[NA] Kophee LFT main tank

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Schedule is open 24/7
Comfortable with: Reinhardt/Winston/Zarya/Roadhog > D.va > Projectile/Hitscan
Finished 1st season at 75 - though I spent most of my time in custom games participating in scrims.
bnet @ kophee#11401
discord @ kophee#7098
I'm an experienced shotcaller, have a great attitude and will never rage during games. Have lots of experience in tournament settings and over 300 hours in scrims against top20 teams.

I'm looking for a team that has players who can communicate effectively, remain calm under stressful circumstances, and are willing to commit to improving rather than dwelling on mistakes.

Add me or post here with any questions.


kophee is a great dude, have never had a bad experience with him.

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