Country: United States
Registered: August 9, 2017
Last post: January 2, 2018 at 12:14 AM
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Cough Cough Candle Cough Cough

posted about 6 years ago

Keep in mind that Knoxxx most of the time played with 3 dps, and a zen, and when they do run, AKM and Nico are sub par at least at early stages, lately Nico has been stepping it up. But my point is if you compare Knoxxx to Miro for example, Knoxxx has 3 dps and a zen while Miro has the best Ana in the world in his back pocket, at least before zen became a must pick, and one of the best off tanks by his side. Lunatic Hai allows Miro to make more flashy plays, is he bad/overrated? No, of course not, but keep in mind Knoxxx had much less resources to do his job, yet we almost never see him die early or overextend or get picked off, or have bad bubble placement, his engages are clean and he makes tons of room for his dps to do their jobs, it's just ignorant to assume Rouge were just carried by their dps, it's a team game, you simpily can't say a team that has been #1 in NA for months have 1/2 a team who is bad, that's just not how it works, are there better main tank players? Yeah, sure, but calling him subpar is just a mistake. I saw a game uploaded by Harbleu where MYKL, Babybay, and Nomy failed to take the first point, hell, even the first tick, on Volskya, even though the defense had no healers. ( Is it fair to call MYKL Babybay and Nomy bad? Well, MYKL maybe, statistically he's one of the worst Tracer players in the pro scene, but Babybay and Nomy are on an OWL team, it doesn't matter how good 2-3 members of your team are, if the rest can't do their jobs. Yeah, it's solo queue, but it still applys to the pro scene, a team with only 3 OWL worth members can't be dominant for months only through mechanical skill.

posted about 6 years ago

Can you change LA 2 to LA Gladiators:

Add Numlocked, Soon, and Unkoe to LA (IMT) (not in place of anyone yet, Fate, Kariv, and Grim are still on the roster as of now):

I could have sworn i have seen a post about Bischu joining team Boston or something but i can't find anything about that, so i'm not sure.

That's all i got for now.

posted about 6 years ago

Well from what i've heard about IMT's issues, it's that Agillites and Fate didn't really sync well with the dive, Numlocked is looking alot better when he was in NRG, and he was a major part of Envision's success, he has been tried and tested on both tanks, it also confirms the reason why Numlocked didn't go with Envision to APAC. Grim playing Tracer limited his ability to be as vocal as he usually is, or at least from what i heard, he's very similer to Taimou, in the aspect that they're both vocal, Taimou of course can play Tracer, he's pulled it out from time to time on stream, but it limits how effective he can be with the communication, i have seen Soon pull out Mccree once in Apex, so not sure if he will transition into the hitscan DPS role, or if Tracer becomes less meta he will ride the bench with IMT having Grim in favor of Soon, and as for Unkoe, he's one of the best supports around, the only issue i see is how quick they will be able to build Synergy, with Agilities and Numlocked, however, overall, i think these changes have really been thought through, we'll have to see how well they do.

Also, odd tidbit, it's weird how often teams replace 1 DPS player, 1 Tank player, and 1 Support player. Firstly, there was C9 (NA) a really long time ago who replaced debett, Grego, and reaver with Ryb, Mendo, and Roolf. Then Faze replaced Mikeya, Zombs, and Forsak3n with Spree, Carpe, and Joemister. After that Misfits with Reinforce, Nevix, and Mineral (Mineral moved to coach but left the roster) in favor of Logix, Cwoosh, and Zuppehw. And now Fate, Grim, and Kariv, (they haven't left the roster, but people who play their roles got added) for Numlocked, Soon, and Unkoe, just an odd trend i've spotted.

posted about 6 years ago

NRG also did a interview with coach Brad, Dhak, and Babybay. They tackle this question of the Flex position and many more, they also confirm they will indeed be adding a 9th player. Here is the link:

posted about 6 years ago

Technically Kungarna hasn't disbanded, they're rebuilding, but i'm expecting a candle soon.

posted about 6 years ago

Well, Jaru has a monsterous Genji and Doomfist, but realistically Doomfist isn't going to be too strong in the current patch, because Roadhog and Junkrat are very difficult to play around and, who he counters is less in the meta, and his pick off potential is limited because of Mercy. The same thing sort of goes for Genji, with pharmecy going to be more popular. But, if he were to get picked up, it wouldn't be by Dallas, London, Seoul, New York, Los Angeles, Miami or Shanghai, mostly because it would lead to language issues because the rosters are all Korean, or then have a Genji and Doomfist who is up to par, like Agillites which leaves San Francisco, which is a possibility, but unlikely, we know they're picking up 1 more player, we know Libero on Meta Athena is on an OWL team, i can't see Shadowburn not getting picked up, so that's 2 teams with people on his roles, so that only leaves 2 realistic options, excluding if Dallas or San Francisco get him as a 8th or 9th. In general, his flexibility has been a bit of an issue, but i certainly agree he is up to OWL par.

posted about 6 years ago

So, IF team Russia qualified for blizzcon, would they like automatically have been disqualified? How would that work?

