moment I get into the league, I can maybe travel all over the world and establish a proper fanbase.

Source : http://www.esprts.com/interview-linkzr/

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