Country: United States
Registered: June 4, 2016
Last post: July 27, 2016 at 2:12 PM
Posts: 9


posted about 7 years ago

I play mainly flex tank/support and I play Lucio, Zenyatta, Winston, Zarya, and Roadhog. I'm not a good Widow, but besides that all other DPS are ok as well.

Here's my masteroverwatch: http://masteroverwatch.com/profile/pc/us/Damfe-1274

I have competitive TF2 experience in UGC Highlander S13 and S14 in Iron and Steel respectively.

I'm available all weekdays after about 5 pm and all weekends.

posted about 7 years ago

yeh I accidentally posted the wrong discussion but I cant delete it

posted about 7 years ago

I play mainly DPS but I can also play Lucio, Zenyatta, Winston, and Roadhog. I'm not a good Widow, but besides that all other DPS are ok.

Here's my masteroverwatch: http://masteroverwatch.com/profile/pc/us/Damfe-1274

I have competitive TF2 experience in UGC Highlander S13 and S14 in Iron and Steel respectively.

I'm available all weekdays after about 2 pm and all weekends.

posted about 7 years ago

I play mainly DPS but I can also play Lucio, Zenyatta, Winston, and Roadhog. I'm not a good Widow, but besides that all other DPS are ok.

Here's my masteroverwatch: http://masteroverwatch.com/profile/pc/us/Damfe-1274

I have competitive TF2 experience in UGC Highlander S13 and S14 in Iron and Steel respectively.

I'm available all weekdays after about 2 pm EST and all weekends.

posted about 7 years ago