posted about 6 years ago

I think he recently played Zarya when they ran triple tank (maybe against faze idk) but I remember the casters complaining Kungarna took Babybay off dps and MYKL was the only one, however it was very short, he also ran it way in the past, the 4 tank meta, when ConnerJ Ajax, and B1am were on the roster, they were known for MYKL (on combining his ult with Babybay's grav.

posted about 6 years ago

I heard Adam's a very good in game leader and he tracks ultimates very well, it's been key in alot of C9's success as well as their clean engages, plus Adam was one of the best Mercys in the very start of overwatch, and since she's starting to become meta again he would be a very good pick up for an OWL team.

posted about 6 years ago

In the announcement video, Babybay was shown playing Genji, even though he is mostly known for his soldier, if that's any indication, i don't know, Sinnatra has played Genji in the past, as for the offtank spot i can see Sinnatra playing Zarya, if they keep Nomy on the active line up after Sinnatra and Super can play, then Super's roadhog had a good showing when he subbed for Kungarna, but i truly don't know, i don't believe the signing period is over yet, they could still pick up like Hydration and Bishcu or something. Even if they don't, EnvyUs were successful for a while and they didn't have a projectile DPS player, but however teams without good offtanks have a history of struggling, Rouge, EUnited, RNG, even IMT to an extent. They could always put Babybay on the Zarya, he had a pretty good one back in the 3 tank meta.

posted about 6 years ago

Not sure how to feel about this, i'm going to list the point that i disagree with the NRG team making. I think the Roster's a bit overhyped, XQC said they were better then the "current" Rouge, who back then were dominating and they would be the first "Super Roster". I don't see how they can be anywhere near EnvyUs' level, i mean the players on a individual level don't stack up well, and Envy have been a team for much longer, which means they have more Synergies and strategies.

1) Teams without a good flex player have struggled, EUnited, Rouge, RNG, IMT to an extent, ETC. i don't distrust Super's hog or Sinnatra's Zarya, but they passed up on 2 of the best in the region in Coolmatt and Bischu. Dva could make a full 180 and be super meta, like how after her armor got nerfed and she was unplayable, and then korean's found out defense matrix is OP

2) If this team was better then past Rouge, I don't see how Sleepy is anywhere as good as Unkoe (granted i don't know much about him), I mean, they passed up on so many great flex supports as well, Roolf, Custa, Hidan, Dogman, Shake even, it's odd, my only theory is they ran out of money after they spent 150K on Sinnatra. Not to be mean, Sleepy is probably is better then i will ever be.

3) i don't understand why they would pass up on Adam, he's widely considered a great ult tracking lucio, he was provided much success for the old C9, but Dhak is the next best thing i guess.

4) Danteh and Sinnatra have the exact same hero pool. Nuff said

5) Not having a strong projectile player could hurt them in the long run, Hydration would have been great on the team to balance out the dps pool, sure he may not be meta currently but it's still important, also, his Pharah is nutty and Pharah counters Junkrat who's very meta, and Hydration's genji isn't slacking either, i mean, Babybay is a great player, and he's OWL ready for sure, but right now IDDQD just does his job better, and Hydration, maybe even JAKE would be a better choice, and would add much more flexibility

6) Nomy is a great Rein and carried IMT when they were starting out, but he literally got replaced by a korean, sure, Rein's a bit more meta, but still, it's iffy

7) Can't help but think the team will just fall apart, most of Super's and LG evil's success came from the team playing really well about playing really well around Super and his aggressive play style, but now Super is with a 2 support player's he's never played with before, the Synergy just isn't there, unless he's going to play off tank, then that is less of an issue.

Guess we'll have to wait and see how they play, i don't have very high hopes for this roster, but i am willing to be surprised, this roster should not work by any means tho, can't see this roster succeed against the likes of C9 Kungdoo, Envy, or Lunatic Hai (AKA team Seoul), hey, at least it's good to finally know what the roster is.

posted about 6 years ago

Kind of embarrassed to have Misfits represent my area in OWL, considering 2/3 of the committee members are from Misfits and 4/6 players are from Misfits, this is going to be bad for Misfit's overall image and their fans, it's just not cool to do, it really doesn't send the right message, i mean sure, Sweden might do slightly better in the OWC, but its just kind of disappointing, Reinforce worked for that team and he did his best, you could tell he was very passionate about it, it's not possible to be on team Sweden's side of this situation, Reinforce worked hard and deserved to be in the team, and he got cheated out of it, it's cold, and for Misfits, it's not something a player would want to associate themselves with, it gets worse concidering how long Tviq and Reinforce have know eachother, this whole situation leaves a bad taste in your mouth if you're a Misfits fan, i certainly know I'll be rooting for Giganitti in the Contenders Season 1 Playoffs.

