Country: United States
Registered: September 4, 2019
Last post: September 4, 2019 at 6:06 PM
Posts: 1

Maybe i am missing something but i think the adjusted scores are not properly accounting for facing the same team twice in a stage, or its being purposefully ignored and i'm not sure why.

take for example BOS in stage 3, they have 21-21 but shouldn't it be 18-20? They played PAR and PHI twice each, but the matches are being treated as separate opponents with regard to scoreline over the stage.

PAR went 4-3, with one win and one loss to BOS. so their adjusted score for the stage should be 3-2 added in twice for BOS. But it was added in as one game against a 3-3 and one against 4-2.
Similar for PHI they went 4-3 but BOS lost to them twice so they should only count as a 2-3 opponent for BOS, but its instead counted as 3-3 twice.

Counted as they are the 21-21 line includes 3 wins against BOS and 1 loss to BOS.

posted about 4 years ago