Country: United States
Registered: February 10, 2016
Last post: July 12, 2016 at 1:28 AM
Posts: 2

It's not even just that they were fully outclassed (debatably Harbleu is a better Roadhog, from what I've seen so far), but the communication when you're living and practicing together every day is obviously nutty too. Every character is topped off on health, it's honestly such a pleasure to watch Envy raise the bar of the game, and continue to do so every week.

posted about 7 years ago

I don't recommend using Pharah's abilities willy-nilly. Rocket jumping is actually viable, and quite useful. Use it to jump up to ledges, most of which you can reach when using the rocket jump in combination with her boosters.
You can also use it to save yourself from falling off the map by boosting once or twice before using your jump jets.

Oh, and be ready for the rollercoaster ride of getting used to the wonky hitboxes on both players and projectiles...

Have fun!

posted about 7 years ago