posted about 6 years ago

I think this is a very good thing for EnvyUs, if they want to run Taimou on Roadhog or EFFECT on Zarya without running 3 tanks, they can sub Seagull on for Mickie and do well, but if they want to play 2-2-2 dive on Oasis or something they can keep Mickie over Seagull (Sidenote, if stays relatively meta, i think DPS players will transition much more smoothly because it's more about doing damage then mitigating damage now) but then if the next map is Kings Row and they want to run a 2-2-2 with EFFECT on the Zarya, along with a good Hanzo, then they can, and let's go back to Oasis, let's say they want to run a strong Pharah but keep the they sub in Seagull for Taimou, (Tracer is just too strong to not run her right now) but hey, if there's ever a double Sniper meta, Envy is good, anyway, this change overall adds alot more flexibility to EnvyUs without really taking anything away, it's a smart decision, unlike how IMT have 2 players, it just doesn't add anything.

posted about 6 years ago

Hmm... odd to think about, what if C9 bought Sinnatra and outbid NRG, would they just stick him as the only NA player onto a full Korean roster? Would they just keep him as a Sub? Would they merge they're 3 teams and make a super roster? Or would they have made a full NA/EU roster with a few Koreans, and not have merged with KP? Weird stuff man.

posted about 6 years ago

Sinnatra and Seagull would be scary, however, NRG hasn't dropped iddqd and a player of his skill wouldn't really be a sub, so if they keep everything they have, they have one of the most popular and best projectile dps player, an insanely strong hitscan player and a godlike Tracer who has a Zarya that can build 3 gravs in 2 minutes, however, i don't imagine NRG would spend 150K on an Flex/offtank player who we haven't seen play 5/6 tanks, maybe 3 dps will be stronger now since is nerfed, however, we've seen what happens to teams who don't have strong offtanks (Rouge, EUnited, even IMT to an extent) But i can imagine Seagull on the Junkrat, Iddqd on the Mccree and Sinnatra on Zarya destroying on Kings Row, as well as a 3 dps dive, but the only real way for this to work is if either Iddqd or Sinnatra transfer over to being a Flex player, we've seen Seagull play Zarya and Hog, but that's really meh, Sinnatra's Zarya is better and i haven't been impressed by Seagull's hog.

posted about 6 years ago

Can't imagine NRG giving him up, he's one of the most popular players and if they kept Seagull i think NRG would get alot of fans, and we've seen NRG in a bidding war before, however, no one knows.

posted about 6 years ago

I meant Desro, i confused him with Destro who was flex on Cyclowns and then tryed out for Movistar Riders, but Desro is also a strong option, i didn't know that any information on Apex season 5 was released, that's cool, i'll have to go read up, and Grego still talks to the NRG guys on twitter, here's a more recent conversation: . that's form August 3rd this year, lol. Anyway, i guess we'll have to wait and see.

posted about 6 years ago

Since Kaiser left C9 on August 3rd, and C9 currently are looking for a tank player, how funny would it be if Numlocked joined them and C9 had success with that roster, that would be gold, imagine how mad NRG would be.

posted about 6 years ago

Let's speculate about who NRG might pick up for their new roster. i assume NRG are waiting until OWL for seagull to come back, so i'm not listing my picks for a DPS. I'm also convinced that Grego might join NRG soon, not just because he's been in practically, if not every, game they played as a sub since Ajax left, at least that was back when seamoose was coach, i've also seen iddqd pop into some for Grego's streams from time to time, and Grego and some of the NRG members had banter on twitter (here's an example:, but Phaz and Dhak are also top tier lucio players, and JKW, i'll talk about him in a little bit. Next Neptuno looked really good in the OW world cup for team Spain, he got crucial picks on that Zen but i haven't seen him play Ana, and currently doesn't have a team, Hidan recently left team Iceblock and looks like a strong option (tweet where he left iceblock: ), and other free agents like B1am, Michael3D and Aythen look just as good. And lastly, a strong main tank player, well, i could name tons, Nomy, DCOP, Destro, Beasthalo, Stoop, Ryb, Kresnik or maybe even JKW, he formerly played main tank for Complexity, then got picked up buy Tempo Storm and played Lucio, he might even play that for NRG, him and Harbleu being on the same team a while ago means they have some synergy, which could be vital, but i know NRG is looking for a tank player who can micromanage and i don't know if any of the players i mentioned do, so i may be completely off. However, yet another option would be Koreans, with Brad's last team, Selfless, they trialed Carpe, which means Brad has experience with language barriers and breaking them, in that case some Korean free agents are Adam (the Korean tank player adam, formerly of LW blue, not c9 lucio adam), or Gamsu formerly of Conbox, or Kaiser who left C9 on August 3rd, for supports there's Levi and bamboo formerly of Rhinos Gaming Titan, or Starkey and Arcane formerly of LW red, just saying, anyway, this is all just speculation, having some fun, wanting to get my ideas out there, thanks for reading, feel free to respond and debate, NRG is a special case, most teams would have dropped their roster by now, but NRG bought as spot in OWL and are kind of stuck now, i'd love to see some of these free agents find a nice home in NRG and i'd love to see NRG succeed.

posted about 6 years ago
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