Country: United States
Registered: April 9, 2017
Last post: April 9, 2017 at 11:26 AM
Posts: 1

I can explain the case. In china, blizzard does not responsible for operating the game. There is another company called "Wangyi" takes charge of this. Unfortunately, it operating bad for many reasons so that people felt pessimistic about the future of it. Compared to "Wangyi", "Tecent" has better operation so that many E-sport team would favor its game instead of Overwatch.
After knocked out of the OWPS, more than 3 teams are likely disband. The reason behind the disband of WE is that their boss decide to invest more money on a "Tecent" game instead of overwatch. Others many swap the whole team to other FPS games.

posted about 7 years ago