Country: United States
Registered: May 29, 2017
Last post: June 15, 2017 at 7:55 PM
Posts: 1

Hello, My name is Turtl and I am looking to create a team of players looking to improve both as individuals and to grow as a team.I am looking for a minimum of 3000 current sr, as well as a decent amount of hours in the heroes/position you are applying for, any hours in an organized team is a bonus, but not required.When you contact me we will find a day we can play to try you out.I ask that you have discord and a mic.We can talk about hours you can practice and scrim once you contact me.Add me at Turtl#11859 to talk.

I am looking for these positions:
-One dps that can play: Solider 76 and Pharah / Tracer and Reaper for flexing as well)
-One main tank: winston/rein
Two supports:
-one lucio (if you can main call that is a huge bonus) as well as being able to play at least one other healer
-one healer that can play the non-lucio role (ana.mercy,zen,etc)
(if one of the healers can play sombra that is also a huge bonus and should be mentioned to me when we talk)

posted about 7 years ago