Country: United States
Registered: October 30, 2015
Last post: February 2, 2022 at 12:48 PM
Posts: 195
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not sure. maybe we'll see their new roster.

posted about 7 years ago

his right click is completely useless now

posted about 7 years ago

almost everyone I know prefers playing without it

posted about 7 years ago

hope to see these guys do well

posted about 7 years ago

bo7 showmatch

posted about 7 years ago

heard rumblings that he's playing with frod/swag and a few others

posted about 7 years ago

could you explain why you prefer viewing it at over.gg/stream instead of on twitch?

posted about 7 years ago

Hey guys. For those of you that aren't familiar with me, I'm the sole developer for over.gg and teamfortress.tv.

I've made some layout changes to this site to better accommodate some incoming features. It's in a rough and unpolished state, but it'll be fixed up quickly in the coming weeks.

The goal here is to set over.gg up as a platform for comprehensive Overwatch coverage (think HLTV/Gosugamers) in addition to the discussion/community aspect that TFTV is known for. Expect to see changes/new features soon.

posted about 7 years ago


posted about 7 years ago

iirc they had a LAN client at PAX

posted about 7 years ago

it'll only get worse as players get better at her

posted about 7 years ago

change doesn't feel like a huge deal from my limited pub experience with him

posted about 8 years ago

my initial reaction was disgust at the 200 hp genji rebuff, but the shuriken nerf and melee reduction should actually be a pretty big deal.

posted about 8 years ago

delayed an hour due to DST

posted about 8 years ago

some undocumented changes:

  • zarya's self shield and teammate shield now behave consistently (both block everything)
  • tracer can melee with almost no interruption while shooting her gun
  • dva defense matrix reverted to pre-nerf size
  • lucio instant right click + melee combo is no longer possible
  • ton of map tweaks
  • seemingly improved performance
  • new custom game UI

more to come

posted about 8 years ago

Similar to Genji, Lúcio is fast, small, and has a lot of mobility options. We’ve lowered his health slightly to compensate.

150 hp means boosted Pharah rockets, boosted Junkrat grenades, and Widow bodyshots now one-shot both Lucio and Genji. Calling it a "slight" reduction is massively understating the nerf those two heroes got.

posted about 8 years ago

i'm at ~ 29 cm/360 (11.4 in/360) which is 18 sensitivity in-game at 800 dpi

posted about 8 years ago

there's no way to widely-used pug system in place as far as I know, so your best bet is just to make friends through in-game matchmaking.

posted about 8 years ago

This is just what I've observed in the past week -- the meta's rapidly changing so what you'll see next week could very likely be different.

What is the generally/most used 6 man setup? 3 dps, 2 support, reinhardt? How does this change on attack vs defense?

I've never seen a team run with more or less than two supports, but every team's experimented with both triple DPS and 2 tank 2 DPS on both offense and defense.

Which DPS heroes are most commonly used?

Every "offensive" hero sees a fair amount of use with the exception of Tracer. Reaper's definitely one of the most popular picks though at the moment.

Is lucio always used, no matter the map or situation?

Yep. Lucio's an extremely strong support. He:

  • puts out a ton of DPS,
  • has engage/disengage,
  • has passive/active healing,
  • has a multi-purpose ult
  • most durable support by far
  • has the highest skill cap of any support by far

Is lucio-zenyatta the most common and or best support setup? If so, in which scenario would you use mercy rather than zenyatta? Symmetra?

It was a common pairing in the tournament today, but "best" is a term that's impossible to apply in this context.

Mercy's value over another support is almost entirely in her ult (res), and on payload maps it's less about the specific situation (most of the time) than it is how the team wants to approach fights in general. With a Mercy on your team you want to fight, blow as many enemy ults as you can, die together, and hopefully get good res off. This is a lot harder to do now though because Mercy's res range was nerfed (40 -> 15 yards) and the ability to fly to teammate's dead bodies was also removed.

Symmetra's viable on the defense of the first point, but I don't see her being very useful past that.

Is reinhardt the tank primarily used/always used? Which others are seen in the current meta?

Reinhardt isn't used nearly as much as he was before (always), but is definitely still played. The tournament today showcased the power of double Wistons with double shields. Zarya's seen a decent amount, Roadhog's played on occasion, but D.VA is notably absent in teams' lineups.

Do teams ever run two of the same heroes? If so, which ones do you most commonly see, and in what situations?

Double Lucio used to be one of the few cases, but double Reaper and double Winston was very popular today.

Double Lucio is generally never a bad pick just because of the strength of the hero.

Double Wiston and/or double Reaper has an insane amount of in-your-face fighting potential that can't be ignored. It doesn't seem like any team has come up with an answer yet without more-or-less mirroring the lineup.

Do you generally wait for a good portion of your team members to have their ults before pushing, or just use them as members of your team get them to try and gain smaller advantages in team fights, attempting to get the jump on the other team before they can get their ults?

