Country: United States
Registered: May 24, 2017
Last post: September 2, 2017 at 6:36 PM
Posts: 8

but rogue still somehow #1 na in over.gg rankings. Just shows how easy it is to farm t3 eu teams for elo

posted about 6 years ago

this match is intense. if imt lose now idek no what ill do

posted about 6 years ago

no hyped this match, envy subbed in

posted about 6 years ago

That's what he was saying on stream a while back but he found out he can just get a parent waiver for that part, so he is eligible.

posted about 6 years ago

I was replying specifically to "doesn't seem to synergize well" for harbs flanks which isn't the case, it's just that the strats they are running aren't good.

posted about 6 years ago

I'm pretty sure effect said he got to rank 2 in korea on gengi, so I doubt he won't be able to flex on to him.

posted about 6 years ago