Looking to coach (and grow with) the right team

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Hey all, Cygnus here. Basically, I'm an extremely competitive gamer without the time to dedicate to a team as a full-time starter.

However, I have a very hard time playing video games purely casually (my favorite aspect of videojuegos is progression, especially as a team). Not having a group of players to improve with makes me antsy, so I've been in a bind until I realized coaching was a thing.

Looking for a team of Diamond+ players to coach and occasionally play with, with a focus on improving and competing at the top level.

Previous experience:

Managed (and played Pyro for) a top-Plat 9v9 TF2 team for many (5 I think?) seasons (equivalent to about 3 years). Multiple second-place finishes, and always played very evenly with the top teams, but I will freely admit that we never placed 1st. Totalled about 6k hours in TF2 at the end of it all.

I always made team atmosphere/morale my top priority, and definitely assumed something of a "coach" role, even if that wasn't my official title. Also did scheduling for scrims and stuff. If your team is nice, I'd probably be willing to do this for you too.

Not sure how much things have changed, but when I played there was a heavy emphasis on either a) planning ahead and securing a scrim on a given weekend/weeknight, or b) developing relationships and weekly scrim partner agreements. With the huge amount of players playing OW, it might be as simple as hopping in a Discord and LFS, and that part of the job would be unnecessary.


My only real schedule constraints for the next few months are my night classes (Mon/Tues from 5-9:30 PST), so I'd have PLENTY of time to dedicate. I might not be able to make every scrim to watch from a 3rd person POV, but if a VOD is recorded I can easily watch it on my own time and come up with comments at team meetings.


Here's a thread from when I was LFT as a TF2 Pocket a while ago, with some testimonials: http://www.teamfortress.tv/14947/pocket-lft-open

I'm Cygnus#1482 on BNet, and here is my Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/cygnasty



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