This is a question that I can't really answer with other than "it depends" -- the right answer in one situation may be the wrong one in another.

posted about 8 years ago
  • remove kill streak message (or move it to the kill feed)
  • better sensitivity adjustment (no slider and weird scaling)
  • widow zoom sensitivity
  • customizable crosshairs
  • move health element closer to crosshair
  • change health color on HUD when low
  • hero-specific binds and custom low hp gasping notification
  • stopwatch
  • better custom lobby UI
  • friends list groups
  • friends list sorting
  • hotkeys to select heroes (b for bastion, for example)
  • consistent shield interactions
  • reduce widow SMG muzzle flash
  • reduce all viewmodel sizes
  • fix some key bindings never saving for some users
posted about 8 years ago

yep: http://i.imgur.com/K87lw8A.jpg

allowable range is 80-103

posted about 8 years ago

brackets up

posted about 8 years ago

Yeah I actually had azubu integration done but couldn't find any embed support.

posted about 8 years ago

quakish team

this team appears to be dead

posted about 8 years ago

he's busy playing for every team in existence

posted about 8 years ago


quakish team dead

tf2/cs team


there are quite a few more NA teams that I can't remember rosters for

posted about 8 years ago

Torbjörn’s turrets currently feel a little too powerful, so (to start) we’re taking away some of their power as well as removing Torbjörn’s ability to out-repair reasonable incoming damage. Torbjörn’s Rivet gun is also getting a small boost to allow for more liberal use of his Alternate Fire when needed.

damage wasn't really the issue with this turret -- I just felt it needed some sort of lock-on time. The cost reduction for his right click is a good move though since his reload has one of the longest animations in the game.

edit: word on the street is that the turret might only target the center of the model so that corner-peeking might be possible, but I haven't confirmed.

edit2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUmgXWpAjwI&feature=youtu.be

posted about 8 years ago

My biggest issue with playing her is the netcode. There's always a huge discrepancy in the death recap between what actually happened (and killed me) and what I thought happened. It makes it impossible to play the hero to her full potential because you need to play so much safer than you should have to.

posted about 8 years ago

At all times? I think there's already a pretty big luck factor for the first fight since both teams are essentially starting blind. Extending that to the full duration of the game the problem only makes the problem worse.

posted about 8 years ago

bit wary of anything onehitclub related -- iirc they've already been banned from reddit for relentless self-promotion

posted about 8 years ago

pretty awesome to see tviq & co bust out the symmetra + torbjorn. the strategy of rushing in against turrets and shields/armor/teleporter clearly doesn't work.

posted about 8 years ago

This should be incredibly useful and it seems so simple that I can't believe it's taken this long for someone to try it. I've experimented with pharah rockets and zarya right click, but for some this reason this totally escaped my mind.

posted about 8 years ago

winston derives a ton of utility from his shield so a direct stat comparison isn't very useful. he's a much better team fighter and augments the rest of the team. i'd really like for him to have something more to do while his shield is down though because right now it feels like he's entirely reliant on it.

posted about 8 years ago

it'll be hard to get right. spectating fps games is generally hard and it only gets harder with amount of chaos that exists in Overwatch team fights.

posted about 8 years ago

agree with you on most points except:

D.va changes weren’t enough IMO. Her defensive/offensive prowess wasn’t just strong for her def matrix, it was her mobility. Maybe nerf the boost by tuning its cd or duration.

dva already saw fairly limited usage towards the end of the last beta (save for last defenses) -- i don't think she needs an even bigger nerf than she received.

Zenyatta. Surprised this hero didn’t get tuned. I understand he’s super damn squishy and his mobility sucks ass, but OoD is just too damn strong.

zen got an indirect buff because of the shield change, but she's still incredibly squishy and i imagine it's going to be harder and harder for her to stay alive once people get better at assassin-type heroes.

posted about 8 years ago


Thursday, 2/11 @ 6pm PST / 9pm EST. Run time: 2-3 hours.

Pickup games with top players in the new game mode.
Choose team captains and run Bo3
Choose new team captains for next Bo3

Casters: FishStix& AskJoshy
Production: Imagine
Graphics/editing: Ryan & Mysca from OverwatchCentral
Admin: Shayed
Confirmed(*)/contacted players

  • Kudochop(*)
  • Carnage(*)
  • Seagull(*)
  • Enigma(*)
  • Renbot(*)
  • Minstrel(*)
  • Yang(*)
  • PYYYOUR(*)
  • oPlaiD
  • coolmatt69
  • Surefour
  • Pokelawls
  • reaver
  • Talespin
posted about 8 years ago

i think it's just the general interaction with the sun so it's probably possible at any point where you're directly facing it

posted about 8 years ago

first impressions

  • new UI changes are fantastic, although the changes are limited mostly to non-hud elements
  • bastion/torbjorn changes seem good -- torjborn is significantly better at least
  • mercy change was great -- hopefully we'll see more variety in the supports played as a result
  • koth maps are a ton of fun

my only concern is these private game variables:

Hero Selection Limit (None, 1 Per Team, 2 Per Team, 1 Per Game, 2 Per Game)
Role Selection Limit (None, 2 of Each Role Per Team)
Allow Hero Switching (On, Off)

posted about 8 years ago

the team's splitting apart

posted about 8 years ago

i'm sure EnVyUs will but NE is dead

posted about 8 years ago

bad timing pretty much sums up the entire history of competitive TF2

posted about 8 years ago

didn't recognize the players immediately so here's some footage (courtesy of AskJoshy):


it's neat to see a name like SK entering the game, but the fact that they signed a team that isn't even a front-runner so early on likely indicates that they're a weak player as far as orgs go.

posted about 8 years ago


posted about 8 years ago

was fun but tiring. double reaper seems to be a good answer to the dva spam during last holds.


posted about 8 years ago

it's very playable

posted about 8 years ago
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