Country: United Kingdom
Registered: July 5, 2016
Last post: July 8, 2016 at 5:25 AM
Posts: 3


posted about 7 years ago

Hi, I'm WipeoutDC#2204

UK based player looking to join a team for competitive play, scrims and potentially tournaments in the future. Have a strong dedication to improving and fast learning style.

Also have extensive competitive and tournament experience in other games (most notably Halo*), including 5 tournaments (2 online). My teamwork, awareness, comms and ability to play under pressure are pro level as a result.

Can play all supports very well, my favourite being Zeny, but best with Mercy. Also play Rein and Winston tank to a good level, Widow to a good level (with enough caffeine), and also Pharah. Willing to put the hours in to polish skills, team strats and necessary heroes.

Feel free to get in touch!

*Halo placements for the curious:
Insomnia49 - FFA 32nd, 4v4's 15th
Insomnia50 - 4v4's 11th
Insomnia52 - 4v4's 11th

posted about 7 years ago