Country: Belgium
Registered: July 2, 2016
Last post: July 2, 2016 at 11:23 AM
Posts: 1

Hi, I'm SPREE#2984

Want to take a chance to any top tier team that are trying out players. Interested in LAN-Tournaments over EU. I'm by far one of the best individually skilled player you'll find.

I'm 21 years old. I have been in several ow teams, played online tournaments and scrims. I fully understand the meta and the competitive side of Overwatch. I'm from Belgium. By far really dissapointed in any team I've been. The individual skill has never been there, or proper communication. I'm talkative when it comes to calls in-game.

I have spent most of my time as a flex/2nd tank. But I'm really good at Main tank too (have played both competitively). Most of hours are in Zarya/Pharah/Junkrat/Winston/Genji. I have played 200 hours (+ ~50 hours custom scrims/tourneys). I am 24/7 available and can play full time. Commited to the game and dedicated to grind. I can also stream while playing. Maybe not so important part: I can play and have mastered every hero in the game at a high level. I also have been playing against a lot of pro players in the competitive ranking system. As a ex TF2 main soldier player, projectile prediction has always been my style.
My rating is 74, almost 75.

Contact me if interested:


posted about 7 years ago