Country: United States
Registered: May 29, 2016
Last post: June 3, 2016 at 7:48 PM
Posts: 4

TF2 was alot more fun to play competitively and took alot more skill but the meta got extremely stale in 6s and the future for it in terms of an eSports is pretty bleak. Besides the 2-5 mccrees/1 medi strat, I like playing a game with different metas and different groups of classes as oppose to 2 scouts/2 sollys /1 demo/1 med.

Maybe valve will fix it with the matchmaking update, but they are gonna have to try real hard to get back its old players.

posted about 7 years ago

Can i join if I sexually identify myself as a female attack helicopter?

posted about 7 years ago

Hello team leaders
I used to play competitive Team Fortress 2 for 2 years as a scout main while off classing sniper.
I was in Gold 6s and Highlander alongside a season of ESEA-O Before I quit due to lack interest of the game.
Tried a dabble of Dirty Bomb Competitive before it died its short, painful death with dirtycups
I played a year of Quake Live/CPMA dueling on and off alongside TF2.

Looking preferably for a team that is already established, but I'm willing to try out on new teams so long as I see actual potential.

22 years old with a mic
Years of game sense and experience from past games
Willing AND able to do multiple scrims nightly without complaining and showing up on time.
Willing to change roles on command alongside learning new classes for the team

If you want to try me out, add me on Steam or SnowHashtag#1868

Comp History below

posted about 7 years ago