Thoughts/Tips for Ana

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Figured a thread to discuss the first post-release hero makes sense.

After playing her for a bit I feel kind of disappointed, although thats 90% because I hoped she could headshot.
Her overall kit is excellent even if I find her main weapon lacking, offering utilities of a "stun", a burst heal grenade that ALSO stops enemies from healing, and a dps steroid for an ally that is quite frankly bonkers (although its pretty balanced when compared to other support ults).

I don't see her getting a lot of comp play unless 3 supports becomes the meta (which I can see happening, especially with Zenyatta being insane now), but she will be a duo-queue god in conjunction with a Genji or Pharah.

Also, she has a small delay when you scope in before you can shoot, but if you jump and then scope the delay is removed, so go HAM with that.


Unleash the bunny-hopping Anna's!

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