Country: United States
Registered: June 7, 2016
Last post: July 14, 2016 at 10:14 PM
Posts: 2

Oh I agree on the expectations. I felt I was on a climb during the QM phase. Then I felt I landed properly when I came out of placements. Now I feel that I alone cannot do enough to improve my situation. I know I can improve, but if I am running faster and faster on a treadmill I am still not going forward. Now there is where I hope that I will see a gain on the reset. I just worry I am tilting now with no apparent path of progression

posted about 7 years ago

I posted on official, but I figured here may be better.


Is it luck? Do you have to buy alt accounts for you and all your buddies? What is the answer?

I have taken to recording my game-play and reviewing it with others to figure this out. The general consensus is that I am doing my part. Just getting boned by teammates or the system.

I have solo queued my entire time in competitive. Came out of placement games at 49. Hit 50 on day two, felt good. This is my first FPS and as I said, solo queue. Then the wheels came off.....

Day three I am back to 49. I had time for 4 games. Went 2/2 but here is the rub. In the wins there were early leavers that boned the XP. In the losses you have teammates that may rotate glue sniffing between mouse clicks, IDK.

Same scenario follows each time I try playing. I am usually 3-4 silver and golds in whatever role I play. I usually tank or support. Feels like when I play one of those the other is lacking. If we end up having people playing multiple support and tank roles, then I DPS. I do well, those have all but twice been very bad team games.

I now sit at a 45, 16-23, 6-4 after placements. So yes, 10-19 after that is bad. In most of the wins, an early leaver on the losing side. In most of the losses I am with derps that are (a)allergic to Reinhardt's shield, (b)those epic COD babes that feel solo point capture is possible, or (c)the 2 minutes in toxic GGers. When those pricks leave a match I apologize to the other team for the prick that cost them any chance of decent gain.

It is getting worse. As I hit 47 I hardly see a teammate over 49. That rating bubble you created, it is very hard to climb up from the wrong side. So now since your system seems to not have ability to differentiate in derp versus real effort I am lost. I am more that the wins and losses.

So now, am I just to now say fudge it, start over in 3 months? Do I buy a competitive mode reset (alt-account)? Do I quit and come back later? I mean, blizzard already has my money, so they may be cool with that.

posted about 7 years ago