Country: United States
Registered: January 12, 2018
Last post: August 4, 2019 at 11:49 PM
Posts: 1

Except that doesn't work. They have to play in the same region as the parent team. Since Philadelphia Fusion is an NA team, this means Fusion University is obligated to participate as an NA team as well. The only way around that would be a new Overwatch League team based in Korea, and I think that's pretty far-fetched, if not impossible for an organization that already has a slot in OWL.

The way I see it, these new rules are minor adjustments to promote Blizzard's long-term goals. Namely, to develop eSports infrastructure locally, rather than focusing efforts solely where it is already strong (e.g. Korea.) It's important that this happens at that Tier 2 level as well, since OWL and Contenders feed into each other in a lot of ways.

posted about 4 years ago