Country: United States
Registered: November 2, 2015
Last post: July 12, 2016 at 2:44 PM
Posts: 3

people have been naysaying this game for a while because different dev teams have left bad tastes in their mouths. i think they forget that not all of blizzard works on every single game. hearthstone, wow, and sc2 have bad dev teams, but thus far, this team and jeff kaplan especially are shining examples of how to handle an online video game. they're extremely transparent, extremely open to new ideas, and very fast to implement or test changes. i really hope this keeps up

e: also, equally as important: they're overhauling overtime, which was honestly something i did not at all expect them to give a shit about. packaging changes like these, which really indicate that their ears are very much open to complaints, with a new hero is such a great move

posted about 7 years ago


posted about 8 years ago

no beta ;-;

posted about 8 years ago