Country: United States
Registered: May 9, 2016
Last post: May 27, 2016 at 11:08 PM
Posts: 3

tf2 will always have a special place in my heart but its hard to justify playing it now that overwatch is out

pub overwatch isnt the best but i find pub tf2 to be just awful, i only ever played pugs/dm. tf2 is nearly a decade old at this point and valve has chosen to take a hands off approach in regards to the competitive scene which is why people see it as a silly hat shooter

people say competitive overwatch isnt fun, probably because you really need EVERY player on your team to be doing their job to win + a good team composition. i think it's plenty fun when you have teammates you can trust, and i have to say im enjoying it a lot more than tf2

posted about 7 years ago

Hey, I mainly play DPS classes and my best are Widowmaker, McCree, Tracer, Genji, and Pharah. Previously played scout in TF2 at an invite level, and I was on top teams in some other games like Tribes: Ascend and Guild Wars 2.

I'm very excited to play OW and plan on grinding lots with some good teammates.

Add me raytek#11727

posted about 8 years ago


posted about 8 years ago