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Hi over.gg, my name is CLMP (pronounced clamp), formerly known as THE BILLDOZER. I am looking to play DPS or potentially flex for an overwatch team. My best classes are Reaper/McCree/Pharah in that order, and i like to think that i am pretty good at clicking on people.
My previous Comp experience includes several seasons of ESEA-Open TF2 up to playoffs, as well as half a season of ESEA-IM.
In the past i have had attitude issues and those combined with bad performance got me mutinied from my last team. It was my fault and I'm not going to act like it didnt happen. However I am trying to be more calm in games and recognize when things happen that are my fault or that I cant control.
ALSO, i had a habit in the past of shitposting. I know this actually doesnt bear relevance to a team but you know i stopped doing that too.
So yeah, ive had my problems but im working to fix them and i am confident that i am good at clicking. Try me out.

edit oh yeah CLMP#1605 LMAO


very nice dude, nothing but good experiences playing with him

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