Country: United States
Registered: August 27, 2016
Last post: June 12, 2019 at 6:54 PM
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rip 30k queue...ill just wait till the weekend

posted about 7 years ago

if only sombra was activated for the finale for PR...could be fun to see how they play her

posted about 7 years ago

at this rate if the new league gets rid of current teams someones gunna pull an rg3 level trade to draft shadowburn

posted about 7 years ago

Taimou literally puts finland on his back there with 1hp...then shadowburn did shadowburn things

posted about 7 years ago

Overwatch League can be compared to the NFL, LCS, ELEAGUE, and other esports leagues

not sure NFL is an esports league

posted about 7 years ago

I got a feeling with her speed when stealth and the damage output from that mp7 tracers gunna be hitting the bench...Sombra/Mcree the new wombo combo

posted about 7 years ago

was wondering that... what may have happen is they have to agree to certain stuff like salary and stuff then it might become like a league expansion in sports where the expansion teams can draft from nonprotected players or freeagents

posted about 7 years ago

confirmed OW is now trying to be NFL

posted about 7 years ago

clockwork has history playing with a 3 of the team so I don't expect there to be much of a drop off on DPS because now they can have a tracer w/o player flexing (unless they want to run tracer/mcree) which could yield more consistant results. The question will be with Numlocked, how he adjusts to lucio and how the rest of the team adjusts to his playcalling

posted about 7 years ago

229 more posts to pass the #1 all time

posted about 7 years ago

page 5 hype?

posted about 7 years ago

Atleast they got a guy who can consistantly play tracer so NRG doesn't have to flex enigma off them, but could still see them doing that when they want a mcree also

edit: the official NRG statement mentions Gods/Poox deciding to step down

posted about 7 years ago

rip...right as my class starts

posted about 7 years ago

not sure about that, when gods is hot hes easily one of best hitscan players, and since beginning of APAC he has been on fire

posted about 7 years ago

damn that promo wasn't kidding about the synergy of team USA

posted about 7 years ago

sure USA's bastion was funny but SK took it to a whole new level...also came off as dicks at times and I kinda hope Sweden destroys them

posted about 7 years ago

Just no respect from team Murica on attack there on r66

posted about 7 years ago

thankyou m8s

posted about 7 years ago

anyone know the twitch channel this will be on?

posted about 7 years ago

I am going chile the super upset

team USA so proud of their early eliminations all players leave their current teams to form the esports team "MURICA!!!"

posted about 7 years ago

curious how USA is going to get 3 DPS to work, ones going to have to play tank

posted about 7 years ago

the matches arent until later in week, may see some scrims though, ik the US team was considering streaming some

posted about 7 years ago

psst, zombs is back but shadowburn is now dead

posted about 7 years ago

rip lets hope snow didn't get eaten by the hair

posted about 7 years ago

all is good now, thanks for your help admirable :D just in time to see surefore make case to be nerfed

posted about 7 years ago

wont even load, page is non responsive

posted about 7 years ago

I accidentally closed stream breaking it...back to bf1 I guess for me :(

posted about 7 years ago

that production value in the vod experience...twitch vod crashed right after someone crashed in game

posted about 7 years ago

gratz rogue, atleast 1 team from the west won

posted about 7 years ago

one option is replace Milo with a rein who can also play zarya...lets be honest milo has major failfish moments

posted about 7 years ago

Gods really needs to learn tracer or zarya, they need Seagull on dps not zarya

posted about 7 years ago

As much as I want to see this I am not waiting till 11:15 eastern (according to the stream)...we thought the wait of 10mins between matches was bad...but an 1hr 15min???

edit:they changed it only if they'd bring in ZP to cast

posted about 7 years ago

mods am I allowed to make a trump joke?

posted about 7 years ago

no korean overlords today PogChamp

posted about 7 years ago

I've been very surprised by unfixed genji play, hes not on level of kyb but hes staying alive and not making many bad plays

posted about 7 years ago

wait what? pretty sure Seagull alone is a bigger name then half the other pro players combined

posted about 7 years ago

now while haksword was going ham on genji as if he was seagull in quickplay, I will say I was surprised by unfixed playing genji...sure it wasn't on the level of the other guy but he showed some potential to be really good at it

posted about 7 years ago

where was this gods aim during eleague

posted about 7 years ago

got a feeling that major wave of roster changes is (especially if c9 rumors are true) coming for teams outside of top3, especially on the NA side of things

one roster I am keeping my eye on is NRG, because if they don't do well out in asia they could be a hot spot for some of these players

posted about 7 years ago

honestly didn't see this coming...

posted about 7 years ago

would be really interesting to see how the chinese crowd would react if it was somehow a NRG v Rogue final

Thankfully we will have some english casting so we can understand stuff and know when to do "NA/EU ult LUL"

posted about 7 years ago

I love how TwoEasy you could clearly see in his face who on Reunited he liked when going over for the handshake

posted about 7 years ago

NRG can not stop a tracer

posted about 7 years ago

this will be interesting, kinda felt like NRG was trying to hard to run the comp they used, wonder if they'll mix it up such as enigma on tracer or gods on mcree (seems to have gotten some of his shot back) while seagull continues to make you question your life with his odd picks...

posted about 7 years ago

how do you DC at LAN...

posted about 7 years ago

surprised about Golden...really only know him from battlefield...atleast we'll get some more info about reunited history

posted about 7 years ago

side note, bit interesting on the choices for casters... Golden usually if I recall was more orientated torwards cod and battlefield

posted about 7 years ago

They have been impressive...especially pine

curious how they would match up against any of the top 10 teams though

posted about 7 years ago

gremlin hype

posted about 7 years ago

mini was also from Sea Algae

posted about 7 years ago
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