Country: Brazil
Registered: November 2, 2015
Last post: November 2, 2015 at 4:42 PM
Posts: 2

Its fair to remember that Jeff Kaplan (Game Director) said that they are keeping track on everything on the beta, just to make it easier to balance the game.

posted about 8 years ago
  • Complete rework of the UI, or create options for players to do that.
  • Create some progress for your account everytime you play a game
  • Create a match making rating system
  • Killfeed (or just a bar on top of the screen showing who is alive just like dota 2)
  • Create a UI system for spectators
  • An option to whatch a stream through the game client
  • Colorblind mode
  • More maps and gamemodes

+1 slightly increased spawn times, I'd also like to see spawn waves implemented. Seems like a pointless burden at the moment trying to coordinate off of staggered respawn times. Decent 6 queues will do this without much problem but it's a tedious mechanic to necessitate that isn't really gratifying. Waves would also streamline the pub experience.

Increasing spawn time could change the pace of the game a little, but I like this idea.

edit: I also think for the health of competitive, ultimate meters should deplete with each death (maybe comp only? like how CSGO treats certain aspects). 10%-20% off an ult with each death would actually reward defenders from staving off attacking players, and make using ultimates when they are ready, a bigger more important decision.

This is another idea that i like, but again, it would probably change the pace of the game.

posted about 8 years ago